Welcome to the Lubbock Christian University College of Business! We invite you to explore these pages, within which we offer you a brief introduction to an educational experience unmatched by any other you will find. Our community offers dynamic, comprehensive programs of study in a variety of business and technology-related fields:
- Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with majors in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management Information Systems, Management, and emphases in AgriBusiness, General Business, and Marketing;
- Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Communication;
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor's of Science (BA/BS) in Economics;
- Bachelor of Science (BS) in Information Systems and Technology;
- Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Integrated Marketing Communication;
- Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Digital Media Applications;
- Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Mass Media;
- Bachelor of Science (CS) in Web Design;
- Bachelor of Science (BS) in Managerial Leadership
These programs are developed and led by an exceptional and diverse faculty who represent the best of real-world business experience and success, award-winning mastery in the art of teaching, consistent excellence in academic scholarship, and passion for the well-being of each individual student. The gifted professionals charged with overseeing our programs all believe strongly in the mission of Lubbock Christian University: to be a Christ-centered, academic community of learners, transforming the hearts, minds, and hands of students for lives of purpose and service.
Our unwavering commitment to providing outstanding, unparalleled business education is demonstrated by our accreditation by the Accreditation Council of Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Our dedication to students of today and tomorrow is exemplified by the Christa Dobbs Center for Business, a beautiful, state-of-the-art facility that has housed the School of Business since 2018.
Upon graduation, students of the LCU College of Business enjoy fantastic career opportunities followed by tremendous career and life success. Our graduates are sought after and prized—for their knowledge and skills; for their commitment to strong work ethic, humility, and integrity; and for the mission-focused energy, positive contribution, winning attitude, and commitment to high standards that are hallmarks of the LCU College of Business culture and identity. Here at LCU, we teach. We strengthen. We equip. We build. We prepare. And then, we send out into the world leaders who will serve, inspire, make a difference, and light the way.
Whether you are a new student just out of high school or a non-traditional student returning to facilitate your career advancement, we invite you to join our family for what I am certain will be a deeply meaningful, one-of-a-kind, transformative educational experience. Here you will be loved, valued, respected, served, challenged, and supported as together we pursue our vision of lasting, world-changing impact.
Tracy Mack
Dean, LCU College of Business
The mission of the Lubbock Christian University College of Business is to prepare students for their calling as Christ-centered Business professionals, fully equipped for lives of Christian service and leadership.
To be the leading Christian business college in the region, while strategically expanding our reach and impact across the southwest, the nation, and the world.
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