Lubbock Christian University

Lanier Theological Library Lectures

Lanier Theological Library Lectures

Previous Lectures

Dr. Darrell L. Bock — Coping with Pluralism: a Biblical Alternative to Culture War

Lanier Theological Library Lectures

The annual Lanier Theological Lectures series hosts renowned biblical speakers and scholars from across the globe, discussing topics such as, "Does the Bible Support Slavery?" and "C.S. Lewis and the Post Modern Generation: His Message 50 Years Later." As a part of this lecture series, LCU also hosted the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit on campus in 2014.

The series is made possible by nationally-renowned civil trial lawyer and Lubbock native Mark Lanier, founder of the Lanier Theological Library.

"I grew up in Lubbock—I graduated from Coronado High School, graduated Texas Tech School of Law, and some of my undergraduate here at LCU. I loved when great national speakers would come in—it was a nice bit of exposure that you don't always get in Lubbock," Lanier explained. "So, when LCU gave us a chance to help find some of those people and bring them in, I found it to be a thrilling opportunity."