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Freshman Admissions

Early College Academy

Classes Offered

in the Fall or Spring


Online or Hybrid

Hours Max

of college credit


per class*

LCU's  Early College Academy students may earn a maximum of 24 hours of college credit prior to graduating high school. We promise to walk with you every step of the way on your journey to discovering your purpose, growing your faith, and achieving your academic goals.

*Tuition for the LCU Early College Academy is offered at a 90% discount exclusively for students attending high schools who have entered into a partnership with LCU for dual credit.

Online Courses

During the fall and spring semesters, participants will take online courses from a list of options. Courses offered in the Academy will go beyond most institutions’ standard online classes as students will be paired with a mentor who will provide additional support and encouragement, and tutoring services will boost student success.

Hybrid Courses

Students in the Lubbock area may alternatively attend face-to-face/hybrid courses that will be offered at 8:00 am M/W or Tu/Thr on LCU’s campus for dual credit. The third meeting each week will be done asynchronously online to help students who participate in athletics minimize absences. 

Summer Opportunities
What do I need for admission?

Students admitted to the LCU Early College Academy must meet each of the eligibility requirements listed below:

  1. Students must have successfully completed the 10th grade.
  2. Students must possess a high school GPA > 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  3. Students may only enroll in post-secondary courses for which high school prerequisites have been completed.
Available Classes

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