
LCU Encourages Financial Literacy in Students

Lubbock Christian University (LCU) featured guest speaker TJ Ojehomon as a part of a larger effort to intentionally provide students with opportunities to learn how to make wise financial decisions for their future.
TJ Ojehomon speaking in room of students
Categories: Blogs News

Lubbock Christian University (LCU) featured guest speaker TJ Ojehomon as a part of a larger effort to intentionally provide students with opportunities to learn how to make wise financial decisions for their future.

Ojehomon is a successful financial coach and real estate agent in the Nashville, TN area who began his professional career in banking and financial services. He is the founder and former executive director of a college student mentoring program called Project Purpose, which specializes in mentoring students in the areas of life skills, personal development, career readiness, and financial literacy. His two-part presentation to LCU students this week, The Twelve Biggest Myths About Life After College, included information on misconceptions in handling money, making career choices, and navigating your 20’s.

Kecia Jackson, Associate Dean of Students and Title IX Coordinator for the university, commented, “We want to prepare our students for lives of purpose and service. To do that, they need to be good stewards of all aspects of their lives including money. We want our students to be educated about wise financial choices, so they are not hindered by financial restraints, but enabled to serve the kingdom. TJ Ojehomon did a fantastic job giving students practical skills and tools to consider in making one smart decision each day—we are thankful for him sharing his talents with our community.”

Students often talk about how they wish they were better trained and educated in the areas of money, taxes, debt, and finances. LCU aims to equip students with the tools and information they need to make them successful with their finances from the start of their time at the university. Another example of the training provided to students is that the Financial Assistance Office schedules a one-on-one financial counseling session for each new student. During the session financial aid counselors discuss student loans and emphasize borrowing only what is needed and students are provided a summary of costs vs. awards.

Randal Dement, Vice President for Student Life at LCU, shared the following, “We are just a few days away from April, which is Financial Literacy month. This is such an important topic for all ages, but especially college age students who are making impactful decisions at a young age. The goal is to get them thinking about making smart financial decisions now and not waiting until later. Now is the time for them to understand the outcomes of saving, investing in their future through hard work, managing debt, and building for the future—discerning wisdom and truth in financial decisions.”

Learn more about the resources available at LCU’s Financial Assistance Office.