Lubbock Christian University

Students registering for classes at the university are responsible for complying with the academic regulations of the university catalog. The academic policies outlined in this section are applicable to all programs. Some programs have Handbooks with additional requirements.  Students must comply with the academic requirements for their Graduate Program. Unfamiliarity with these regulations does not constitute a valid reason for failure to comply. If there are questions, students should ask their advisor, the registrar, or the academic dean.

Good Academic Standing

  • Good academic standing is maintained with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0.
  • Grade point averages are computed at the end of each semester.
  • Students have the right to continue their studies at the university as long as they are in good academic standing, are making satisfactory progress toward a degree, and are complying with other university standards.

Academic Probation

  • Students failing to maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA for graduate work will be placed on academic probation.
  • Students on academic probation have one semester to raise their cumulative GPA to 3.0. A semester is a term of 13-16 weeks.

Academic Suspension

  • Students on academic probation who fail to raise their cumulative GPA to 3.0 within one semester will be placed on academic suspension and prohibited from enrolling in graduate courses for one semester.
  • Students will also be placed on academic suspension after failing all courses in a semester. A semester is a term of 13-16 weeks.

Academic Suspension Appeal Procedure

  • Students appealing academic suspension must reapply and submit a letter to the office of Graduate Studies explaining all extenuating circumstances.
  • The application and letter will be reviewed by the Graduate Council.
  • The decision of the Graduate Council is final.

Application after two academic suspensions

Students with a second academic suspension may not enroll in any LCU graduate course until two full academic years (six academic semesters) have elapsed since their last suspension. Direct inquiries for reinstatement to graduate studies to the office of graduate studies.

Program Policies

Some programs have Handbooks with program specific requirements. Please see the advisor for information. What follows are policies common to all graduate studies programs.

Academic Integrity

The university expects its students to conduct themselves with a level of honor and integrity befitting members of a Christian learning community, and in keeping with the university mission. The Code of Academic Integrity, which includes the appeals process, is found in the Student Handbook.


Graduate students are expected to demonstrate appropriate competencies in the academic discipline to which they are applying. Students changing disciplines may be required to complete leveling work of up to 18 upper-division hours in the new academic discipline.

Grading System

  • A–Excellent, four grade points per hour
  • B–Good, three grade points per hour
  • C–Marginal, two grade points per hour

The following are calculated at zero grade points per hour.

  • F–Failure, no credit. Given any time when students are dropped by their instructors or do not officially withdraw from the course.
  • P—Pass, to indicate passing score for comprehensive exams or internship/practicums.
  • PR– In Progress. PR may be requested by the student but is assigned only at the discretion of the instructor. Assignment of PR must be preceded by a PR Course Completion Contract being prepared and signed by the instructor and the student. PR Course Completion Contracts must first be approved by the academic chair and dean. It is the responsibility of the student to see that a PR is removed and a grade is assigned. A PR cannot be permanently left on the transcript. Students have no more than 8 weeks to remove the PR or a grade of F is assigned.
  • TR–Credit accepted from another university
  • W–Withdrew, indicates students have officially withdrawn from a class or from a semester... See academic calendar for last day to withdraw.

Note: Grades lower than a C will not be recognized for graduate credit.

Grade Point Average

The GPA is a system for assigning a numerical average to student grade averages. Under this system, A is 4, B is 3, C is 2, and F is 0 points. If students earn an A in a three-hour course, 12 grade points are earned (4 points multiplied by 3 hours equals 12). The grade points from each course are totaled and then divided by the number of hours attempted.

Grading Changes

A grade can be corrected or changed with the written authorization from the teacher of record and the academic dean. A statement explaining the reason for the correction or change must accompany the written authorization. Grade changes should be received in the office of the registrar within one semester after the initial grade was given. Final grades are available to students in the student information system.

Grade Appeals

After final grades for an enrollment period are entered, students may appeal a grade within two weeks into the following enrollment period. The procedure for appealing a grade is as follows.

  • Students must first visit with the instructor of the course to learn how the grade was determined.
  • If disagreement still exists, students may submit a written request to the academic dean within two weeks from the date of meeting with the teacher. The dean will arrange a meeting with the chair, instructor, and student.
  • If disagreement continues, student may submit a letter to the provost requesting a formal appeal of the grade within two weeks of the meeting arranged by the dean. The provost will convene the Graduate Council.
  • The Graduate Council will set a time to hear from the student and the teacher concerning the grade dispute. The hearing will take place no later than 30 days from the date of the letter requesting a formal appeal. Legal counsel will not be permitted during the appeal process.
  • The Graduate Council will presume the grade was determined in a fair and appropriate manner, and is correct. The Graduate Council will not reevaluate assignments. The student has the burden to show the grade was unfairly determined.
  • The decision of the Graduate Council is final.

Class Changes

Students enrolling during advance registration may change their class schedules prior to the first day of class without penalty. Class changes consist of adding classes, dropping classes, or canceling all classes. Students who want to cancel their classes must contact the registrar prior to the first day of class. Schedule changes after classes begin must be completed within the drop/add period. Students dropping or adding classes after the drop/add period will be charged a $25 drop/add fee per course. Courses dropped after the drop/add period but before the last day to drop with a W, will receive a grade of W. Drop/add period dates are found on the academic calendar. To drop or add classes, a request, approved by both student and advisor, must be provided to the registrar. Students who elect to leave without formally withdrawing will be given a grade of F.


Students desiring to withdraw from the university must complete a withdrawal form. Withdrawal forms are available from the office of the registrar. The withdrawal process includes consulting with the office of financial assistance and the business office to determine financial implications. An appropriately executed withdrawal results in a W recorded on the transcript in lieu of a grade. In cases where a course was completed before a withdrawal, the earned grade is recorded. Students failing to complete the withdrawal process receive grades of F.

Repeating Courses

Students wishing to raise their GPA may repeat a course at Lubbock Christian University. Both grades will appear on the permanent record, but the last grade received is used to calculate the GPA. For information on financial aid eligibility for repeated courses, check the Graduate Financial Assistance section of this catalog or consult personnel in the Office of Financial Assistance.

Class Attendance

Failure to attend classes results in fewer learning opportunities. Absences must be explained to the satisfaction of the instructor. Acceptance of late work is up to the instructor. Students disrupting class may be dismissed from class. Students dismissed from class may appeal to the academic dean.

Requirements for Graduate Degree

  • Completion of 30 semester hours or more, depending on program
  • Achieve an overall GPA of at least 3.0
  • Completion of at least a majority of courses from the university. Refer to the Transfer Credit Policy for specifics.
  • Completion of course requirements and examinations specific to the degree sought
  • Completion of an application for graduation, submitted to the office of the registrar, by the deadline
  • Requirements for a degree requiring less than 40 hours must be completed within six years of initial enrollment in the program. Degrees requiring 40-60 hours have an eight year time limit. Exceptions to time limits must be approved by the academic dean.
  • Applicable requirements are those established by the catalog in effect at the time students enter the program, or those of any subsequent catalog edition, provided that degree requirements are completed within the time limit.

Comprehensive Examination and Portfolio Requirements

Candidates for a graduate degree must pass a written comprehensive examination, capstone course with competency examinations, and/or complete a portfolio assignment prior to graduation, depending on program requirements. Specific culminating capstone, project, portfolio, or examination requirements are communicated by the academic program.

For programs requiring comprehensive examination: the examination may be taken during the last semester of course work, but it must be taken no later than thirty days following the completion of required course work. The specific examination will be prepared under the guidance of the advisor who will consult the members of the graduate faculty teaching in the discipline. At least two members of the graduate faculty will grade the written examination. Students who fail the examination must retake the examination or meet corrective stipulations established by the graduate faculty. Permission to take the comprehensive examination a third time must be approved by the advisor and the academic dean.

Second Master's Degree in the Same Discipline

Students are not permitted to pursue two master’s degrees concurrently. Students holding a master's degree from the university may request that a portion of the hours from their first master's degree be applied to the second master's degree. Courses must directly apply to the second master's degree and be approved by the advisor. The maximum number of hours applicable to the second master's degree varies by program. In 30 hour master’s programs, up to 9 hours may be applied toward the second degree. In 35-37 hour master’s programs, up to 12 hours may be applied. In 48-49 hour master’s programs, 15 hours may be applied.

Degree Plan

It is the responsibility of students to know their academic plan and to register for and complete courses that fulfill the academic plans. Degrees will be awarded only when students satisfactorily complete the conditions of their academic plans and meet all other requirements for earning a degree. Students must complete the application for graduation when registering for their last semester.

To participate in commencement exercises, students must have successfully completed, or be currently enrolled in and completing, all program requirements for the degree during the term in which they intend to graduate.