The graduate program in education offers two 36-hour, non-thesis Master’s degrees, a Master of Education (M.Ed.) for those previously certified to teach in the state of Texas and a Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) for those seeking Texas teaching certification.
- David Boyer, Ed.D., Dean of the School of Education
- Sam Ayers, Ed.D., Program Director
- Judy Flagle, Ed.D.
- Gene Sheets, Ed.D.
To earn a degree, students must complete the curriculum and meet other requirements for a degree listed in the academic policy section of this catalog.
- Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction
- Master of Education in Educational Diagnostics
- Master of Education in Educational Leadership
- Master of Education in Educational Leadership with Curriculum and Instruction emphasis
- Master of Education in Educational Leadership with Special Education emphasis
- Master of Education in Special Education
- Master of Education in Special Education with Dyslexia emphasis
- Master of Arts in Teaching
- Master of Arts in Teaching in Special Education
The mission of the graduate program in education is to prepare creative and innovative professional educators with high moral and ethical standards who view themselves as agents of change and who are committed to the welfare of children and have the understanding, attitudes, and skills necessary for effective teaching and leadership. Individuals desiring to complete requirements for Texas Educator Certification must apply to the Educator Certification Program through the certification office. Some course work is required in addition to the M.A.T. for completing teaching certification.
The purpose of the Master's Degree in education is to provide qualified students with advanced academic training beyond the baccalaureate degree. Graduate education courses are designed (1) to strengthen the professional knowledge base and skills of the graduate student, as both teacher and administrator; (2) to increase independent study and seminar skills; (3) to strengthen the use of traditional research skills; (4) to assist the student in valuing and conducting classroom based research; (5) to increase the instructional leadership skills of the student; (6) to encourage reflective analytical/critical thinking on the part of the student; and (7) to increase the ability of the student to analyze case studies related to educational experiences.
These programs meet the requirements for certification in the state of Texas. Students interested in seeking certification in states other than Texas should notify the Director of Certification in the School of Education for more information. Additional information is also available in the institutional disclosure statement for programs leading to licensure or certification.
Graduate students are expected to assume greater responsibility over their programs of study, to function productively in seminar structures, to conduct research on a regular basis, to read widely and critically in both primary and secondary materials, and to function as professional educators who display ethical and moral behavior and leadership patterned after the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Semester Length
As this program is designed for the practicing professional educator, its academic year is divided into Fall or Spring C1, which last 16 weeks, and Fall or Spring C2 and C3, each lasting 8 weeks, Summer C1 lasting 13 weeks and Summer C5 lasting 10 weeks. Students may enroll in no more than 7 hours per term of evening and/or online courses. Exceptions to the semester hour limit must be approved, in advance, by the advisor.
Educator Certification Program
See information under the same title on the School of Education page.
Curriculum and Instruction
The Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction offers a program for educational preparation with specialized skills to meet the curriculum needs of professional educators in elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education as curriculum specialists. The master’s degree focuses on the collection and evaluation of a curriculum and instructional program using student performance data to identify strengths and weaknesses in the program and the development of a modification and implementation plan to address program weaknesses. Students will build an E-portfolio and present a curriculum and instruction plan to a committee of educators. For students completing a baccalaureate degree in Early Childhood Education, Middle School Education, or Secondary Education at LCU and entering the MED Curriculum and Instruction program within two years of graduation may be eligible to reduce the total numbers of hours up to 6 semester hours. Faculty in the discipline determine coursework required for the degree. A minimum of 30 semester hours for a master’s degree must still be earned.
Educational Diagnostics
The Master of Education degree in Educational Diagnostics will prepare students with the knowledge and skills to be an educational diagnostician. This program is available for those who are already a certified teacher and who meet university graduate program admission requirements. Students must have taught at least two years in a creditable institution before obtaining this certification, but may be enrolled during this period. Students holding a master’s degree have the option of choosing the 24-hour certification route instead. Students who have completed the MAT or MED in Special Education at LCU may be eligible for a 12-hour certification program. For students completing a baccalaureate degree in Early Childhood Education, Middle School Education, or Secondary Education at LCU and entering the MED Educational Diagnostics program within two years of graduation may be eligible to reduce the total numbers of hours up to 6 semester hours. Faculty in the discipline determine coursework required for the degree. A minimum of 30 semester hours for a master’s degree must still be earned.
Educational Leadership
This 36-credit hour concentration will offer students opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills needed to become a school principal or central office administrator as designated by the school. The Masters of Education (M.Ed.) in Educational Leadership program, as well as the principal certification program option available for the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership with either the Curriculum and Instruction or Special Education emphasis, is designed to prepare students to test for certification as a principal in the State of Texas. The university cannot confirm whether the program or courses in the program meets requirements for certification in any other state. Students seeking certification in another state assume responsibility to determine whether the program meets certification requirements in that state.
Students pursuing a Master of Education in Educational Leadership with either the Curriculum and Instruction or Special Education emphasis may complete the master's degree in educational leadership without seeking certification.
Students interested in the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership may choose one of the three options below:
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership (36-credit hours)
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership with Curriculum and Instruction emphasis (36-credit hour, with optional 12-credit hour principal certification program)
- M.Ed. in Educational Leadership with Special Education emphasis (36-credit hour, with optional 12-credit hour principal certification program)
Students already holding a master's degree have the option of choosing the 24-hour certification route instead. Students must have taught at least two years in a creditable institution before obtaining this certification, but may be enrolled during this period. The Master of Education in Leadership may be pursued on campus.
Secondary Education
Graduate education offers students an opportunity to participate in advanced studies in teacher education, available for those who have completed a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university and meet graduate program admission requirements. Students desiring to pursue the Master of Arts in Teaching degree, who are not certified to teach, must complete six hours of undergraduate clinical teaching beyond the master's degree and meet all Texas Education Agency (TEA) requirements to become certified. Students not pursuing a master’s degree but interested in becoming a certified teacher, may pursue the Teacher Preparation Program in Secondary Education. This 25-hour program allows students to pursue teacher certification and can typically be completed within a year. To meet TEA/SBEC requirements in both programs, students may have to enroll in additional leveling courses.
Special Education
Special education offers students opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills needed to become a special education teacher. Students who have completed a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university and meet graduate admission requirements may pursue the Master of Arts in Teaching degree in Special Education with an EC-12 certification. Clinical teaching in a special education classroom is required for this certification. For students who have completed a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university in education, who hold a current Texas teacher certification, and who meet the university graduate admission requirements can pursue the following three options: (1) the 36-hour Master of Education in Special Education, (2) the 36-hour Master of Education in Special Education with Dyslexia emphasis, or (3) the 15-hour Special Education CORE program for those wanting to increase their knowledge in the area of special education and pursue Texas Special Education certification. For students completing a baccalaureate degree in Early Childhood Education, Middle School Education, or Secondary Education at LCU and entering the MED Special Education within two years of graduation may be eligible to reduce the total numbers of hours up to 6 semester hours. Faculty in the discipline determine coursework required for the degree. A minimum of 30 semester hours for a master’s degree must still be earned.
Superintendent Certification
The Superintendent Certification cohort program is a post-graduate program that will develop students’ knowledge and skills which are needed to hold administrative positions at the central office level or superintendent positions. Standards for admission to the Superintendent Certification program are more restrictive than general graduate admission standards in that students must have completed a master’s degree and either hold a principal certificate or have at least three years of creditable managerial experience approved by TEA. Candidate applications will be reviewed by program administrators in conjunction with the Office of Graduate Studies.
Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction
Non-thesis degree program in curriculum and instruction for individuals holding a Texas teaching certification.
(36 hours)
- EDU5301 Research for School Improvement
- EDU5302 Advanced Learning Theory and Human Development
- EDU5308 Assessment and Identification of Educational Challenges
- EDU5309 Differentiated Curriculum
- EDU5315 Curriculum and Instructional Leadership
- EDU5316 Ethics for the Leader
- EDU5320 Educational Law
- EDU5325 Advanced Curriculum Design and Development
- EDU5333 School and Community Leadership
- EDU5350 Models of Teaching
- EDU5351 Capstone in Curriculum and Instruction
- 3 hours from
- EDU5312 Exceptionality
- EDU5348 Adapting the Curriculum for Children with Special Needs
- EDU6062 Comprehensive Examination
Master of Education in Educational Diagnostics
Non-thesis degree program in special education and diagnostic assessment and services for those with a teaching certification and two years of creditable teaching experience.
(36 hours)
- EDU5301 Research for School Improvement
- EDU5312 Exceptionality
- EDU5316 Ethics for the Leader
- EDU5320 Educational Law
- EDU5340 Achievement Testing/Authentic Assessment
- EDU5342 Intelligence Testing/Authentic Assessment
- EDU5343 Cross Battery Assessment for Learning Disabilities
- EDU5344 Working with Parents and Families of Children with Special Needs
- EDU5346 Behavior Management of Children with Special Needs
- EDU5347 Assessing the Children with Special Needs
- EDU5348 Adapting the Curriculum for Children with Special Needs
- EDU5360 Seminar/Practicum for the Educational Diagnostician
- EDU6062 Comprehensive Examination
Master of Education in Educational Leadership
Non-thesis degree program in educational leadership for individuals holding a Texas teaching certification and two years of creditable teaching experience. The Master of Education in Education Leadership is offered in a hybrid format.
(36 hours)
- EDU5301 Research for School Improvement
- EDU5303 Educational Technology
- EDU5312 Exceptionality
- EDU5315 Curriculum and Instructional Leadership
- EDU5316 Ethics for the Leader
- EDU5320 Educational Law
- EDU5324 Administration of Special Programs
- EDU5326 The Principalship
- EDU5331 Business and Personnel Management
- EDU5333 School Community Leadership
- EDU5353 Principal Practicum I
- EDU5356 Principal Practicum II
- EDU6062 Comprehensive Examination
Master of Education in Educational Leadership with Curriculum and Instruction emphasis
Non-thesis degree program in educational leadership for individuals holding a Texas teaching certification and two years of creditable teaching experience. The Master of Education in Education Leadership is offered in a hybrid format.
(36 hours, Principal Certification option 48 hours)
- Major (24 hours)
- EDU5301 Research for School Improvement
- EDU5312 Exceptionality
- EDU5316 Ethics for the Leader
- EDU5320 Educational Law
- EDU5303 Educational Technology
- EDU5315 Curriculum and Instructional Leadership
- EDU5324 Administration of Special Programs
- EDU5333 School Community Leadership
- EDU6062 Comprehensive Examination
- Emphasis (12 hours)
- EDU5308 Assessment and Identification
- EDU5309 Differentiated Curriculum
- EDU5350 Models of Teaching
- EDU5351 Capstone
- Principal Certification option* (12 hours)
- EDU5326 The Principalship
- EDU5331 Business and Personnel Management
- EDU5353 Principal Practicum I
- EDU5356 Principal Practicum II
*Program leading to the Principal Certification for those completing the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership with either the Curriculum and Instruction or Special Education emphasis with two years of creditable teaching experience.
Master of Education in Educational Leadership with Special Education emphasis
Non-thesis degree program in educational leadership for individuals holding a Texas teaching certification and two years of creditable teaching experience. The Master of Education in Education Leadership is offered in a hybrid format.
(36 hours, Principal Certification option 48 hours)
- Major (24 hours)
- EDU5301 Research for School Improvement
- EDU5312 Exceptionality
- EDU5316 Ethics for the Leader
- EDU5320 Educational Law
- EDU5303 Educational Technology
- EDU5315 Curriculum and Instructional Leadership
- EDU5324 Administration of Special Programs
- EDU5333 School Community Leadership
- EDU6062 Comprehensive Examination
- Emphasis (12 hours)
- EDU5344 Working with Parents and Families
- EDU5346 Behavior Management
- EDU5347 Assessing Children
- EDU5348 Adapting Curriculum
- Principal Certification option* (12 hours)
- EDU5326 The Principalship
- EDU5331 Business and Personnel Management
- EDU5353 Principal Practicum I
- EDU5356 Principal Practicum II
*Program leading to the Principal Certification for those completing the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership with either the Curriculum and Instruction or Special Education emphasis with two years of creditable teaching experience.
Master of Education in Special Education
Non-thesis degree program in special education for individuals holding a Texas teaching certification.
(36 hours)
- EDU5301 Research for School Improvement
- EDU5303 Integrating Educational Technology
- EDU5312 Exceptionality
- EDU5316 Ethics for the Leader
- EDU5320 Educational Law
- EDU5329 Content Area Literacy
- EDU5339 Development in Children
- EDU5344 Working with Parents and Families of Children with Special Needs
- EDU5346 Behavior Management of Children with Special Needs
- EDU5347 Assessing Children with Special Needs
- EDU5348 Adapting the Curriculum for Children with Special Needs
- EDU5349 Advanced Practicum in Special Education
- EDU6062 Comprehensive Examination
Master of Education in Special Education with Dyslexia emphasis
Non-thesis degree program in special education with an emphasis in dyslexia for those holding a Texas teaching certification. Students admitted with additional requirements.
(36 hours)
- EDU5303 Integrating Educational Technology
- EDU5312 Exceptionality
- EDU5316 Ethics for the Leader
- EDU5318 Basic Dyslexia I
- EDU5319 Basic Dyslexia II
- EDU5329 Content Area Literacy
- EDU5338 Advanced Dyslexia
- EDU5344 Working with Parents and Families of Children with Special Needs
- EDU5346 Behavior Management of Children with Special Needs
- EDU5347 Assessing Children with Special Needs
- EDU5348 Adapting the Curriculum for Children with Special Needs
- EDU5349 Advanced Practicum
- EDU6062 Comprehensive Examination
Master of Arts in Teaching
Non-thesis degree program in secondary education for those seeking a Master of Arts (MA) in Teaching that may culminate ininitial teacher* certification.
(36 hour degree and 7 or 8 additional hours for certification as listed below)
- EDU5302 Advanced LEarning Theory and Human Development
- EDU5303 Integrating Educational Technology
- EDU5304 Curriculum and Instructional Design
- EDU5312 Exceptionality
- EDU5313 Classroom Management
- EDU5316 Ethics for the Leader
- EDU5317 Assessment and Evaluation
- EDU5320 Educational Law
- EDU5324 Administration of Special Programs
- EDU5329 Content Area Literacy
- Elective 6 hours
- EDU6062 Comprehensive Examination
*Initial Texas teaching certification requires the following additional coursework:
- EDU5199 Independent Study of Issues Facing Education
- EDS4660 Clinical Teaching (one semester)
- EDU5199 Independent Study of Issues Facing Education
- EDS4660 Clinical Teaching (one semester)
- EDS4199 Internship Teacher Preparation (one semester)
Students must pass appropriate content PACT exam to be admitted to the Educator Certification Program prior to completion of the 26th credit hours of MA in Teaching coursework.
Master of Arts in Teaching in Special Education
Non-thesis degree program in special education for those seeking teaching certification.
(36 hours)
- EDU5303 Integrating Educational Technology
- EDU5304 Curriculum and Instruction Design
- EDU5310 Elementary School Math and Science
- EDU5311 Elementary School Language Arts and Social Studies
- EDU5312 Exceptionality
- EDU5313 Classroom Management
- EDU5316 Ethics for the Leader
- EDU5329 Content Area Literacy
- EDU5344 Working with Parents and Families of Children with Special Needs
- EDU5346 Behavior Management of Children with Special Needs
- EDU5347 Assessing Children with Special Needs
- EDU5348 Adapting the Curriculum for Children with Special Needs
- EDU6062 Comprehensive Examination
The following 13 hours must be completed for a Texas teaching certification:
- EDU5199 Writing/Research in Graduate Education
- REA3330 Literacy and the Young Child
- REA3340 The Reading/Writing Connection
- ESP4660 Clinical Teaching
Students must pass the appropriate content TExES exam prior to enrolling in ESP 4660.
Certification Only Programs
Students seeking admission into the certification programs must meet the general admission requirements for graduate admission. These programs meet the requirements for certification in the state of Texas. Students interested in seeking certification in states other than Texas should notify the Director of Certification in the School of Education for more information.
Special Education Certification CORE
Certification only post-baccalaureate program in special education for those holding Texas teaching certification.
(15 hours)
- EDU5312 Exceptionality
- EDU5344 Working with Parents and Families of Children with Special Needs
- EDU5346 Behavior Management of Children with Special Needs
- EDU5347 Assessing Children with Special Needs
- EDU5348 Adapting the Curriculum for Children with Special Needs
Educational Diagnostics Certification
Certification only post-graduate program in diagnostics for those holding Texas teaching certification with three years of creditable teaching experience.
(24 hours)
- EDU5340 Achievement Testing/Authentic Assessment
- EDU5342 Intelligence Testing/Authentic Assessment
- EDU5343 Cross-Battery Assessment for Learning Disabilities
- EDU5344 Working with Parents and Families of Children with Special Needs
- EDU5346 Behavior Management of Children with Special Needs
- EDU5347 Assessing the Special Needs Student
- EDU5348 Adapting the Curriculum for Children with Special Needs
- EDU5360 Seminar/Practicum for the Educational Diagnostician
Secondary Education Certification (Teacher Prep)
Certification only post-baccalaureate program in secondary education for those possessing at least 24 hours in a teaching field with 12 upper level hours.
(25 hours)
- EDU5199 Writing/Research in Graduate Education
- EDU5304 Curriculum and Instructional Design
- EDU5312 Exceptionality
- EDU5313 Classroom Management
- EDU5316 Ethics for the Educator
- EDU5317 Assessment and Evaluation
- EDU5329 Content Area Literacy
- EDS4660 Clinical Teaching
Students must pass appropriate content PACT exam to be admitted to the Educator Certification Program by completion of 9 hours of coursework.
Principal Certification
Program leading to the Principal Certification for those holding a master's degree and two years of creditable teaching experience.
(24 hours)
- EDU5315 Curriculum and Instructional Leadership
- EDU5320 Educational Law
- EDU5324 Administration of Special Programs
- EDU5326 The Principalship
- EDU5331 Business and Personnel Management
- EDU5333 School and Community Leadership
- EDU5353 Principal Practicum I
- EDU5356 Principal Practicum II
Superintendent Certification
Program leading to the Superintendent Certification for those holding a master's degree and meet other requirements established by the State Board of Education.
(15 hours)
- EDU6101 Superintendency Practicum A
- EDU6102 Superintendency Practicum B
- EDU6103 Superintendency Practicum C
- EDU6301 School Finance
- EDU6302 School District Policy and Politics
- EDU6303 School District Evaluation
- EDU6304 The Superintendency