Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday in the McDonald Moody auditorium, campus family and friends make time for chapel, a time to celebrate relationships. Some chapel times will focus primarily on our relationship with God, while others will focus primarily on community with each other. Many chapel experiences will combine elements of both.
Examples of our focus on community include announcements of general campus events, special chapel programs that address the needs of today's college students, or spotlights on unique opportunities to serve. However, singing followed by prayer, reading of God's word, and a spoken message is our most common format. Because of our Church of Christ heritage, singing is without instrumental accompaniment, following the practice of the early church. While some of our students are newcomers to this worship experience, many students come to admire its beauty and simplicity.
Take a look at our recommendations for speaking in chapel and technical resources and request to speak in chapel here.
- January 13 - Opening Chapel
- January 14 - Chapel Explaination
- January 16 - Worship Chapel - Best Friends
- January 20 - MLK Day
- January 21 - MLK Jr. Chapel Reflection - London Willis
- January 23 - Worship - Landon Gomez
- January 27 - Testimony - Nolan Maples
- January 28 - Faith in Action: Teaching of Jesus - Doug Page
- January 30 - Worship - Warren McNeill
- February 3 - Testimony - Brieanna Carr*
- February 4 - Faith in Action - Teachings of Jesus - Dr. Laci Richardson
- February 6 - Worship - Best Friends
- February 10 - Homecoming
- February 11 - Homecoming
- February 13 - Homecoming
- February 17 - Testimony - Myla Johnston
- February 18 - Faith in Action: Teachings of Jesus - Dale Mannon
- February 20 - Worship - Warren McNeill
- February 24 - Chap Day - Dr. David Fraze
- February 25 - Breakout Chapel
- February 27 - Worship - Warren McNeill
- March 3 - Testimony
- March 4 - Faith in Reaction: Teachings of Jesus - Dale Mannon
- March 6 - Worship - Best Friends
- March 10 - Testimony
- March 11 - Faith in Action: teachings of Jesus - Jim Brewer
- March 13 - Worship - Best Friends
- March 17 - Spring Break
- March 18 - Spring Break
- March 20 - Spring Break
- March 24 - Testimony - Rebecca Kimani
- March 25 - Breakout Chapel
- March 27 - Worship - Best Friends
- March 31 - Chap Day - David Fraze
- April 1 - Faith in Action: Teachings of Jesus - Karl Ihfe
- April 3 - Worship - Landon Gomez
- April 7 - Testimony
- April 8 - Graduate Speaker
- April 10 - Worship - Warren McNeill
* chapel on these dates includes sensitive topics such as sexual assault or sexual violence

- January 15 - Athletics
- January 22 - Honors
- January 29 - Academics
- February 5 - Music
- February 12 - Athletics
- February 19 - President's Forum
- February 26 - Honors
- March 5 - Academics
- March 12 - Music
- March 19 - Spring Break
- March 26 - Athlectics
- April 2 - Honors
- April 9 - Academics
- April 16 - Music
- April 23 - Honors
- April 30 - Academics
Starting in the Fall 2021 we have moved to our own podcast hosting. You can also find us on several major podcast platforms.