Register to audition for any of LCU's music ensembles.
Audition Registration
Begins Monday, August 25 at 11:40 (After Chapel) in the Music Building Recital Hall (Room 104).
Upon completion of an online application form, you will be assigned and e-mailed an audition time for Monday, August 25, and running through August 27, in the Music Building Recital Hall Room 104. If the audition time does not work for you, please inform Dr. Camp and you can receive a different audition time.
The audition process will consist of:
- Vocalization on scales, for testing of vocal range
- Sing any song of your choice (devo song, pop song, etc.), a cappella
- Sing the hymn “Amazing Grace” to simple piano accompaniment provided by Dr. Camp at the audition, in the key of your choice. If unsure about key, Dr. Camp will select an appropriate key determined by the range and preference in the first two steps above.
- Learn and sing the song, “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” on the voice part of your choice, either with a recording or as part of a live quartet. The music and a sample recording will be provided to you in the e-mail with your audition time.
Results will be posted by Wednesday afternoon, August 27, and regular rehearsals will commence on Thursday, Aug. 28. Required rehearsal times for the Praise Choir are Monday-Thursday 11:40-12:30, as well as some open rehearsals scheduled on Monday “Chap Preview” days from 12:45-1:00.
The first group meeting and rehearsal of the Praise Choir will be on Thursday, August 29, in the Music Building Room 104 (recital hall) at 12:05-12:55.
First audition for Chamber Singers, and Forte to take place for new students: on Friday, August 22, from 11:00 AM-1:30 PM in the Music Building. Upon completion of an online form, you will be assigned and e-mailed an audition time for that Friday between 11 and 2:30 in the Music Building Recital Hall Room 104.
The audition will consist of two phases:
- For the first audition, Dr. Camp will lead you through the following:
- Vocalizing exercises to test your range
- A brief pitch memory exercise
- Sing a song of your choice, without accompaniment.
- Sight-sing a very short example of music.
- You will be notified via e-mail if you have made the call-back audition.
- Call-back auditions—for those selected, there will be a call-back audition will take place on Monday, Aug 25, beginning at 4:00 PM. Instructions and sheet music for the call-back audition will be e-mailed to you over the weekend.
Chamber Singers will meet separately on Mondays Wednesdays at 4 and Fridays at 11:40 and will rehearse with the Praise Choir Mondays-Thursdays at 11:40. Scholarships will be applied accordingly for both Chamber Singers and Praise Choir.
Please contact Dr. Philip Camp if you have any questions.
First audition for Chamber Singers, and Forte to take place for new students on Friday, August 22, from 11:00 AM-1:30 PM in the Music Building. Upon completion of an online application form, you will be assigned and e-mailed an audition time for that Friday between 11 and 2:30 in the Music Building Recital Hall Room 104.
The audition will consist of two phases:
- For the first audition, Dr. Camp will lead you through the following:
- vocalizing exercises to test your range
- a brief pitch memory exercise
- sing a song of your choice, without accompaniment.
- sight-sing a very short example of music.
- You will be notified via e-mail if you have made the call-back audition.
- Call-back auditions will take place during the first week of classes, TBA.
For questions about Forte auditions, contact Dr. Laurie Doyle.
Auditions for Best Friends will take place on April 20 in the music building. Upon completion of the linked form above, audition materials and information will be emailed to you. Contact Dr. Philip Camp or visit the Best Friends webpage for more information.

LCU Choirs' latest album is now streaming on all major platforms!
Earning a Ph.D. in chemistry in 1986 from Texas A&M, Dr. Rogers has taught chemistry at Lubbock Christian University for over thirty years. After he earned the Master's of Music Composition from Texas Tech University in 2014, Dr. Rogers also began teaching Advanced Music Theory for our Music Majors. Rogers writes, "While I certainly hope to continue to teach chemistry at LCU, I am no longer a 'chemist who does music,' but rather a 'musician who teaches chemistry.'"
We are truly indebted to the service of Byron Rogers and we hope that this recording of his music will bless you life as it has blessed our music faculty and students.

The Praise Choir consists of about 60 students and carries on the ministry tradition of the A Cappella and Meistersinger Choruses from the past. Singing mostly for church related outreach events and programs, the choir often performs an a cappella program incorporating Christian Contemporary songs, Classical choral anthems, modern arrangements of well-known hymns, and African-American spirituals. Rehearsal times are Monday-Wednesday at 11:40 and Tuesday-Thursday at 12:05. Tours include occasional weekend trips during the semester, a five to six day tour during the Christmas break, and a major mission trip overseas after the spring semester of odd-numbered years. With previous concert appearances in Australia, Ireland, and Mexico, more recent choir campaigns have taken the group to Eastern Europe, where have they have performed outreach concerts in Ukraine (2007,2009, 2011, 2013, 2015), Austria (2007, 2013), Greece (2011), and Croatia (2015), Austria, Romania, and Croatia (2017).
The LCU Chamber Singers is an ensemble of 20-24 voices. The group performs a wide variety of literature employing a variety of instrumental accompaniments in both on and off campus venues, programming music from the Renaissance, Baroque, Classic, and Romantic periods. Contemporary music includes anthems, secular choral pieces, spirituals, and Jazz arrangements.
Concerts include a fall concert, several Christmas concerts and programs and various spring concerts, as well as tours among churches and schools. The Chamber Singers also travels with the Praise Choir in December after the fall semester, and all participants are eligible to receive a scholarship.
From the latest concert by Chamber Singers, Dominus Vobiscum by Sydney Guillaume, on YouTube.
Forte is a small vocal ensemble that performs Jazz, Country, Musical Theatre, and top 40 music and emphasizes solo performance skills. Forte performs primarily in the surrounding area for schools and for other community functions, and all students are eligible to receive scholarships.
Learn more about LCU's contemporary a cappella group!
When asked to name their favorite memory from their time at Lubbock Christian University, alumni will give a variety of answers. For some, it was being part of a particular club show in Master Follies, while others may recall a moment when a professor went above and beyond for them in a difficult time. Still others remember a mission trip, a powerful chapel service, or an award recognizing their academic achievement. And while those are certainly among the top memories for students across the board, an overwhelming number of alumni would say that the chorus/choir trips were among their very favorite memories.
Spring Semester, 2025
- Feb 12-15 - Homecoming and Master Follies Week (no rehearsals this week)<o:p></o:p>
- Feb 15: Homecoming Chapel, 10:00 AM, ending with group performance of “Lord Bless You and Keep You”<o:p></o:p>
- Feb 24: Chap Day Choir rehearsal, 12:45-1:05<o:p></o:p>
- Mar 12: Wednesday Choir Gathering, starting at 11:00<o:p></o:p>
- Mar 31: Chap Day Choir rehearsal, 12:45-1:05<o:p></o:p>
- April 3: LCU for LBK, singing for senior living centers, 1:00-3:00 starting with Lunch at 12:30, Singing for Willshire Place and possibly one other<o:p></o:p>
- April 10: Scholars Colloquium Performance, Collier Auditorium in the Talkington Nursing Building<o:p></o:p>
- April 16: Wednesday Choir Gathering, starting at 11:00<o:p></o:p>
- April 18 - Good Friday holiday<o:p></o:p>
- May 1: Student Conductors Concert, McDonald-Moody Auditorium, featuring Beth Moore and Nate Zube conducting both Praise Choir and Chamber Singers, 7 PM<o:p></o:p>
- May 5-8 - Final Exams, Choir meetings and rehearsals TBA during final exam time for choir