Dr. Laughlin grew up in the rural town of Ingram, Texas located in the heart of the hill country. After receiving his bachelor's degree in animal science from Texas A & M University he served as an assistant county agent in Val Verde county. He then moved to San Angelo, Texas where he served as the assistant sheep and goat specialist for the state of Texas. After the completion of his master's degree from Angelo State University he moved back to College Station to pursue his terminal degree from Texas A & M University. His dissertation work focused on subfertility and infertility in stallions. He began teaching at LCU in the fall of 2005. Dr. Laughlin coordinates a medical mission trip to Peru each year, serves as the advisor for the pre-vet club, and continues to judge sheep and goat livestock shows across the nation.
K McCrady and AM Laughlin. Testing Stress: The Effects of High-Stakes Testing on
Salivary Cortisol Levels in Science Students.
National Conference on Undergraduate Research, La Crosse, Wisconsin,
2013, (Undergraduate Presentation mentored by Andy Laughlin)
J Thomas, J Marshall, AM Laughlin, R Roper. Genetic Profiling of Escherichia coli Isolated from Canada Geese Fecal Matter and Urban
Playa Lake Water. National Conference on Undergraduate Research, La Crosse,
Wisconsin, 2013, (Undergraduate Poster mentored by Andy Laughlin)
Vander-Plas S. The
FDA and NTD's: A study of the efficacy
of folic acid fortification on pregnancy.
Accepted for publication.
Proceedings of the National Conference of Undergraduate Research. November 2011. (Undergraduate publication mentored by Andy
Laughlin AM, Welsh TH, Jr., Love CC, Varner DD, Parrish AR,
Forrest DW, Ing NH. In vitro culture of
precision-cut testicular tissue as a novel tool for the study of responses to
LH. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.-Animal, 2010; 46:45-53. DOI 10.1007/s11626-009-9242-1.
Ing NH, Laughlin AM, Varner DD, Welsh TH, Jr., Forrest DW,
Blanchard TL, Johnson L. Gene expression
in the spermatogenically inactive "dark" and maturing "light" testicular
tissues of the prepubertal colt. J Androl, 2004; 25:535-544.
Laughlin AM, Waldron DF, Craddock BF, Engdahl GR, Dusek RK,
Huston JE, Lupton CJ, Ueckert DN, Shay TL, Cockett NE. Use of DNA markers to determine paternity in
a multiple-sire mating flock. Sheep
& Goat Res J 2003; 18:14-17.