JoAnn Long , Ph.D., RN, NEA-BC
Director, Research & Development; Professor of NursingContact
- PhD, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- MSN, Troy State University
- MA, Lubbock Christian University
- BSN, Georgia State University
- NEA-BC, Nurse Executive Advanced-Board Certified
JoAnn's work as a nursing scientist has been focused on adolescent health promotion, technology, and healthy eating. She has worked with interdisciplinary teams to developed interactive web-based approaches to teaching adolescents healthy eating and programs to strengthen adolescent moral development. Her current collaborative work with Texas Tech University in neuroimaging uses fMRI to investigate how cell phones images can be used as a memory cue and affective stimulus to promote fruit and vegetable consumption in adolescents.
As a nursing professor and educator, her interest in technology and teaching evidence-based practice and knowledge synthesis skills led their interdisciplinary team to develop and test the EBR Tool; an online web-based application designed to teach nursing students how to critically appraise the scientific literature.
JoAnn co-teaches graduate research, leadership and independent study courses to engage students in preliminary research projects. She enjoys working productively with her colleagues in intra-professional scientific teams; and especially mentoring students in the research process to enhance, extend, and maintain the health and wellbeing of people-her lifelong commitment as a nursing scientist.
She has mentored nursing and interdisciplinary students through projects presented at the National Council on Undergraduate Research and at Sigma Theta Tau International, Research Congress; and believes it is a privilege to walk alongside of students as a mentor and co-learner. For more than a decade she has guided students through the completion of research which has resulted in national and international presentations, co-authored publications and in some cases, advancement to scientific careers in nursing.
Examples of publications and presentations with mentored students*
Long, J.D., Morris, A.* (2018). Probiotics in preventing acute upper respiratory tract infections. American Journal of Nursing, Cochrane Corner. 117(12), 69. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000527494.16987.1e.
Dhkal, P.* & Long, J. D. (2017). Enhancing EBP Skills of RN-BSN Students through Academic Mentoring in Independent Study. Worldviews on Evidence-based Nursing, doi: 10.1111/wvn.12210.
Long, J. D., Gannaway, P., Doumit, R., Ford, C., Brown, J., Proper, S., Zeeni, N. Milane, A., Sukkarieh-Haraty, O., Byers, B., Harrison, L., Hatch, D.,, Song, H., White, P.* (2016). Effectiveness of a Technology-Based Intervention to Teach Evidence-Based Practice: The EBR Tool." Worldview on Evidence-based Nursing, 13:1, 59-65.
Long, J., Dodd, S., Binks, M., Anyanwu, N.*, Rogers, T., & Boswell, C. (July, 2014). "Literature Review Diet, Encoded Memory, Visual Cues, Obesity, and Neuroimaging: The Role of Affective Response in Eating Behavior." Poster Presentation, 25th International Nursing Research Congress, Hong Kong, China.
Long, J.D., Boswell, C., Rogers, T., Littlefield, L., Estep, G., Shriver, B., Roman-Shriver, C., Culpepper, D., Kuenzi, G.,* & Song, H. (2013). Effectiveness of Cell Phones and Mypyramidtracker.gov to Estimate Fruit and Vegetable Intake. Applied Nursing Research, 26,(1), 17-23. DOI: 10:1016/j.apnr.2012.08.002.
Long, J.D., Kuenzi, G.* , Boswell, C., Estep, G. Littlefield, L., Kuenzi, G., Rogers, T., & Culpepper, "Technology-Based Methods for Measurement of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: A Preliminary Report", Poster Presentation, Sigma Theta Tau International's 22nd International Nursing Research Congress, July 11-15, 2011, Cancun, Mexico.
Long, J.D., Rogers, T., Littlefield, L., Boswell, C., & Kuenzi, G.*, Mahan, K., and Boswell, M. (2011). "Using Technology for Health Promotion." Oral Presentation. Christian Scholars Conference, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA, June 16-18, 2011.
Long, J.D., Littlefield, L. A.,* Estep, G., Martin, H., Rogers, T., Boswell, C., Shriver, B., & Roman-Shriver, C. (2009). Evidence review of technology and dietary assessment (2010). Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. 4th quarter, 7(4): 191-204.
Long, J.D., Armstrong, M.L., Amos, E.A., Shriver, B., Roman-Shriver, C., Feng, D., Harrison, L.*, Luker, S., Nash, A., Blevins, M.* Using the WWW to prevent Type 2 diabetes in high risk adolescents (2006). Clinical Nursing Research. Vol 15, 1, 1-13.
JoAnn is married to Dr. Jesse Long, Dean of the Alfred and Patricia Smith College of Biblical Studies. They enjoy taking students and friends to Israel and Jordan, working with the single mother's ministry at their congregation, and spending time with their family.