Rhonda Pool
Admissions Operations ManagerDepartments
Rhonda helps all temporary students
My name is Rhonda and I’m your Admissions Advisor. I am a farmer’s daughter from here in the Lubbock Area. I have a wonderful husband and 3 amazing kids. I love working at LCU…not only in admissions but also in the Athletic Department during basketball season. My love for sports is not limited to basketball though. I love cooking, reading and traveling.
Hometown: Acuff, TX
Advice for Future Students: Take advantage of the family atmosphere at LCU. Let your peers, professors, and the staff pour into you, which in turn can encourage you to pour into others.
Why I love being a Chaparral: I love being a Chap because all across campus you will find friends, family, mentors, accountability partners, and prayer partners that will be by your side for the good, bad, and in-between moments.