Shannon Rains , D.Min.
Associate Professor of Children's MinistryContact
Shannon joined the faculty at LCU in 2016 after fifteen years in church ministry, specializing in children and family ministry. Shannon earned her Doctor of Ministry degree from ACU, emphasizing spiritual formation. Her project-thesis explored the role of the children’s minister in the discipleship of children. She actively coaches church leaders on issues concerning the leadership of children and family ministries. Currently, her research and publications has focused on the intergenerational worship with children and the inclusion of women in public leadership of the church. Shannon has taught workshops and led church consultations on a variety of topics, including: training and equipping children's ministers, hiring children’s ministers, developing a vision of children and family ministry, contemplative practices with children, teacher training, and congregational leadership. Shannon is an associate with Hope Network Ministries, an organization dedicated to mentoring leaders and guiding churches.