2025-26 Cost Estimator for Traditional Undergraduate Students

Out of Pocket Expense Worksheet
Lubbock Christian University Price estimator for the Fall and Spring semester
Expense Category Fall Semester Spring Semester
Full-Time Tuition (12-18 semester hour flat rate*)
*call or email Financial Assistance for part-time tuition rates
$14,780 $14,780
Full-Time Fees** (lab fees are extra, if applicable)
**call or email Financial Assistance for part-time fee rates
$330 $330
Subtotal (if living off campus) $15,110 $15,110
Living Expenses (if applicable)
*Housing, shared rate, and Meals—Option 1
$4,995 $4,995
Subtotal (if living on campus) $19,075 $19,075
Books (estimate) $750 $750
Total Expenses
$20,855 $20,855
Financial Aid  cell left blank cell left blank
Grants/Scholarships (total gift aid)
**Include Outside Scholarship Funds
$ $
Private Loans are also available to help with the cost of education.
Loan amount (Subsidized, Unsubsidized, and PLUS)
$ $
Total Aid
$   $  
Out of Pocket Expenses
(subtract aid from expenses)
$ $

Note: Please consider other sources of funds such as student summer work, student savings and parent savings.

Questions? Call Financial Assistance at 806.720.7176 or 800.933.7601. Email—FinancialAssist@LCU.edu