Ashleigh Cassandra Reedy was born in Midland, Texas, on May 1, 2003; heaven gained a beautiful angel as she earned her wings on March 6, 2023, at 19 years old.
Ashleigh was born to Mike and Amy Reedy and raised in Midland, TX, with three of her four siblings, older brothers Daniel and Noah and younger sister McKenzie. People knew Ashleigh by her sweet, inviting spirit and her naturally curly hair. Ashleigh had an intoxicating smile and an unbreakable spirit; she was described as a leader and a positive role model having a significant impact on others during her short life, being an inspiration through her character, love of life, grabbing every moment possible, and seeing her glass as always three-quarters full. She was a diligent student who excelled academically, loved being an MHS Varsity Cheerleader throughout high school, and was a trusted and faithful confidant and friend to many. Ash enjoyed reading, listening to music, and watching the latest Marvel movies. She also was a hopeless Dallas Cowboys and Texas Tech fan and attended games regularly with her mommy and dad, brothers, uncles, and cousins. She spent much of her free time caring for children, babysitting, and volunteering her time doing childcare for the church. Ashleigh grew up attending Golf Course Road Church of Christ, where many people loved her and poured into her growth as a Christian. She was very involved in the youth group and served in ministries helping and caring for younger children. In a swimming pool surrounded by family, she surrendered her life to Christ on June 28, 2020.
After many medical challenges during elementary school, Ashleigh set her sights on becoming a nurse practitioner working in neonatal specialties. This led her to take advantage of the CTE programs through Midland College while at MHS. Upon graduation in May of 2021, Ash received her Certified Nursing Assistant certification, phlebotomy license, Patient Care Technician, and EKG certifications. Ashleigh loved people and invested much of her time in those around her. She was devoted to a career in nursing, and the time she spent during clinical rotations at The Village at Manor Park reinforced Ashleigh’s desire to continue chasing her dream of a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Lubbock Christian University in the Fall of 2021. She was excited to experience college life while there with her cousin Madalyn. She was a member of the social club Kappa Phi Kappa, where she was involved with Master Follies and intermural sports. Ashleigh was recognized for making the Dean’s List upon completing each of the three semesters she was enrolled in. While living in Lubbock, Ashleigh was blessed to work for Lori and Jon Fleming at the Clay Café, where she made many new friends who supported her throughout her journey.
While braiding Ashleigh’s hair in March of 2021, Ashleigh’s senior year, McKenzie found a questionable mole that tested to be Melanoma. After surgery and genetic testing, the biopsy was graded with the lowest probability of metastasis. Sadly testing was wrong, and she found out in June of 2022 that the cancer was back and had spread throughout her body, giving her a diagnosis of Stage 4 Metastatic Melanoma. Ashleigh never gave up and sought treatment locally in Lubbock and MD Anderson in Houston. While only given a couple of months to live, Ashleigh prevailed and packed in many memories through Noah & Rachel’s wedding, the birth of Lincoln, Hunter & Karissa’s wedding, and all the snuggles and love she could give Sam and London. In August 2022, she discovered that the cancer throughout most of her body was healing, yet sadly the Melanoma metastasized to her brain in Leptomeningeal disease. Ashleigh continued living on campus at LCU as a full-time student and completed the fall semester with a 3.8 while traveling back and forth to MD Anderson every two weeks for a clinical trial treatment. Family surrounded her in her grandparents’ home, where many special memories were made throughout her life, celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas. On December 28, 2022, the family began seeing drastic changes in Ashleigh’s neurological condition. After an overnight stop at Covenant, Ashleigh and her family spent a week in Houston at MD Anderson to make changes to her treatment and clinical trial. Ashleigh returned to Lubbock with her family in tow, moving in with her Meme & Papa. Despite all efforts, no improvement was found in February, and Ashleigh chose to live out her final days with hospice care in Lubbock surrounded by family and friends.
Ashleigh received her honorary Nursing degree from Lubbock Christian University on February 14.
Ashleigh received her honorary BSN degree from Lubbock Christian University on February 20.
Special thank you to those who loved and cared for Ashleigh:
Dr. Brent Paulger, MD, Dr. Charles Addington, MD, Dr. Kiran Kumar Yalamanchili, MD, Dr. Hussein Abdul-Hassan Tawbi, MD, and his MD Anderson team;
Hospice of Lubbock, Dr. Jeremy Brown, MD, Gloria, Ashlee, Heidi, Lacy, Cheyenne, Natalie, Sydney;
Lubbock Christian University faculty and staff.
Texas Tech Football team and coaching staff.
Ashleigh is survived by her parents, her sister Amber Hoffman, and her husband Richard, and their children, RJ, Zach, Elizabeth, and Abby, of Clyde, TX; her brother Daniel Lockhart, his wife, Elissa, and their son Samuel, of Lubbock, TX; her brother Noah Lockhart and his wife Rachel, of Lubbock, TX; her sister McKenzie Reedy, of Midland, TX; her maternal grandparents, Dwight and Sandra Franklin, of Lubbock, TX; her paternal grandmother, Gay Reedy, of Odessa, TX. She is preceded by her paternal grandfather, Kenneth Reedy.
Ashleigh’s celebration of life is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on March 10 and will take place at South Plains Church of Christ, where she was a member and involved in the university group. College minister Reagan Doyle will officiate. She will be laid to rest at the Gaines County Cemetery in Seagraves, TX, next to Granny, her great-grandmother, Geraldine Oliver. Flowers can be sent to Combest Family Funeral Home and Crematory at 2210 Broadway Lubbock, TX 79401, and condolences may be offered at the viewing that will take place at The Venue on Broadway from 6-8 p.m. at 2202 Broadway Lubbock, TX.
Pallbearers will be Daniel Lockhart, Noah Lockhart, Brooks Pitaniello, Hunter Pitaniello, Bo Franklin, Kyle Lair, Ben Loyless, Jacob Reeves, Kaleb Barker, John Harper, Tommy Wells, and Aeshaun Walker.
Her family has asked for donations to be sent to:
Lubbock Christian University ~ Ashleigh Reedy Memorial Scholarship Fund
kemarahschasingrainbows.org, a non-profit organization in Houston, TX, that partners with families traveling long distances to receive treatment at MD Anderson by providing low-cost, fully furnished housing during the time of treatment. After Ashleigh’s battle that required significant travel, this organization and its mission became very close to her parent’s hearts.
Fly high sweet girl!