Dr. Foree Grove Bible Scholarship

Dr. Foree Grove Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Foree Grove Endowed Scholarship

On March 7, 2021, we lost a giant of a man. Foree Grove touched many lives through his preaching and teaching of God’s Word. We are thankful for Foree’s life and for his wide-ranging influence. He was a unique and unrepeatable expression of Christ in this world.  

The need for ministers is great right now. Churches and ministers are currently facing some serious headwinds and experiencing difficult challenges. While we cannot remove all the obstacles to students pursuing ministry today, we can significantly alleviate the potential financial burden for students who wish to pursue ministry training at LCU. Through the generosity of people like you who devote your resources to kingdom purposes, doors of opportunity are opened for our students and for their future path in Christian service.

Our mission in the Smith College of Biblical Studies is to form students in the wisdom of the Christian tradition. That formation includes disciplines such as growth in relationship with Christ, appreciation for Scripture, skill in biblical interpretation, training in effective teaching and preaching, awareness of the complexities of congregational ministry, a strong spiritual and moral compass, and many other things. We desire for our students to be well-formed after their time with us, so they can bring glory to God and be of useful service to the church and to the world. These are goals that Foree Grove cared about and worked toward. 

The Grove Family has made a commitment to match up to $45,000 of gifts that are given through December 31, 2021. Thank you for your support of the Grove family and thank you for remembering Foree in this very special way. Your gift will help extend his legacy.

Jeff Cary, Ph.D.
Dean, Alfred and Patricia Smith College of Biblical Studies
Professor of Theology
Lubbock Christian University