Spiritual Life
Bible Courses

The university believes that one’s education should include opportunities to obtain a deeper understanding of the Bible and to make fundamental decisions about the relationship of one’s own life to biblical truth. See the LCU catalog for course requirements.

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Chapel seeks to build Christ-centered community where spiritual experiences can occur. Each individual bears a responsibility to the chapel community—from those on stage to those in the audience. Chapel helps to build life together as a community, through experiences that range from laughter to heartache.

The style of chapel reflects the heritage and traditions of the Church of Christ while recognizing that our students come from many different faith traditions. Chapel facilitates spiritual experiences, in the pursuit of truth, through reflection, praise, exploration, and service.  

Chapel/Spiritual Life Credit Policy

Chapel is held from 11 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday in the McDonald-Moody Auditorium. Attendance is required at Chapel Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for all campus residents, and all students under the age of 25 enrolled in 12 or more hours. Part-time commuters, graduate students, and commuters 25 years or older are encouraged to attend chapel but are exempt from mandatory chapel attendance. Questions regarding the chapel attendance policy should be directed to the Dean of Students in the Student Affairs Office located on the second floor of the Mabee Student Life Building (SUB).

In order to provide an environment where community and worship can take place, chapel must be free from distractions. Behaviors that prevent self or others from engaging in the program may include disruptive talking, actions, or use of devices such as laptops, cell phones, or ear phones (buds).  Those engaging in such actions may forfeit their Spiritual Life Credit for the day. Students must be present, with the opportunity to engage, to receive credit.  

Chapel Attendance

Students are required to obtain forty-five (45) Spiritual Life credits for the fall semester and forty (40) Spiritual Life credits for the spring semester. These are attained through attendance of chapel programs each semester, unless otherwise exempt from chapel for one or more days during a given semester as outlined below. These programs include plenary chapel on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, small groups on Friday, and an online/virtual option. Additional Spiritual Life credits may be offered to students who attend approved programs at alternate times. Alternate programs are approved by the Office of Student Life. 


Students may apply for exemptions on specific days of the week if any of the following apply:

  • Full-time commuters age 24 and under with no classes immediately before and after chapel. Commuters who have class immediately before or after chapel are required to attend.
  • Special circumstances such as documented work conflicts
  • Special family needs

Request forms for chapel exemptions are available in the Student Life Office on the second floor of the SUB. Students must file an exemption for each semester. Students with approved exemptions require fewer Spiritual Life Credits as outlined below. The exemption form (with class schedule and work letter attached) must be submitted within the first 12 days of class or within 5 business days of a status change. A $50 administrative fee may be assessed for exemptions filed outside of the required deadlines. If an exemption is granted after the required deadline, the credit requirement will be modified based on a sliding scale from the day the exemption was submitted. All exemptions are at the discretion on the Dean of Students.

Number of Days ExemptRequired CreditsRequired Credits
1 day per week3430
2 days per week2320
3 days per week1210
Full Exemption77

Attendance Procedure

Students are responsible for scanning their student ID card as they leave chapel as this will document their attendance and their Spiritual Life credit. Students are also required to monitor their accumulated credits in correlation with their required credits. Students arriving between 11 a.m. and 11:10 a.m. will receive a tardy. A tardy counts as 3/4 (.75) of a Spiritual Life credit. Students arriving past 11:10 a.m. and those not scanning their cards will not receive credit. 

Dishonesty in the scanning process will result in an increase of required Spiritual Life credits and a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. Examples include scanning without attending and scanning for another student.

Consequences for Failure to Fulfill Chapel Attendance Requirements

Students are responsible for monitoring their own Spiritual Life credits on the LCU Portal and are encouraged to do so weekly. Students are encouraged to contact Chapel Records with questions or concerns regarding their chapel credit balance. Students who did not attain the adequate number of Spiritual Life credits during the semester will be placed on probation and notified through their LCU email account. Students placed on probation may request a meeting with the Dean of Students or other designee.

Chapel Records is located in the Student Life Office, upstairs in the SUB. 806.720.7501.

Chapel Attendance Sanction Tiers

Chapel probation will be based on a tier system based on the number of credits acquired throughout the semester. Please see the table below for reference based on approved exemptions.

Tier 1: Students will receive the following sanctions:

  • $100 fine will be added to your bill for the same semester and is payable by cash, check, or credit card to the Student Business Office OR no fine and 10 hours of community service due two weeks after the final chapel meeting. Community service must be completed on campus. All hours must be documented and signed by a service coordinator. A hold will be placed on the student's account until payment and/or documented community service is received.

Tier 2: Students will receive the following sanctions:

  • $200 fine will be added to your bill for the same semester and is payable by cash, check, or credit card to the Student Business Office OR $100 fine and 10 hours of community service due two weeks after the final chapel meeting. Community service must be completed on campus. All hours must be documented and signed by a service coordinator. A hold will be placed on the student's account until payment and/or documented community service is received.
  • Not allowed to hold leadership positions in student organizations during the following long semester. Officers must relinquish their positions.

Tier 3: Student will receive the following sanctions:

  • $300 fine will be added to your bill for the same semester and is payable by cash, check, or credit card to the Student Business Office OR $200 fine and 10 hours of community service due two weeks after the final chapel meeting. Community service must be completed on campus. All hours must be documented and signed by a service coordinator. A hold will be placed on the student's account until payment and/or documented community service is received.
  • Not allowed to participate in campus activities during the following long semester, including student organizations, productions, study abroad, intramurals, university sponsored trips, etc.

Chapel Exemptions Sanction Tier Table (Fall)

Spiritual Life
1 Day
2 Day
3 Day
Tier 140-4430-3320-2210-11
Tier 235-3926-2918-198-9
Tier 334 and
25 and
17 and
7 and

Chapel Exemptions Sanction Tier Table (Spring)

Spiritual Life
1 Day
2 Day
3 Day
Tier 136-3927-2917-198-9
Tier 231-3524-2615-166-7
Tier 330 and
23 and
14 and
5 and

Chapel Probation Appeal

The university has implemented procedures for student appeals with the intent of assuring fundamental fairness. Students who believe they were not treated fairly in the chapel attendance process or that the sanction imposed was unreasonable can submit a written appeal to the Dean of Students within three (3) business days of receiving the probationary notification. The Dean of Students will present the letter to no fewer than three members of the Conduct Review Board (CRB), made up of faculty, staff, and students, for an appeal decision. The decision of the Conduct Review Board is final. Refer to the Student Appeals process for a detailed explanation.

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Promotion of spiritual life is at the core of LCU and this promotion is done in a variety of ways such as Bible classes, chapel, retreats and a various of opportunities to develop spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically within the context of community. All students are encouraged to be involved in a local church and campus ministry.

For information regarding Lubbock area churches please look online or contact LCU faculty, staff, or fellow students.