Student Appeal Process
Lubbock Christian University has implemented procedures for student appeals with the intent of assuring fundamental fairness in all areas of the disciplinary process. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Student Life Office within three (3) business days of the sanction. The written appeal must cite the specific grounds that would justify consideration of an appeal. Appeals will not be considered unless submitted in writing and within three (3) business days of the sanction.
Please Note: General dissatisfaction with the sanction or an appeal for mercy is not an appropriate basis for an appeal.
Appropriate grounds for an appeal include:
Conduct Review Board
In the assurance that all students will receive a fair and impartial review of their conduct sanction, the Conduct Review Board (CRB) will hear all student appeals regarding conduct sanctions and chapel offenses. In the instance of chapel offenses, decisions of the CRB are final. The CRB will be comprised of two faculty members, two staff members, two students, and one non-voting chairperson. The chair will vote only in the event of a tie. Representative(s) from the Student Life Office will be present and available to answer questions by the CRB or the student(s) in question. A quorum of one faculty member, one staff member, one student, and the chair is necessary to conduct a hearing.
The board will look at all aspects of the investigation carried out by the Dean of Students. They may choose to meet with the student in question, as well as other individuals involved in the situation, as they see fit. No outside witness or counsel is allowed in these hearings. The CRB will be allowed to review only the information presented during the proceeding and will uphold, amend, or repeal the decision of the Dean of Students. The CRB will communicate its findings and actions in writing and deliver them to the appropriate dean within one (1) business day. Their decision will be communicated to the student within three (3) business days by a representative of the Student Life Office. It is the responsibility of the Student Life Office to contractually bind the student to the terms of any amended sanction. While appealing or awaiting results of an appeal, the student may be granted permission to continue attending classes unless his or her presence on campus presents a reasonable likelihood of a threat to the university community or to any individual. The decision of the Conduct Review Board is final.
Questions or request for additional information about the Code of Community Standards, conduct tiers, or the appeal process can be directed to the Dean of Students in the Student Life Office at 806.720.7501. The Student Life Office is located on the second floor of the SUB.
Note: Lubbock Christian University may refuse the right of any student to attend the university if it is believed to be in the best interest of the student or university community.