Alpha Chi Delta

Welcome Message From President

Alpha Chi Delta is different from the other social clubs. It is unique in the fact that it was re-established just this year, in 2017. Being a newly-returning club on campus, it is important for Alpha Chi to be clear and intentional about our desires and aspirations. 

It is my goal as president to do whatever I can to help create a fresh and new culture that Alpha Chi can be a part of. 

It is our mission to engage with rushees and potential new members who also have the same vision for furthering and prospering Alpha Chi into a great position. We are looking for men of honor and integrity, people who are wanting to lead and wanting to do so immediately. We are looking for people who want to strive for walking and talking like Christ.

I look at the other three men's social clubs on campus and I am inspired by the example and structure that they display. 

Lastly, it is a desire of mine to help endorse club unity between all social clubs. The academic school year of 2017-2018 is going to be both a great one for social clubs on campus as well as Lubbock Christian University as a whole.

Keegan Stewart


  • Brotherhood
  • Watching Sports
  • Intramural Sports
  • Buffalo Wild Wings

Quick Facts

  • Sister Club - Kappa Phi Kappa
  • Club Verse - Psalms 133:1
  • Slogan - "Ah-Ay"

Vision for Alpha Chi

The members of Alpha Chi Delta strive to be men of honor. Men who make-up and lead the kind of social club on LCU’s campus that people see in a positive light. It is our desire to take this opportunity granted by LCU and change the culture of Alpha Chi Delta. It is our desire to be a club in which holds tight to the values set forth in our constitution. One in which the words such as “Brotherhood, Character, and Service” are more than just words, they are actions demonstrated by our members and instilled into our new pledges. It is our utmost goal to be a club that displays Christ-Like qualities in all that way we do. We want Alpha Chi Delta to be a brotherhood that is beneficial and uplifting for our members, a club that freshman want to pledge because the Christian Comradery is so evident. As our club verse says, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity”, Christian Brotherhood will be a strong emphasis as Alpha Chi Delta moves forward in our new chapter, adapting into its new culture. Understanding the mistakes made in the past, accountability between club members will be necessary to reach the destination of the new culture that we are looking for. At the end of the day, it the goal of Alpha Chi Delta to be men who walk, talk, and live like Jesus Christ.