Christliche Damen

Christliche Damen

Message from the President:

Christliche Damen has been the source of so much joy in the lives of so many here at LCU. This club is full of women that encourage each other and serve the Lord. If you see the Purple Posse on campus, come ask us about our rich history of tradition and fellowship!
-Savannah Vokes

Mission Statement:

A women's social club at Lubbock Christian University that upholds the ideals of Christian womanhood and committed to upholding these ideals.

  • Club Verse: Proverbs 31: 10-31
  • Brother Club: Koinonia
  • Club Color: Purple and White.
  • Club Flower: Violet
A group of girls gathering around a wooden seat all with jeans and a teal shirt with the words feeling classy on them