photograph of students in the sub from above
Student Mentoring

Student Mentoring

Student Mentoring

College life is said to be the best time of your life, but for many it can also be a time of confusion and uncertainty. However, in every circumstance comes the opportunity for growth. The mentor program was created to provide a connection between you and a mentor who has experienced the stress of college life. Take it from them, every circumstance leads to growth, but not without the support and encouragement from people who have been there.

Our mentors work with instructors and Academic Advisors to help our students reach their full potential.

Below are some areas in which mentors can help.

  • Provide support in completing goals
  • Help with time management, learning skills and study techniques
  • Connect students with other resources on campus

To connect with a mentor email or call 806.720.7236.

Mentoring Staff
Profile photo of Izzy Miranda
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Profile photo of Ingrid Johnson
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