If you have a love for music and a heart for ministry, a minor in worship ministry will equip you to help others connect with God through corporate worship. Gain foundational music knowledge, strategies for worship leading, and biblical insight about this unique and important ministerial role in the church.
- Study with professional worship ministers
- Learn to plan and implement quality worship experiences
- Get hands-on experience by helping to lead worship in chapel and on campus
- Music Theory and History
- Theatrical Lighting
- Conducting
- History of Church Music
- Ministry of Teaching
- Christian Ministry
- Christian Spiritual Formation
- Internship with a local professional

Study More.
"Part of knowledge is knowing how to do your job well. Study the Word. Know why we do music in church and why we lead how we lead. Know who you are to God, and who God is to you.” — Chris Sligh
The Music and Bible faculty at LCU can help you gain the knowledge and mature your relationship to God.

Performance is Unimportant. Passion is Everything.
"Worship should be moments of freedom, of sheer expressions of gratitude and praise and joy towards what God has done and is doing.” — Chris Sligh
Learn how to plan and lead quality spiritual experiences for worshippers.

Mentors Are More Important Than You Think.
“Find that person who can make you better and learn everything you can from them.” — Chris Sligh
In your internship as part of your degree at LCU, you will work closely with professional worship leaders with years of experience. Work with them to learn all you can about congregational dynamics and the best practices of ministry in today’s churches.