Advanced Credit Policy

Advanced Credit Using the ACT

The university will award college credit for an ACT score of 28 or higher in English or Mathematics.

Advanced Credit Using the SAT

For tests taken after February 2005 and before March 2016 (SAT), the university will award college credit for a score of 670 or higher in Critical Reading or Mathematics. For tests taken after March 2016 (SAT16), the university will award college credit for a score of 710 or higher in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing or Math.

Other Tests for Advanced Credit

Students may contact the testing coordinator to obtain further information regarding these tests:

  • Advanced Placement (AP)–Examinations. Students who are enrolled in high school honors classes offering the advanced placement program should consult with their counselors about registering for advanced placement examinations given in May each year. The university will award college credit for a minimum score of 3 on most AP exams.
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)–The testing office offers CLEP testing by appointment each semester. Students may also take CLEP tests at any other testing center and request their scores be sent to the university.
  • End of Course (EOC) Examinations–Students who possess sufficient knowledge in an academic area and wish to challenge a course for credit should contact the Testing Coordinator for information. Students may not take a challenge exam in a course that is creditable by CLEP. The university reserves the right to determine which courses may be challenged. Prerequisites for the course to be challenged must be met before testing will be approved. Regulations on credit by examination apply to end-of-course examinations.
  • Armed Forces Credit–The university will evaluate for credit appropriate educational experience in the armed services as recommended by the American Council for Education (ACE).

Applicability of Advanced Credit to Degree Program

Students should consult with the appropriate department chair or dean about the applicability of advanced credit to their graduation requirements before seeking credit.

Miscellaneous Information on Advanced Credit

  • CLEP, EOC, and DSST exams have fees associated with testing as well as administrative fees.  Information about the cost of each exam, administrative fees that may apply, and additional information testers need to be aware of prior to testing is available through LCU Academic Testing.
  • The maximum credit toward graduation that may be earned by advanced credit is 45 semester hours. The university reserves the right to evaluate tests for duplication and to define which courses available for advanced credit, the specific score required, and the credit awarded.
  • Course credit by examination may not be used to satisfy the residence requirement for a bachelor's degree.
  • Credit earned by advanced credit is marked TR on the transcript and will not count toward the computation of grade point averages. The university does not guarantee credit earned by advanced credit will transfer to another institution.
  • Students must wait three months or longer before repeating advance credit examinations.
  • Advanced credit will not be granted if the course is a prerequisite or is not as academically advanced as a course already completed.
  • Advanced credit is not available for courses in which students are enrolled. Enrollment is defined as being on the class roll after the 12th day of a long term or after the 3rd day of a short term.
  • Advanced credit will not be granted if students have previously taken the course or subject matter at any college.

Minimum Scores Required to Earn Advanced Credit

ACT–American College Testing Program–Exam is taken prior to admission to the university. Official score report is required to award credit.

Math28MAT1311College Algebra
English28ENG1301Composition Studies

SAT taken after February 2005 and before March 2016. Exam must be taken prior to admission to the university. Official score report is required to award credit.

MATH670MAT1311College Algebra
CRITICAL READING670ENG1301Composition Studies

SAT taken after March 2016. Exam must be taken prior to admission to the university. Official score report is required to award credit.

MATH710MAT1311College Algebra

AP–Advanced Placement Program–College Entrance Examination Board: Courses and exams are taken in high school. Official transcripts are required from CEEB to award credit.

Art History3ART2307 or 2308Survey of Art History I or II
Biology3BIO1401General Biology I
Biology4,5BIO 1401 and 1402General Biology I and II
Calculus AB3MAT1402Calculus I
Calculus BC3MAT1402Calculus I
Calculus BC4MAT1402 and 1403Calculus I and II
Chemistry3CHE1307 and 1107General Chemistry I and Lab
Chemistry4,5CHE1307 and 1107 CHE1308 and 1108General Chemistry I and II and Labs
Chinese Language and Culture3CHIN141Chinese Language I
Chinese Language and Culture4CHIN141 and 142Chinese Language I and II
Computer Science A3IST1325 or 2335 or 3315Introductory Programming Principles, Advanced Programming Concepts, or Object-Oriented Programming
Computer Science Principles3IST1301Foundations of Information Systems and Technology
Economics Macro3ECO2301Macroeconomics
Economics Micro3ECO2302Microeconomics
English Language and Composition3ENG1301Composition Studies
English Literature and Composition4,5ENG1301 and 1302Composition Studies
Environmental Science3NRC1300Man and His Environment
European History3HIS2311European History 1450 to Present
European History4HIS2311 and 2312European History 1450 to Present; History Elective
French Language and Culture3FOL1381 and 1382Beginning French I and II
French Literature3FREN231Introduction to French Literature
French Literature4FREN231 and 232Introduction to French Literature I and II
German Language and Culture3FOL1481 and 1482Beginning German I and II
Comparative Government and Politics3GOV1301Survey of World
United States Government and Polities3GOV2301National Government
Human Geography3GEG1303Beginning Human Geography
Italian Language and Culture3ITAL141 and 142Beginning Italian I and II
Japanese Language and Culture3JAPN141Beginning Japanese I
Japanese Language and Culture4JAPN141 and 142Beginning Japanese I and II
Latin3FOL2303 and 2304Beginning Latin I and II
Music Theory3MUS1305 and 1105Elementary Music Theory I and Lab
Physics 1 - Algebra Based3PHY1303 and 1103General Physics I and Lab
Physics 2 - Algebra Based3PHY1304 and 1104General Physics II and Labs
Physics C: Mechanics3PHY2301 and 2101Engineering Physics I and Lab
Physics C: Mechanics4,5PHY2301 and 2101 PHY2302 and 2102Engineering Physics I and II and Labs
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism3PHY2301 and 2101Engineering Physics I and Lab
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism4,5

PHY2301 and 2101

PHY2302 and 2102

Engineering Physics I and II and Labs
Psychology3PSY1300General Psychology
Psychology4,5PSY1300 and 2310General Psychology; Lifespan Human Development
Spanish Language and Culture3,4FOL1401 and 1402Beginning Spanish I and II
Spanish Language and Culture5FOL1401 and 1402 and 2301Beginning Spanish I and II; Intermediate Spanish I
Spanish Literature and Culture3FOL3301Introduction to Latin American Life and Literature
Spanish Literature and Culture4FOL3301 and 3302Introduction to Latin American Life and Literature; Introduction to Spanish Life and Literature
Statistics3BUA2310Business Statistics
Studio Art 2-D Design3ART1305Foundations of Design
Studio Art 3-D Design3ART2305 or 3308Explorations in Media; Three-Dimensional Design
Studio Art: Drawing3ART1303Drawing I
U.S. History3HIS2301History of the United States I
U.S. History4HIS2301 and 2302History of the United States I and II
World History3HIS1316World History and Geography II
World History4HIS1315 and 1316World History and Geography I and II

CLEP–College Level Examination Program–College Entrance Examination Board: Exams may be taken at any university. Official transcript from CEEB are required to award CLEP credit.

ExamMinimum ScoreCourse IDCourse Title
American Government55GOV2301National Government
American Literature53ENG2326American Literature I
American Literature58ENG2326 and 2327American Literature I and II
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature52ENG2329Analyzing and Interpreting Literature I
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature55ENG2329 and 2330Analyzing and Interpreting Literature I and II
Biology54BIO1300Human Biology
Chemistry56CHE1307 and 1107General Chemistry I and Lab
Chemistry65CHE1307 and 1107 CHE1308 and 1108General Chemistry I and II and Labs
College Algebra53MAT1311College Algebra
College Composition55ENG1301Composition Studies
College Composition63ENG1301 and 1302College Composition; Composition and Literature
College Mathematics55MAT1310College Mathematics
English Literature52ENG2390English Literature
French Language53FOL1381Beginning French I
French Language56FOL1381 and 1382Beginning French I and II
French Language64FOL1381 and 1382 and 231Beginning French I and II; Introduction to French Literature
French Language66FOL1381 and 1382 and 231 and 232Beginning French I and II; Introduction to French Literature; French Literature II
German Language54FOL1481Beginning German I
German Language55FOL1481 and 1482Beginning German I and II
German Language60FOL1481 and 1482and 231Beginning German I and II; German Literature I
German Language66FOL1481 and 1482and 231 and 232Beginning German I and II; German Literature I and II
History of the United States I54HIS2301History of the United States I
History of the United States II55HIS2302History of the United States II
Human Growth and Development56PSY2310Lifespan Human Development
Humanities53AFA2350Introduction to Fine Arts I
Humanities56AFA2350 and 232Introduction to Fine Arts I and II
Introduction to Educational Psychology54PSY 272Educational Psychology
Introductory Business Law56BUS2301Business Law
Introductory Psychology53PSY1300General Psychology
Introductory Sociology55SOC1300General Sociology
Natural Sciences53SCI141Natural Science I
Natural Sciences57SCI141 and 142Natural Science I and II
Principles of Financial Accounting52ACC2301Principles of Accounting I
Principles of Financial Accounting56ACC2301 and 2302Principles of Accounting I and II
Principles of Macroeconomics53ECO2301Macroeconomics
Principles of Management54BUA233Organization and Management
Principles of Marketing56BUA234Principles of Marketing
Principles of Microeconomics53ECO2302Microeconomics
Social Sciences and History55SOC231 or 232Social Science and History; or Sociology of Bureaucracy
Social Sciences and History58SOC231 and 232Social Science and History; Sociology of Bureaucracy
Spanish Language53FOL1401Beginning Spanish I
Spanish Language56FOL1401 and 1402Beginning Spanish I and II
Spanish Language67FOL1401 and 1402 and 2301Beginning Spanish I and II; Intermediate Spanish I
Spanish Language70FOL1401 and 1402 and 2301 and 2302Beginning Spanish I and II; Intermediate Spanish I and II
Western Civilization I54HIST141Western Civilization I
Western Civilization II54HIST142Western Civilization II

IB–International Baccalaureate: An IB diploma or certificate must be awarded from an IB member school. Official transcripts from IBO are required to receive credit. C: certificate awarded, D: diploma awarded, S: standard level, H: higher level.

EXAM4(D)5 (CH/DSH)6/7 (CH/DSH)
BiologyBIO 141BIO 141BIO 141
ChemistryCHE 1307CHE 1307CHE 1307
Computer ScienceIST 1350IST 1350 and 131IST 1350 and 131
Design EngineeringEGR 131EGR 131 and 132EGR 131 and 132
EconomicsECO 2301ECO 2301 and 2302ECO 2301 and 2302
English A1ENG 1301ENG 1301 and 1302ENG 1301 and 1302
Environmental SystemsNRC 2300NRC 2300 and 2301NRC 2300 and 2301
French BFOL 141FOL 141 and 231FOL 141 and 231
GeographyGEG 2300GEG 1301 and 2300GEG 1301 and 2300
German BFOL 141FOL 141 and 231FOL 141 and 231
German A1 or A2FOL 232FOL 231 and 232FOL 231 and 232
History, All RegionsHIS 1315HIS 1315 and 1316HIS 1315 and 1316
History, AfricaHIS 137HIS 137 and 237HIS 137 and 237
History, AmericasHIS 132HIS 132 and 232HIS 132 and 232
History, East and Southeast AsiaHIS 138HIS 138 and 238HIS 138 and 238
History, EuropeHIS 136HIS 136 and 236HIS 136 and 236
History, West and South AsiaHIS 139HIS 139 and 239HIS 139 and 239
LatinLAT 131LAT 131 and 132LAT 131 and 132
MathematicsMAT 1313MAT 1313 and 1316MAT 1313 and 1316
Mathematics MethodsMAT 1311MAT 1311 and 1313MAT 1311 and 1313
Mathematics StudiesMAT 1310MAT 1310 and 1311MAT 1310 and 1311
MusicMUS 1301MUS 1301 and 1305MUS 1301 and 1305
PhilosophyPHI 2304PHI 2304PHI 2304
PhysicsPHY 1303PHY 1303 and 1103PHY 1303 and 1103
PsychologyPSY 1300PSY 1300 and 132PSY 1300 and 132
Russian BRUSN 141RUSN 141 and 2301RUSN 141 and 2301
Russian A1 or A2RUSN 2301RUSN 2301 and 2302RUSN 2301 and 2302
Social AnthropologyANTH 236ANTH 236 and 2376ANTH 236 and 2376
Spanish BFOL 1402FOL 1402 and 2301FOL 1402 and 2301
Spanish A1 or A2FOL 2301FOL 2301 and 2302FOL 2301 and 2302
Theater ArtsTHA 131THA 131 and 132THA 131 and 132
Visual Arts DesignART 1303ART 1303 and 1352ART 1303 and 1352
Visual Arts HistoryART 2307ART 2307 and 2308ART 2307 and 2308