Girl reading through a book taking notes at table in a coffee shop
Cornerstone Scholars

Cornerstone Scholars

Lubbock Christian University’s Premier Leadership Scholarship
Nomination-based, full-tuition* scholarship for the undergraduate experience.

Just as a cornerstone is the pinnacle structural element of a building and Christ the foundation of our faith, the Cornerstone Scholarship Scholar is an anchor to their community. Steadfast and enduring, their presence is a stabilizing and unifying force to others—providing strength in storms, steadiness in uncertainty, and direction in doubt.

Cornerstone Scholars demonstrate leadership through their relational skills, serving as a role model whose influence helps others realize their own full potential.

Cornerstone Scholar Criteria 

  • Demonstrated commitment to Jesus Christ that is intentionally lived out
  • Demonstrated track record of service
  • Demonstrated leadership potential
  • Demonstrated relational and interpersonal skills
  • Academically eligible for unconditional admission 

How to Qualify:

  • Cornerstone is a nomination process
  • Nominators cannot be a family member
  • Nominators can be (for example):
    • Teacher
    • High School Counselor
    • Youth Minister
    • Coach
  • Nomination deadline:  December 15 (11:59 pm)
Nominate a Student Here!

Nominations due by December 15 (11:59 pm).

Cornerstone Scholar Curriculum:

  • Weekly mentorship meetings with President McDowell
  • Engage in student leadership development
  • Serve as a liaison between the university and its many constituencies
  • Collaborate with other Cornerstone Scholars to enhance student engagement
  • Participate in events and activities that promote service

*Required to live on campus for the undergraduate experience. Room & Board not included in scholarship.

therefore thus says the Lord God,
“Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion,
a stone, a tested stone,
a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation."

Isaiah 28:16

So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.

Ephesians 2:19-22

They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.

Luke 6:48

Tanner Higgins

Senior Finance major, Lubbock, TX

"The Cornerstone Scholar program has been the biggest blessing in my life.  It has encouraged me to hone the leadership skills God has blessed me with but also provided a community of Christ-like students who have challenged me spiritually during the most formative years of my life.  Cornerstone Scholars has shaped me into a leader and follower of Christ like I could never have imagined. Learning how to navigate life away from home can be challenging.  The Cornerstone Scholars program has provided a constant and stable community where I am guided and pushed to be the best possible version of myself.  Through various guest speakers, devotional and leadership books, and discussions with fellow Cornerstone Scholars and President McDowell, I amconfident that I am equipped to be a leader in my future career."

Jaivan Alvarez

Sophomore Accounting/Finance major, Plainview, TX

"I felt challenged coming into LCU, but I quickly learned people are more intentional and genuine at LCU. The Cornerstone Scholars program has opened the door to being a leader. Not only am I encouraged and built up, but I am challenged to learn how to do the same for others. At first, I wasn’t sure of how that would look, but now I see the importance of how Cornerstone Scholars equips us to lead—the program truly allows each of us to lead through our unique gifts and talents. People at LCU are pouring into me, which encourages me to do the same for others.  I am grateful to be a Lubbock Christian University Cornerstone Scholar."

Alexa Livar

 Junior Business Administration major, Petersburg, TX

"The Cornerstone Scholars program has given me an opportunity to build Christ like relationships at a faith-based university. Cornerstone Scholars has shown me how it looks to love God’s people and meet them where they are at: The mentorship from President McDowell and campus leaders has encouraged me to replicate the way they walk with me as I walk with others. The weekly meetings also help strengthen my relationship with Christ through the interactions and discussions of this community. It is an intentional time that allows the Cornerstone Scholar students to gather and grow in leadership and our faith. "

Maame Forson

 Junior Exercise Sport Science major with the Pre-Nursing Emphasis, Little Elm, TX

"The Cornerstone Scholars program has given me the opportunity to be a leader on campus, and the ability to live out my own personal mission statement which is to spread God’s agape love. It has given me confidence that I am a leader, and it brings the skills out that God has given me.  At LCU, I have found a community that walks with students, encouraging and equipping them for their future."