Lubbock Christian University

COVID-19 Information

Lubbock Christian University encourages all eligible persons to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, consulting with your personal health care provider to address any questions or concerns you may have.

University leadership continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation and will implement appropriately responsive protocols as the pandemic evolves. Decisions are made on these three tenets:

  • We will use evidence-based research to make decisions.
  • We will lean on the guidance of local, state, and federal resources.
  • We will always be led by our own Christ-centered mission as we establish appropriate standards.

Following good health protocols is everyone’s responsibility and creates a caring environment where we are all doing our part to help keep our community healthy. A general overview of current protocols can be found below. Continue to monitor this site for regularly updated protocols and educational resources.

Lubbock Christian University policy states “Public health situations may arise for which federal, state, or local health authorities determine institutional action may be warranted. In such cases, the university will implement applicable guidance provided by health authorities, when feasible and consistent with the mission and values of LCU.” The guidance and protocols below are currently in effect in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and are subject to change as circumstances warrant.

Updated Scheduling

Fall 2021 and Spring 2022

LCU is committed to face-to-face instruction and returning as closely as possible to pre-COVID protocols.

Community Declaration

Lubbock Christian University is a Christ-centered, academic community of learners, transforming the hearts, minds, and hands of students for lives of purpose and service. Part of the transformation of our hearts includes how we live with, and among, our fellow members of the Lubbock Christian University community. As a community who follows the path of Jesus, we agree to put the well-being of others ahead of our own.

Summary of Current Campus Protocols

Background perspective on vaccines

  • We are approaching the 60-year anniversary of Dr. Jonas Salk announcing the successful testing of a vaccine to prevent poliomyelitis, the invisible virus affecting nearly 60,000 Americans and resulting in approximately 3,000 deaths annually (
  • This landmark discovery would put an end to the need for iron-lungs and a lifetime of affliction of polio patients, including U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and usher in an era in which the “miracle” of vaccination would save hundreds of thousands from disease and premature death.
  • The historic accelerated development of safe and effective vaccinations for COVID-19 is unprecedented and made possible by advances in the human genome, technology and global scientific collaboration.

Links to vaccine information

Where to get the vaccine

UPDATE 8/8/22

While we are all hoping to see a steady decline in COVID cases over the coming weeks and months, COVID does continue to be an issue in Lubbock and the LCU community.  For those who are ill enough to feel they need a medical checkup, the LCU Student Health Office does continue to maintain rapid COVID tests (combined with flu testing) available to LCU students and employees, at a cost of $30.  Please call before coming to the clinic (806.720.7482).

For updated testing locations and resources, visit the City of Lubbock Health Department website.

Other important details:

  • COVID-19 testing is not indicated if you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 60 days.
  • If you are testing due to a COVID-19 exposure, please wait FIVE (5) full days after exposure, unless symptomatic.
  • Currently, we are also able to accommodate testing for travel, work, and athletic requirements.
  • For questions about this or any other test site hosted by the City of Lubbock Health Dept, please call them at 806.775.2933.

If you have any other questions about this testing, please call the LCU Student Health Office (806.720.7482)

  • According to public health guidelines, students, faculty, and staff should wash their hands often and supplement that with using hand sanitizer.
  • Wearing a face covering which covers the mouth and nostrils entirely is recommended for unvaccinated faculty, staff, students, and campus guests while in campus buildings and while in proximity to others in outdoor spaces.
  • Unvaccinated students, faculty, and staff should observe social distancing of at least 3 feet whenever possible.
  • Indoor community spaces, in general, may have reduced occupancy limits to provide for adequate distancing.
  • Quarantine is the term used for secluding yourself from others after having been in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19.
    • State of Texas contact tracing authorities will determine who has been in close contact with a person who tests positive for COVID-19 and thus needs to be quarantined. In general, you will be deemed to be a “close contact” if you have been with the COVID-19 positive individual in either of the following ways during the time beginning 48 hours before their symptom onset until they are released from 10-day isolation:
      • You live in the same house, apartment, or residence hall room.
      • You have been within six (6) feet of that person, with either of you unmasked, for at least 15 minutes.
    • Fully vaccinated persons should self-monitor for symptoms but may generally refrain from quarantine if they do not have COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Isolation is the term used for secluding yourself away from others while you are sick with COVID-19.
  • Further descriptions of Quarantine and Isolation (including recommended durations) can be found here
  • Employees exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms are to avoid campus, seek medical attention, and contact their supervisor.
  • Any employee who tests positive for COVID-19 or any unvaccinated employees who is told to quarantine by a contact tracing authority should:
    • Notify their supervisor and Human Resources.
    • Avoid campus and follow isolation instructions given by their health provider or contact tracing authority.
  • Students exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms are to contact the LCU Student Health Office or their local health care provider.
  • LCU Student Health Office or the student’s local health care provider will determine whether a COVID-19 test should be administered.
  • Students should follow any quarantine instructions given by their health care provider or contact tracing authority, coordinating with their professors to make up missed class and assignments.
  • Students may return to classes when cleared by their health care provider or contact tracing authority.
  • University student group travel may be limited and will be considered and managed on a case-by-case basis.