Student fixing glasses for little girl
Mission Trips

Mission Trips

MissionLink Center for Global Engagement

MissionLink empowers students to grow God’s Kingdom through their unique talents and interests. There are many summer and spring options for a mission trip or internship. Options include: medical missions, outreach missions, children's and youth ministry, education missions, languages trips, and much more! Contact us at to explore your options.

Choir Mission Tours

Just after the spring semester, twenty-nine LCU Choir students joined Phillip Camp and three sponsors to work with Eastern European Mission (EEM) to present outreach concerts in Ukraine and Croatia. Many Bibles were distributed and mission churches were strengthened. EEM, a Bible printing ministry that has printed and distributed Bibles in Russia, Ukraine, and other countries in Easter Europe for over fifty years, sponsored the campaign.

Since 1998, LCU Choirs have participated in concert tour/mission campaigns, singing outreach concerts in cooperation with mission churches and organizations. Previous campaigns have included the Philippine Islands (1998), Mexico (2000), Australia (2001 and 2005), Ireland (2003), Up-State New York (2004), Ukraine and Austria (2007 and 2013), Ukraine (2009), and Ukraine and Greece (2011). The 2015 campaign to Ukraine and Croatia marked the eleventh overseas campaign, and the fifth campaign to Ukraine sponsored by EEM.

Choir Group Photo in Ukraine
Serve Within Your Calling

The student body at LCU is blessed with an abundance of different gifts and talents. We believe that these are given to us to glorify God and help spread His kingdom. LCU offers many different avenues to do this, but some of the most transformational opportunities are through missions.

As believers in Christ, we are all called to be missionaries to the world around us. To our families, friends, workplaces, neighborhoods, and various communities. While a mission trip can be a week or two, or even becoming a long-term missionary; we are all called to be servants of Christ in our lives, no matter where we are. Missions isn’t something some do over there, it’s what we all do, everywhere.”

 — Shawn Tyler, Director of MissionLink, Professor of Missional Engagement