LCU student looking through glassware in a storage closet
Pre-Athletic Training

Pre-Athletic Training

Students preparing for a career in Athletic Training are considered to be on a Pre-Athletic Training path. In order to qualify for Athletic Training Programs, students must take necessary prerequisites for each school. 

In order to become an Athletic Trainer, individuals must obtain a Masters in Athletic Training degree. This may require additional education and clinical experience, for more information contact

What do Athletic Trainers do?

Athletic trainers specialize in preventing, diagnosing, and treating muscle and bone injuries and illnesses. Learn more about an athletic training career.

What is the job outlook?

Employment growth for Athletic Trainers is projected at 23 percent from 2016 to 2026, which is much faster than the average for all occupations. Demand for athletic trainers is a result of education as people become more aware of the effects of sports-related injuries, and as well as the level of physical activity of middle-aged and older populations. Increases in understanding and prevalence of concussions are particularly severe and long lasting for child athletes. “Although concussions are dangerous at any age, children’s brains are still developing and are at risk for permanent complications” (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016). 

United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2016). Occupational outlook handbook: Healthcare [Data file]. Retrieved from

What are athletic training programs in Texas?

View the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (caATe) website for a list of approved athletic programs and to check accreditation status of Texas Programs.

See Degree Plan Details!

For the pre-athletic training degree plan, you will need to enroll in Bachelor of Arts in Biology curriculum. Visit the University Catalog here to view the pre-athletic training degree plan and other LCU degree plans.

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