Students preparing for a career in Medicine are considered to be on a Pre-Medical path. In order to qualify for Medical School, students must take necessary prerequisites for each school.
In order to practice in this field, individuals must obtain a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Degree (D.O.) degree. This may require additional education and clinical experience, for more information contact HealthProfessions@LCU.edu.
What do Physicians and Surgeons do?
Physicians and Surgeons assess and treat a number for medical and health conditions. They consider patients’ symptoms and medical history to prescribe treatments to address patients’ health. Learn more about a career as a physician or surgeon.
What is the job outlook?
Employment growth for physicians and surgeons is projected at 13 percent from 2016 to 2026, which is much faster than the average for all occupations. Demand for Physicians and Surgeons is the result of aging populations requiring care for chronic and/or acute health conditions.
(Retrieved from www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/physicians-and-surgeons.htm)
LCU Honors College & TTUHSC Agreement
The LCU Honors College and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine have established a new agreement which allows qualified students the opportunity to apply early to the TTUHSC School of Medicine, including a provision to waive their MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test). The goal of this program is to cultivate well-rounded applicants and encourage students to broaden their educational experiences. With the waived MCAT, students are afforded more opportunities to explore courses in the humanities, behavioral sciences, business, languages and other areas that make for well-rounded professionals.
Eligibility to Apply
Early acceptance with the new LCU Honors College and TTUHSC School of Medicine requires students to meet the following minimum requirements in order to apply:
- Students must be a Texas resident, U.S. Citizen and/or Permanent Resident
- Students must graduate from a high school in the state of Texas
- Students must score a 30 on the ACT, or 1360 on SAT (Critical Reading + Math)Students must enter
- Lubbock Christian University as a first-time freshman (transfer students are ineligible)
- Be accepted and a member in good standing in the LCU Honors College
- Complete at least 38 hours of required science coursework at LCU with a BCPM (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math) GPA of 3.6 and a cumulative GPA of 3.7 or higher.
For more information please contact: HealthProfessions@LCU.edu or Honors@LCU.edu
What are Physicians and Surgeons programs in Texas?
Physicians and Surgeons Programs
*Programs are public and fully accredited unless otherwise indicated
Allopathic (MD) Programs
Baylor, Houston - College of Medicine (Private)
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Amarillo, Permian Basin - School of Medicine
Texas Tech University Health Science Center, El Paso - Paul L. Foster School of Medicine
University of Texas, Dallas - Southwestern Medical School
University of Texas, Galveston - Medical Branch School of Medicine
University of Texas, Houston - Health McGovern Medical School
University of Texas, San Antonio - Health Long School of Medicine
Osteopathic (DO)
UNT Health Science Center, Ft. Worth - Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
Developing programs or in accreditation process
University of Texas, Austin - Dell Medical School (Austin) – Preliminary Accreditation Status
View a list of osteopathic medical programs on the American Osteopathic Association
Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCOA) website.
Visit the Texas Medical and Dental Schools Application Service for information on the application process and a list of participating medical schools.
Visit the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) website.
View information about the Joint Association of Medical Program (JAMP).
For the pre-medical degree plan, you will need to enroll in Bachelor of Science in Biology or Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry curriculum. Visit the University Catalog here to view the pre-medical degree plan and other LCU degree plans.