Summer & Study Abroad
Summer & Study Abroad
Summer is a wonderful time to work on one’s application to professional school. This is why the Office of Health Professions encourages students to seek out volunteer opportunities, shadowing/internships with healthcare professionals and enrolling in summer courses.
LCU Medical Missions - Peru
Contact the LCU Office of Health Professions for more information at 806.720.7633.
Summer Health Professions
Atlantis Pre-Med Fellowship Abroad
LCU Global Campus
yesterday we met a woman I'm an older woman is she had only had three teeth left and so we were going to be pulling her last three teeth and ended up after you know I got to assist our dentist pulling those teeth after they were gone she was crying but she told us they were tears of happiness because she wasn't going to be in pain anymore I mean what struck me was she was just so relieved that someone would come all the way over here to help her and relieve her of her pain working with the medical professionals was a little bit intimidating at first honestly just because I want to be at a point where I just have the knowledge and stuff that they have it's been so neat and they've been so awesome at teaching us and not just doing their thing which they are but then they're explaining to us what they're doing and why they're doing it and so that's been an awesome learning opportunity for us just keep giving us these teachable moments is what they are calling them in giving us lessons and helping us know what's going on and again why they're doing what they're doing and so that is really valuable for us as students to learn directly from these professionals it's not in the classroom you can learn a lot in the classroom but you can learn so much more from actually getting out there and working with the professionals what we like about this trip is it is specifically designed for undergraduate students not just in the Natural Sciences but anyone on campus who is interested in the pre-health professional field to go on this trip what it offers is an opportunity to engage and interact with professionals in their field and what we see upon a student returning from this is they really they become they learn who they are at the core some of them embark on this excursion and they think they want to be a nurse and they go on this and they get the rich experiences that it offers they come back and they know they want to be a nurse those who thought they wanted to be a dentist no they want to be a dentist and that is the value of this trip I've wanted since I was a little girl to be a dentist and now I'm really interested in being an oral surgeon I'm getting to work so closely with both of these doctors they are so knowledgeable and I'm so impressed by how much of their knowledge they're willing to share with us this is a unique experience because we're not just watching and helping but we are learning you know 24 7 we're with these doctors we're eating with them or assisting them in the clinic and we have down time with them so we're learning all the time if you're interested in the medical profession at all in any aspect of it I would highly recommend coming if for no other reason but to see all the kids and to see their smiles in like the people are just amazing here and there so genuinely thankful for any kind of advice or help that we can give them and so that's really neat to see it's been neat to kind of be the hands and feet of Jesus which is what he calls us to do and just love people that's that's a big part of it is just loving people and being a part of their lives for this time that we're able to be here so definitely come to Peru