There are two bedrooms, located at the top left and right of the plan. Each bedroom has its own closet, with closet doors depicted in each room. Each bedroom has a closet space positioned next to a small sink area, represented by a sink icon. The central room is labeled as "Living," indicating it as the main living space. It is situated between the two bedrooms and provides access to the other areas. At the lower right, there is a bathroom with a shower and a toilet. The shower and toilet are shown with icons.
Four-Room Floorplan
There are three bedrooms in this layout, each labeled "Bedroom" and positioned across the top of the plan. Each bedroom has its own closet, situated adjacent to a small sink area. Each bedroom includes a closet with doors depicted, and each closet connects to a small area with a sink. A central living space is labeled "Living" and provides access to each bedroom. It is centrally located and allows for easy movement between rooms. There are two bathrooms, located at the bottom corners of the layout. Each bathroom includes a shower and toilet, represented by icons. These bathrooms appear to be shared among the residents of the three bedrooms. Dotted lines indicate the swing of each door, showing how they open within each room and bathroom.