LCU Department of Humanities offers several minor programs to add a robust specialization to any degree program:
- Minor in Creative Writing
- Minor in Law and Government
- Minor in English
- Minor in History
- Minor in Humanities
- Minor in Film Studies (NEW)

Minor in Film Studies:
The 18-hour disciplinary Minor in Film Studies supports a critical mindset of both watching and writing about film and and helps’ turn students’ knowledge into crucial analytical and writing skills for their future workplaces.
“Our Minor in Film Studies offers students opportunities to develop fluency in the language of film and an appreciation for the art of cinematic narrative. Whether through movies that immerse us in classic tales and ancient legends or through videos that challenge our understanding of contemporary politics and world events, the visual medium of film is a primary mode of human expression and experience. And as technological changes in the industry have transformed our access to visual media—from theaters and televisions to laptops and phones—it is more vital than ever that we strengthen our literacy in the art form through which our culture most regularly engages its imagination.”
- Dr. Kenneth Hawley, Professor of English, LCU
Required courses include:
- Introduction to Film Studies
- Film and Literature
- Internship in Media/Film
- Three additional courses in either television and worship media production, digital video, multimedia design, or other film and media-focused opportunities
The Value of a Minor in Film Studies
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for Film and Video Editors and Camera Operators is very good. An entry-level bachelor’s degree in a related field is all that is required, along with some technical experience, and the job outlook is estimated at “much faster than average.” Many organizations hire people with understanding of film to help with their websites and training videos, and several videos, and several of our graduates have gone on to create their own film and production businesses.
“My minor in Film Studies has taught me how to think more critically and analyze both film and literature in a deeper way. The classes have shown me how film techniques and perspectives can be so powerful to communicate messages and influence audiences. After I graduate, these skills will help me analyze situations, think deeply, and understand communication.”
-Hannah Ward ('23), English Literature Major with a Minor in Film Studies
A Minor in Film Studies may be added to any bachelor’s degree.
The Minor in Law and Government helps students interested in pursuing law school following graduation. Although many students interested in studying the law choose to major in Government, History, or Business, there is no specific major required to be accepted to a graduate law school program. This minor helps provide the strong humanities background that is preferred by most law schools and that can help with the LSAT test.
Students choosing the Minor in Law and Government should request an “Add Minor” form from the Department of Humanities. With the help of a Law and Government advisor from the Department of Humanities, students will choose six courses from the following:
- Government
- Political Science
- Criminal Justice
- BUA 4301 Business Law
The Minor in Law and Government can be added to any bachelor’s degree.
Several majors would be enhanced with a Minor in Law and Government:
- Bachelor in Business Administration
- BBA in Economics
- BA in Criminal Justice
- BA in English
Contact an advisor in the Humanities Department for more information on adding this minor.
The Minor in Creative Writing allows students to hone their writing skills, particularly in the areas of writing poetry and fiction, but also other types of creative writing. Students will not only take several workshop-style writing classes, but they will also have the opportunity to join LCU’s Creative Writing Club and may contribute to (or even be able to edit) the university’s literary journal The ChapBook.
Students choosing to minor in Creative Writing should request an “Add Minor” form from the Department of Humanities. Required classes for this minor include:
- ENG 3304 Advanced Grammar
- ENG 3305 Intro to Creative Writing
- ENG 4304 Fiction Writing Workshop
- ENG 4308 Poetry Writing Workshop
- 6 hours from ENG writing courses
The Minor in Creative Writing can be added to any bachelor’s degree.
For more information on adding this minor, please contact an advisor in the Department of Humanities (806) 720-7601.
The Minor in Humanities encourages students interested in Humanities Department classes, such as English, History, and Government, to enhance their degree plans. The Humanities minor offers many course choices, allowing students with majors that do not include a lot of flexibility to add some interesting and enhancing classes. While students choosing a Minor in Humanities are not required to be Honors students, this minor is highly recommended for Honors students.
Students choosing to minor in Humanities should request an “Add Minor” form from the Department of Humanities. Required classes for this minor include:
- HUM 2300 Exploring the Human Experience
- 3 hours upper-division English
- 3 hours upper-division History
- 3 hours upper-division Government
- 6 hours from English, Government, History, Humanities, Philosophy, Art History, Music History, Theater History
The Minor in Humanities can be added to any bachelor’s degree.
For more information on adding this minor, please contact an advisor in the Department of Humanities (806) 720-7601.
The Minor in English is highly recommended for students interested in reading a wide variety of texts and who are also interested in improving their writing skills. The English Minor has a lot of flexibility, so students may focus on the classes they are most interested in. For instance, students most interested in improving writing skills may choose classes such as ENG 3304 Advanced Composition, ENG 3317 Advanced Grammar, or ENG 3310 Writing Grant Proposals, while students most interested in reading may choose from a variety of literature courses of interest.
Employers are increasingly looking for employees with excellent communication skills, particularly good writing. Adding a Minor in English helps students who want to improve their communication skills, particularly in reading comprehension and writing.
Students choosing to minor in English should request an “Add Minor” form from the Department of Humanities. Required classes for this minor include:
- 18 hours any English, of which 9 must be upper-division
Several majors would be enhanced with a Minor in English:
- Bachelor in Business Administration
- Bachelor of Social Work
- B.A. in Criminal Justice
- B.A. in Biblical Text
The Minor in English can be added to any bachelor’s degree.
For more information on adding this minor, please contact an advisor in the Department of Humanities (806) 720-7601.
Many students recognize the need for a greater understanding of our nation’s and world’s history. The Minor in History is a good addition for students interested in studying history, particularly areas of history they may not have had the opportunity to study in-depth. Although any student can add a Minor in History, this minor is particularly recommended for Honors students since there is at least one Honors History course offered every semester, such as The History of Science and History of Russia, allowing Honors students to gain valuable Honors credits while learning more about history.
Students choosing to minor in History should request an “Add Minor” form from the Department of Humanities. Required classes for this minor include:
- HIS 2301 & 2302 OR HIS 1315 & 1316
- 12 hours any upper-division History
Several majors would be enhanced with a Minor in History:
- Bachelor in Business Administration
- B.A. in Criminal Justice
- B.A. in Biblical Text
- B.A. in Missions
The Minor in History can be added to any bachelor’s degree.
For more information on adding this minor, please contact an advisor in the Department of Humanities (806) 720-7601.