Emergency Procedures
- Remain calm
- If a telephone threat is received, write down every word
- Check the caller ID for a number of the caller
- Pay attention to voice quality and background noises, and note any unusual or identifying characteristics of the caller
- Keep the caller on the line and discretely ask someone else to call 911 with the information
- Document on bomb threat worksheet
- If the fire is controllable, direct the extinguisher toward the base of the flame and sweep side to side
- If there is any doubt, pull the fire alarm and call 911
- Evacuate the building
- Pull the fire alarm
- Evacuate the building
- Call 911 as soon as possible
- Call 911 as soon as possible
- Remember the 3 D's:
- DISTANCE yourself or evacuate if there is a safe path
- Lock and barricade the door to DENY the shooter's access
- DEFEND yourself using any means necessary
- Secure exit doors & remain inside
- Have staff monitor doors
- Increase awareness & conduct business as usual
- Lock doors if possible. If not, barricade with tables and chairs
- Close curtains and blinds
- Stay away from windows and doors
- Stay low and quiet
- Silence all cell phones
- Do not open until all clear
- Be mindful of weather
- Be aware of options
- Be ready to move
- Go to the ground floor
- Go to an interior area (like an office or bathroom free of windows)
- Go now—don't wait
LCU Alert

LCUAlert is an emergency notification system to inform LCU students, faculty, and staff of urgent or timely information. Communication may be delivered through phone, email, and text messaging.
***The emergency notification system will be used for emergency communication only.***