Guidelines for Applying to Present at Scholars Colloquium
LCU students, faculty and staff may apply to present their scholarly work via the online Abstract Submission form on the Scholars Colloquium web page:
- You can choose to present your work as an oral presentation or as a poster presentation
- Provide a title that concisely and clearly describes the focus of your work
- Provide the names of the primary presenter and any co-presenters
- An abstract is required as part of the application process (see below)
- Any work that directly utilizes human or animal research subjects must have prior approval by the LCU IRB or LCU IACUC.
Abstract Guidelines:
- Abstracts are intended to summarize the context, purpose, methods, and findings of your research. Additional information about abstracts can be found here ( )
- Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words and not contain references, footnotes, or other extraneous information.
- Abstracts should be thoroughly edited and proofread for clarity, proper English grammar and spelling
Oral Presentation Guidelines:
- Each presenter will be allocated 25 minutes. Presentations should be a maximum of 20 minutes allowing for a brief question and answer session to follow
- Presentations should reflect a high degree of professionalism in the presenter’s delivery and interactions with the audience
- Presentation locations will have a computer and projector for utilizing PowerPoint or other visual presentation tools.
- Moderators will be present in each session to assist with introducing speakers, loading presentations on the projectors, etc.
Poster Presentation Guidelines:
- Posters should be a maximum of 48” wide by 42” tall
- It is the presenter’s responsibility to have the poster printed and displayed prior to the start of the poster session