If an Incident of Sexual Misconduct/Sexual Violence Occurs
The following options and resources are available to you

Get Immediate Assistance
- Call 911
- Medical Attention
- Sexual Assault Nurse Exams(SANE) are provided by
- Covenant Medical Center
3615 19th St.
806.725.0000 - University Medical Center
602 Indiana Ave.
806.775.8200 - LCU Student Health Office can assist with follow-up medical care.
- Covenant Medical Center
- Sexual Assault Nurse Exams(SANE) are provided by
- 24-Hour Crisis Hotline
- Voice of Hope
- Voice of Hope
Confidential Support
- On Campus
- LCU Counseling Center
806.720.7478 - LCU Student Health Office
- LCU Counseling Center
- Off Campus
- Voice of Hope
806.763.7273 - Women's Protective Services
- Voice of Hope
Report the Incident
- Report to Law Enforcement
- To file a police report
A police officer will be dispatched to assist you.
- To file a police report
- Report to LCU
- Title IX Coordinator
Kaili Hutchinson
806.720.7503 - Dean of Students
806.720.7501 - Report to other LCU official
Faculty and staff are required to inform Title IX Coordinator of any reports of sexual misconduct or violence.
- Title IX Coordinator
Anonymous Reporting
Anonymous reports may be submitted online at: LCU.edu/titleix-reporting
Reporting anonymously will limit LCU’s ability to respond, investigate, and provide assistance.
Please contact LCU Title IX Coordinator with any questions about resources or the reporting process.
All resources are available at any time.