Sexual/Domestic Violence Resource Guide

You are not alone!
Remember, no matter the circumstances… the violence that has occurred is not your fault.

Sexual Assault is a non-selective, violent crime that disregards race, age, education level, marital status and economic level. It is painful…it is frustrating…it is humiliating…it is the worst crime a victim will ever live to remember. You do not have to go through this alone.

What to do:

  1. Go somewhere safe.
  2. Call someone you trust for support.
  3. If you wish to report the crime, notify the police immediately. This may give you comfort while protecting others from victimization.
  4. Get medical attention as soon as possible even if you don’t have injuries; call 911 if necessary.
  5. Help preserve evidence. Do not wash your self or your clothing. Do not brush your teeth or eat anything.
  6. Write down as much information regarding the attack as possible.
  7. Contact the Title IX Coordinator at 806.720.7503.
  8. Following an assault, you may feel many different emotions. These are not uncommon. Seek guidance from an agency like the LCU Counseling Office or Lubbock Rape Crisis.

Who can help

LCU strongly encourages victims of sexual or domestic assault to seek medical attention as soon as possible, report the incident to the police and the university if they choose to do so, and seek confidential counseling services.


    24hr Crisis Hotline: 806.763.RAPE (7273)


  • LCU Student Health Office
    No Charge 
    In the SUB, Room 211
  • Covenant Health
    3615 19th St.
  • UMC Health System
    602 Indiana Ave.
  • Parkridge
    5203 79th Street, Suite A

Law Enforcement

  • LCU Public Safety (24 Hours)
    806.928.6803 (non-police/non-emergency)
    In the SUB, Room 206
    Police Reports - 806.775.2865
    Emergency - 911
  • Lubbock Police Department
  • Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office


  • LCU Counseling Center
    No Charge
    In the SUB, Room 202
  • Parkridge
    5203 79th Street, Suite A


Legal Assistance

  • Legal Aid Society Of Lubbock, INC.
  • Texas Advocacy Project
    Sexual Assault Legal Hotline
    Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault

Title IX prohibits sex discrimination, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, and relationship violence in educational programs and activities. LCU will take prompt, decisive action to investigate any reports of actions prohibited by Title IX, as well as ensure the safety of any student involved and the campus community as a whole. For more information visit:

Retaliation against anyone who files a complaint alleging sexual or domestic assault or participates in the investigation of a complaint is prohibited and will not be tolerated.