Lubbock Christian University (LCU) hosted the 13th Annual Lanier Theological Library Lecture on Tuesday, September 24. The featured lecturer, Dr. Amy…
Lubbock Christian University (LCU) faculty Dr. David Fraze and Dr. Monica Hill have published their new book, Practical Wisdom for Families with…
Lubbock Christian University (LCU) hosted the 12th Annual Lanier Theological Library Lecture entitled, “Coping with Pluralism: A Biblical Alternative…
The Alfred and Patricia Smith College of Biblical Studies at Lubbock Christian University (LCU) has announced the addition of The Story of God in…
The Graduate School of Theology of Lubbock Christian University’s Alfred and Patricia Smith College of Biblical Studies announced a new, fully online,…
Lubbock Christian University hosted a dedication ceremony for a newly-donated library of books from the family of Thomas A. Langford, a longtime…
Lubbock Christian University hosted its tenth annual lecture in partnership with the Lanier Theological Library featuring renowned scholar, author,…
Lubbock Christian University (LCU) officials announced today a $3 million-dollar gift from Al and Pat Smith, longtime friends and supporters of the…
Lubbock Christian University hosted Yosef Garfinkel speaking on “Searching for Historical King David” in the seventh annual Lanier Theological Library…
Lubbock Christian University is pleased to announce that Al and Pat Smith, longtime friends and supporters of the university, have agreed to make a…