Entire Handbook

Message from the Vice President

Dear Chap Nation:

It is my privilege to welcome you to Lubbock Christian University for the 2024-2025 academic year.

You can look forward to a year filled with opportunities to learn from dedicated faculty who care about you as a person, to develop meaningful relationships with peers, to engage in a vibrant campus community, and to discern God's calling. This year is a great time to explore and grow in all areas of life. 

It is the collaborative work of students, faculty, and staff to care for, and carry out, our mission to be a Christ-centered, academic community of learners, transforming the hearts, minds, and hands of students for lives of purpose and service. This missions speaks to a higher moral expectation for the LCU community - and this LCU Student Handbook provides the structure to help all of us act with integrity, strive to discern right from wrong, speak the truth, and keep our commitments.

I encourage you to embrace your journey this year with perseverance and joy. This will be the best year yet at Lubbock Christian University.

God Bless and Go Chaps!

Randal Dement
Vice President — Student Life

LCU Mission and Values

Mission Statement

Lubbock Christian University is a Christ-centered, academic community of learners, transforming the hearts, minds, and hands of students for lives of purpose and service.


We seek to be authentically Christian, guided by our Christian faith in every dimension of our life as a community of higher learning.

  • We are committed to students, passionately seeking to provide a transformative educational experience.
  • We are scholars and co-discovers, guided by Christian wisdom while diligently seeking the truth in every discipline.
  • We are a welcoming community, embodying a spirit of hospitality in every aspect of our life together.
  • We are thoughtfully engaged, committed to serving as agents, models, and witnesses of the Kingdom of God in our families, churches, and communities.
  • We pursue the highest standards of excellence, "working with all our hearts, as working for the Lord," and seeking to glorify God in everything we do.
  • We act with integrity, striving to discern right from wrong, speaking the truth, and keeping our commitments.
  • We treat others with dignity and respect, valuing each person as one made in God's image. 
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Student Handbook—Prepared by the Student Life Office

It is the responsibility of the student to obtain, read, comprehend, and honor the purposes, policies, and procedures of the Student Handbook. The specific policies outlined are not presented as an exhaustive list of behavior concerns, and each one should be interpreted broadly in the context of the highest Christian standards of honesty, ethics, and morality. The university reserves the right at any time to create additional policies and protocols, or modify existing ones, as needs may dictate, and students are expected to abide by such from the time of implementation. Any such changes will be communicated with the students through LCU email and the LCU website.

In the entirety of this handbook, the term university shall mean Lubbock Christian University. The term campus shall mean LCU-owned buildings, land, parking lots, and walkways. The term student shall mean any university student enrolled for one or more credits in the current semester and living on or off campus. The term faculty/staff shall mean any administrator, faculty member, or contract staff member currently employed by the university.

For additional information regarding policies, reports, and student resources, go to LCU Student Right to Know.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Lubbock Christian University does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of  race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities, including admissions and employment.  

LCU is religiously affiliated with the Churches of Christ. It is the purpose of LCU to be a Christ-centered, academic community of learners, providing a transformative educational experience for students. The university pursues the very highest employment and academic standards within a context that celebrates and extends the spiritual and ethical ideals of the Christian faith. In accordance with federal and state law, LCU reserves the right to seek, hire, and promote persons who support the goals and mission of the university, including the right to prefer co-religionists.

The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Kaili Hutchinson, Title IX Coordinator

Brenda Lowe, HR representative

Larinda Creel, Accessibility Services Coordinator

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Academic Policies

Consult the LCU Catalog for all academic policy information including, but not limited to: academic probation, standards, suspension and suspension appeal procedure, class adds or drops, grade appeal, etc. For additional questions, students should contact their instructor, academic advisor, the registrar, or the appropriate academic dean.


All course textbooks can be purchased in the LCU Chap Store or online through our Virtual Bookstore. The Chap Store is located on campus in the Mabee Student Life Building (SUB). LCU student accounts may be used to purchase books and course materials. Book buy-back will occur the week of finals in the Chap Store. For further questions, please call the LCU Chap Store at 806.720.7526.

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Office of Student Professional Development

The Office of Student Professional Development (OSPD) is designed to help students navigate and prepare for the journey that comes after they complete their academic career and look toward their professional career. OSPD offers tools and advising necessary for students and alumni to succeed in their career endeavors. Services include one-on-one advising appointments, career resources, interview and resume preparation, assessment testing, and career development events that support students to dream, explore, and discover their career path.  OSPD is located in the Christa Dobbs School of Business building. 

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Center for Student Success

The Center for Student Success (CSS) is committed to helping students be successful in the classroom. The CSS offers many services including Academic Testing, Accessibility Services, Tutoring, Peer Mentoring, and Mentoring.  The CSS is located in the Ling Center for Academic Achievement (CAA).  

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Academic Testing

The Academic Testing Office offers distance proctoring, end of course examination and several standardized assessments. Assessments administered include CLEP, ACT, DSST, THEA and the UNI2000/University Skills Assessment. Contact the Testing Coordinator at Testing@LCU.edu or by going to Room 116 in the Center for Student Success for more information.

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Accessibility Services

Lubbock Christian University provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students requesting accommodations must be registered in the Accessibility Services Office to receive services. Appropriate documentation of disability (usually from a licensed professional such as a doctor, school diagnostician, psychologist, etc.) must be made prior to registration. All information is kept confidential.

The Accessibility Services Coordinator will provide registered students with a Letter of Accommodation, listing the accommodations the student is eligible for based on documentation provided and prior accommodations. The Accessibility Services Coordinator will then electronically send the Letter of Accommodations to the student’s professors at which time they will acknowledge receipt of notice that these accommodations have been deemed reasonable and appropriate for that class. Accommodations are not retroactive, and a Letter of Accommodations must be requested each semester.

For physical disabilities, the student needs to notify the Accessibility Services Coordinator and/or the Registrar prior to registration if classroom arrangements are necessary. The university is not required to provide accommodations if the student fails to follow the steps mentioned above.

The Accessibility Services Office is located in the Center for Student Success, CAA Building, Room 117. Contact the Accessibility Services Coordinator at Accessibilityservices@LCU.edu for more information.

Service Animal Policy

Service animals will be allowed to accompany persons with disabilities in all areas of campus where the public is normally allowed. Students can register their service animals with Accessibility Services.

Emotional Support Animal Policy

Lubbock Christian University is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities. Students who seek to bring an emotional support animal to campus housing, should contact the Accessibility Services Office in the Center for Student Success to discuss requests. This office will determine whether having the animal on campus is a reasonable accommodation for the student on an individual basis, based on documentation provided. Questions or concerns can be directed to the Accessibility Services Office, located in the CSS, Room 117.

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Campus Mentors are available to provide academic support to all undergraduate students. Mentors help students identify their academic goals and develop academic skills needed to be successful. To connect with a mentor, email Mentor@LCU.edu  or stop by the Center for Student Success.

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Tutoring Services are available to all undergraduate students in most courses. Peer tutoring takes place in the CSS in one-on-one or small group weekly sessions. The Tutoring Office is located in Room 118 in the Center for Student Success in the CAA. For more information or to sign up, email Tutor@LCU.edu

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University Writing Center

The University Writing Center is an interdisciplinary student resource that offers free, individualized help with writing for any LCU undergraduate or graduate student. You will work with trained student consultants to discuss any of the following: deciding on a topic; clarifying and organizing ideas; outlining, drafting and revising; improving grammar and punctuation; citing sources accurately.

Consultations are available by appointment or on a walk-in basis. You can make an appointment by calling 806.720.7624 or you can simply come to our location. Your session will begin as soon as you have completed a brief intake form and as soon as a consultant is available. Hours of operation are: Monday through Thursday from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. and Friday 9-10 a.m.; 10:30 a.m. to noon.

The University Writing Center is located in the corner of the back room of the first floor of the library.  

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Children in the Classroom

One of the advantages employees and students have at LCU is the family atmosphere created by the small size of the university community and the value placed on people. These values also make it necessary for the university to provide employees and students a comfortable, safe, and non-distracting work or study environment.

This policy is designed to be people-sensitive both in emergencies and in the day-to-day functioning of the university. Students should not bring children into the classroom. Occasional needs or emergency situations should be discussed with students’ instructors. Instructors may permit some latitude for very short periods of time to meet special needs or emergencies.

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Class Attendance

Students are responsible for material presented in or assigned for their courses, even when they are absent from class, and will be held accountable for such material in the determination of course grades. Faculty will not apply a more restrictive attendance policy than the one outlined below.

Students who miss three, six, or nine class meetings in courses meeting once, twice, or three times per week, respectively, may, at the discretion of the professor, be dropped from the course with a grade of F. Students participating in authorized school related functions who miss more than 25% of the class meetings, may, at the discretion of the professor, be dropped from the course with a grade of F. Students will work with coaches, directors, sponsors, and their professors to keep track of their attendance and may not miss more than the allotted class meetings. Students who enter the university after the starting date will accrue absences from the date the class began.

Students may be required to make up class work or assignments missed due to absences.  Students whose absences were caused by personal illness, a death in the immediate family, or authorized participation in official school functions must be given an opportunity to rectify, in a manner acceptable to the professor, any deficiencies which may have resulted from such absences. For other reasons, professors will determine whether students can rectify deficiencies.

It is the responsibility of each student to inform the professor of the reason for an absence. If possible, the student should do so prior to the absence, and if not, at the first attended class meeting.

Students do have the right to appeal dismissal using grade appeals processes outlined elsewhere in the LCU Catalog.

If students disrupt class, either by tardiness or by distracting noises or actions, they will be given an initial warning. Students may be dismissed from a class upon continuance of disruptive behavior, as determined by the instructor. Students have the right to appeal a class dismissal to their academic dean.

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Computer Labs
  • General Student Access: Library, School of Business Commons, Talkington Lab, CSS Tutoring Center
  • Classroom Labs: Digital Media Lab, SWCJ, Education, Dobbs 155
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FERPA: The Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act of 1974

We want to take this opportunity to give you a brief summary of your rights under The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the federal law that governs the release of and access to student education records. These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review your education record within a reasonable time after the University receives a request for access. If you want to review your record, contact the university office that maintains the record to make appropriate arrangements.
  2. The right to request an amendment of your education record if you believe it is inaccurate or misleading. If you feel there is an error in your record, you should submit a statement to the university official responsible for the record, clearly identifying the part of the record you want changed and why you believe it is inaccurate or misleading. That office will notify you of their decision and advise you regarding appropriate steps if you do not agree with the decision.
  3. The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in your education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with “legitimate educational interests.” A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official has a “need to know” information from your education record in order to fulfill his or her official responsibilities. Examples of people who may have access, depending on their official duties, and only within the context of those duties, include: university faculty and staff, agents of the institution, students employed by the institution or who serve on official institutional committees, and representatives of agencies under contract with the University.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

    Family Policy Compliance Office
    U.S. Department of Education
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW
    Washington, DC 20202-4605

Release of student record information is generally not done at Lubbock Christian University without the expressed written consent of the student. There are, however, some exceptions, including, but not limited to the release of directory information.

For example, directory information includes the following, and may be released without the student’s consent: name, local address, home address, email address, telephone number, college of enrollment, major, campus attended, status (including current enrollment, dates of attendance, full-time/part-time, withdrawn), honors received (e.g., Dean’s List recognition), participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and weight and height of members of athletic teams. Please note you have the right to withhold the release of directory information. To do so, you must select the "Data Block Indicator" on the Student Information form located in the Student Portal. 

Please note two important details regarding placing a “No Release” on your record:

  1. The university receives many inquiries for directory information from a variety of sources outside the institution, including friends, parents, relatives, prospective employers, the news media and honor societies. Checking the Data Block Indicator option on the Student Information Form located on the Student Portal will preclude release of such information, even to those people. For more information please see Public Notification of Directory Information.
  2. The "Data Block Indicator" applies to all elements of directory information on your record. Lubbock Christian University does not apply the Data Block differentially to the various directory information data elements. A copy of the Act, more details about your rights, and any university policies related to the Act are available from the Registrar's Office.

FERPA establishes a variety of exceptions under which the university may release information.

Questions concerning FERPA should be referred to the Registrar's Office. The FERPA is to be completed on the Student Portal via : My Profile > My FERPA.

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The University Library contains more than 128,000 volumes and maintains a staff to assist students with research and other library needs. Checkout privileges apply to current registered students, and an LCU ID must be presented at time of checkout. Library materials include books, e-books, journal databases, periodicals, and videos. Books are checked out for a three-week period. Fines for overdue books are ten cents per day per book; however, fines are half price if paid the day the book is returned. Unpaid fines are doubled and charged to a student’s account. The charge for lost books is the cost of the book plus 10% inflation and a non-refundable processing fee. Book checkout privileges are forfeited until fines are paid. Individualized library instruction is available. Hours of operation are posted on the website and the front door. For more information on the library, visit LCU Library.

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Public Notification of Directory Information

At its discretion, Lubbock Christian University may provide “directory information” in accordance with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Directory information is defined as that information which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. “Directory information” includes student’s name, mailing address, email address, telephone number, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, candidacy for graduation, the most recent previous educational institution attended, hometown, citizenship, photograph, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and weight and height of members of athletic teams. Students may choose to withhold directory information updating the Student Information form in the Student Portal by selecting the Data Block Indicator. Selecting the Data Block Indidcator will result in the university's refusal to disclose student directory information. LCU will honor your request to withhold directory information but cannot assume responsibility to contact you for subsequent permission to release this information. Regardless of the effect upon you, the university assumes no liability as a result of honoring your instructions that such information be withheld.

Although the initial request may be filed at any time, requests for non-disclosure will be honored by the university until removed by the student.

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Student Complaint Procedure

If a student or prospective student has exhausted all avenues for resolution without satisfaction a written complaint may be initiated. This policy and procedure outlines how the University will address any written complaints and how records of submitted complaints will be maintained. Complaints must be processed without unlawful discrimination, and complainants must not be subject to retaliation.


Current and prospective students may initiate a written complaint by completing a complaint form, which is accessible on the Student Right-To-Know web page. Academic appeals, grade appeals, appeals of academic integrity sanctions, medical appeals, traffic ticket appeals, and student discipline appeals, are not considered complaints. Appeal procedures are published in the student handbook and/or university catalog.

  1. Written Complaints:
    • Written complaints must be submitted to Office of the President through the form located on the Student Right-To-Know web page. Personnel from the Office of the President will forward the complaint to the appropriate Vice-President or administrator for action.
    • Administrators shall investigate the complaint, and shall, as necessary, meet with the student and the person who is the source of the complaint.
    • Administrators must provide a written response to the source of complaint within four business weeks of receiving the written complaint.
  2. Appeal:
    • Complainants desiring to appeal a decision may, within two business weeks, submit a signed statement to the President requesting a final review of the decision.
    • The President, or designee, will review the appeal and may choose to meet with the student, and/or other parties as a part of this review.
    • The Office of the President will respond in writing within two business weeks of receiving the request for final review.

The Office of the President maintains a log of written complaints, including dates complaints were received and resolved. A record of the written complaint will be compiled upon receipt in a complaint file. Complaint files must include the original complaint form and any attachments, any other documents submitted by the complainant, and the written response to the complaint. If a response is appealed, the complaint file must also include the written appeal, any documents submitted by the complainant, and the written response to the appeal. Complaint files are maintained in the Office of the President for three years.

After exhausting each procedural step of the student complaint procedure, complainants not satisfied with the outcome may file a complaint with the appropriate agency:

  1.  For campus programs, see the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board complaint website/form at: www.thecb.state.tx.us (search student complaints). Forms must be delivered by email to StudentComplaints@thecb.state.tx  or by mail to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Office of General Counsel, PO Box 12788, Austin, TX 78711-2788.
  2. For complaints related to advertising or recruiting practices, review the consumer protection complaint process outlined online at the Texas Attorney General Website www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/consumer-protection.
  3. For complaints related to Title IX or other types of discrimination: Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 1999 Bryan St., Suite 2600, Dallas, TX 75201.
  4. For complaints related to accreditation standards: President, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097; 404.679.4500; www.sacscoc.org.
  5. For complaints related to Title IV Federal Financial Aid: studentaid.gov/feedback-center
  6. For complaints related to the university Educator Preparation Program, see the Texas Education Agency complaint website/form.

This policy and procedure supersede all previous policy and procedure statements on this subject.


This policy is consistent with:

  • SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation (2018) Standard 12.4
  • SACSCOC, Policy Statement: Complaints against SACSCOC or its Accredited Institutions
  • Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Section 1.116(b)


This policy applies to all LCU students and prospective students.

Office Responsible for This Policy

Office of the President

Related Documents, Policies, and Procedures

  • LCU Student Handbook: Student Complaint Procedure
  • LCU Student Right to Know: Complaints
  • LCU Catalog: Grade Appeals
  • LCU University Complaint Form

Policy History

  • Review: Campus Leaders Council, 01/04/2023
  • Approvals: Executive Leadership Team (01/04/2023), President (01/04/2023)
  • Implemented: Upon publication in LCU Policies and Procedures on the Employee Portal
  • Prior revisions: 11/03/2016
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Withdrawal from the University

Students desiring to drop all of their courses must complete a withdrawal form. Withdrawal forms are available from the Registrar's Office. Official withdrawal results in a W recorded on the transcript for courses in session on the date of withdrawal. In cases where a course was completed before a withdrawal, the earned grade is recorded. If a student wants to withdraw after the last day to drop with a W, they must have extenuating circumstances, such as military call up or deployment, or a personal medical emergency. 

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Spiritual Life

Chapel seeks to build Christ-centered community where spiritual experiences can occur. Each individual bears a responsibility to the chapel community—from those on stage to those in the audience. Chapel helps to build life together as a community, through experiences that range from laughter to heartache.

The style of chapel reflects the heritage and traditions of the Church of Christ while recognizing that our students come from many different faith traditions. Chapel facilitates spiritual experiences, in the pursuit of truth, through reflection, praise, exploration, and service.  

Chapel/Spiritual Life Credit Policy

Chapel is held from 11 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday in the McDonald-Moody Auditorium. Attendance is required at Chapel Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for all campus residents, and all students under the age of 25 enrolled in 12 or more hours. Part-time commuters, graduate students, and commuters 25 years or older are encouraged to attend chapel but are exempt from mandatory chapel attendance. Questions regarding the chapel attendance policy should be directed to the Dean of Students in the Student Affairs Office located on the second floor of the Mabee Student Life Building (SUB).

In order to provide an environment where community and worship can take place, chapel must be free from distractions. Behaviors that prevent self or others from engaging in the program may include disruptive talking, actions, or use of devices such as laptops, cell phones, or ear phones (buds).  Those engaging in such actions may forfeit their Spiritual Life Credit for the day. Students must be present, with the opportunity to engage, to receive credit.  

Chapel Attendance

Students are required to obtain forty-five (45) Spiritual Life credits for the fall semester and forty (40) Spiritual Life credits for the spring semester. These are attained through attendance of chapel programs each semester, unless otherwise exempt from chapel for one or more days during a given semester as outlined below. These programs include plenary chapel on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, small groups on Friday, and an online/virtual option. Additional Spiritual Life credits may be offered to students who attend approved programs at alternate times. Alternate programs are approved by the Office of Student Life. 


Students may apply for exemptions on specific days of the week if any of the following apply:

  • Full-time commuters age 24 and under with no classes immediately before and after chapel. Commuters who have class immediately before or after chapel are required to attend.
  • Special circumstances such as documented work conflicts
  • Special family needs

Request forms for chapel exemptions are available in the Student Life Office on the second floor of the SUB. Students must file an exemption for each semester. Students with approved exemptions require fewer Spiritual Life Credits as outlined below. The exemption form (with class schedule and work letter attached) must be submitted within the first 12 days of class or within 5 business days of a status change. A $50 administrative fee may be assessed for exemptions filed outside of the required deadlines. If an exemption is granted after the required deadline, the credit requirement will be modified based on a sliding scale from the day the exemption was submitted. All exemptions are at the discretion on the Dean of Students.

Number of Days ExemptRequired Credits
1 day per week3430
2 days per week2320
3 days per week1210
Full Exemption77
How Exemption impacts required credits

Attendance Procedure

Students are responsible for scanning their student ID card as they leave chapel as this will document their attendance and their Spiritual Life credit. Students are also required to monitor their accumulated credits in correlation with their required credits. Students arriving between 11 a.m. and 11:10 a.m. will receive a tardy. A tardy counts as 3/4 (.75) of a Spiritual Life credit. Students arriving past 11:10 a.m. and those not scanning their cards will not receive credit. 

Dishonesty in the scanning process will result in an increase of required Spiritual Life credits and a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. Examples include scanning without attending and scanning for another student.

Consequences for Failure to Fulfill Chapel Attendance Requirements

Students are responsible for monitoring their own Spiritual Life credits on the LCU Portal and are encouraged to do so weekly. Students are encouraged to contact Chapel Records with questions or concerns regarding their chapel credit balance. Students who did not attain the adequate number of Spiritual Life credits during the semester will be placed on probation and notified through their LCU email account. Students placed on probation may request a meeting with the Dean of Students or other designee.

Chapel Records is located in the Student Life Office, upstairs in the SUB. 806.720.7501.

Chapel Attendance Sanction Tiers

Chapel probation will be based on a tier system based on the number of credits acquired throughout the semester. Please see the table below for reference based on approved exemptions.

Tier 1: Students will receive the following sanctions:

  • $100 fine will be added to your bill for the same semester and is payable by cash, check, or credit card to the Student Business Office OR no fine and 10 hours of community service due two weeks after the final chapel meeting. Community service must be completed on campus. All hours must be documented and signed by a service coordinator. A hold will be placed on the student's account until payment and/or documented community service is received.

Tier 2: Students will receive the following sanctions:

  • $200 fine will be added to your bill for the same semester and is payable by cash, check, or credit card to the Student Business Office OR $100 fine and 10 hours of community service due two weeks after the final chapel meeting. Community service must be completed on campus. All hours must be documented and signed by a service coordinator. A hold will be placed on the student's account until payment and/or documented community service is received.
  • Not allowed to hold leadership positions in student organizations during the following long semester. Officers must relinquish their positions.

Tier 3: Student will receive the following sanctions:

  • $300 fine will be added to your bill for the same semester and is payable by cash, check, or credit card to the Student Business Office OR $200 fine and 10 hours of community service due two weeks after the final chapel meeting. Community service must be completed on campus. All hours must be documented and signed by a service coordinator. A hold will be placed on the student's account until payment and/or documented community service is received.
  • Not allowed to participate in campus activities during the following long semester, including student organizations, productions, study abroad, intramurals, university sponsored trips, etc.

Chapel Exemptions Sanction Tier Table (Fall)

Spiritual Life
1 Day
2 Day
3 Day
Tier 140-4430-3320-2210-11
Tier 235-3926-2918-198-9
Tier 334 and below25 and below17 and below7 and below
Conditions for falling into sanction tier 1, 2, or 3 during the fall semester.

Chapel Exemptions Sanction Tier Table (Spring)

Spiritual Life
1 Day
2 Day
3 Day
Tier 136-3927-2917-198-9
Tier 231-3524-2615-166-7
Tier 330 and below23 and below14 and below5 and below
Conditions for falling into sanction tier 1, 2, or 3 during the spring semester.

Chapel Probation Appeal

The university has implemented procedures for student appeals with the intent of assuring fundamental fairness. Students who believe they were not treated fairly in the chapel attendance process or that the sanction imposed was unreasonable can submit a written appeal to the Dean of Students within three (3) business days of receiving the probationary notification. The Dean of Students will present the letter to no fewer than three members of the Conduct Review Board (CRB), made up of faculty, staff, and students, for an appeal decision. The decision of the Conduct Review Board is final. Refer to the Student Appeals process for a detailed explanation.

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Bible Courses

The university believes that one’s education should include opportunities to obtain a deeper understanding of the Bible and to make fundamental decisions about the relationship of one’s own life to biblical truth. See the LCU catalog for course requirements.

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Student Life

The Lubbock Christian University Division of Student Life exists to deepen the sense of community, inspire Christ-like development, and foster student growth with high quality services and programs throughout the student experience.

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Address and Name Changes

Students are responsible for maintaining current and accurate information in the computer system. Students may also update their contact information by completing the Student Information form on the Student Portal. Name and address changes should be communicated to the Registrar's Office.

On-campus students moving off campus must also fill out a change of address at the LCU Post Office.

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Athletic Events

All LCU athletic teams are competitive nationally and current students with an LCU ID card are admitted free to all regular season home events. The volleyball and basketball teams play inside the Rip Griffin Center on the southeast corner of campus. On the south end of campus, the baseball team can be seen at Hays Field, the softball team can be seen at Maner Park, while the soccer and track teams can be seen at the LCU Soccer/Track Complex. The LCU cross country teams compete at the LCU cross country course located on the southwest corner of campus. Visit LCUChaps.com or check the LCU Chap app for game schedules.

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Campus Announcements

LCU student announcements can be viewed via email and online at ChapLink. To submit an announcement, go to ChapLink.  There is a 10:30 a.m. deadline for same day chapel announcements. Live campus announcements will be read on Monday and Thursday of each week.

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Counseling Center

The collegiate experience is one of new development and substantial growth for students. New choices, challenges, and decisions abound, and while it can be stimulating and exciting, it can also be a time of adjustment, stress, and confusion.

The Counseling Center is committed to providing counseling services for Lubbock Christian University students, faculty, staff, and dependents. The challenges of college sometimes manifest themselves outwardly through emotional outbursts, substantial weight gain or loss, depression, anxiety, or irregular sleep patterns. Since few students move through their collegiate experience without some personal upheaval, the university encourages any student experiencing discomfort to utilize the services of the Counseling Center.

Anyone seeking counseling services is entitled to an intake or consultation counseling session free of charge. After the initial session, each subsequent session will be $10 each. Payment can be made with cash, check, or credit/debit card. The Counseling Center does not accept insurance. The staff of the Counseling Center may suggest or make referrals for circumstances that require intensive, long-term care. The client will be financially responsible for any outside help, referred or otherwise. The Counseling Center staff adheres to the ethical standards of their respective professions and to state and federal laws relating to confidentiality.

The Counseling Center is located on the 2nd floor of the SUB, Room 202. Appointments are the best way to see a counselor. Walk-ins are accommodated when possible. For more information, please check the LCU Counseling Center website or call 806.720.7478.

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Dining Services

Students may purchase a Dining Membership or Munch Money through the Student Business Office in the Welcome Center. All traditional campus residents living in residence halls have a Dining Membership as part of their room and board. Commuter and non-traditional students who are looking for value and convenience can also enroll in a Dining Membership. Meals are loaded on the LCU student ID card, and must be presented for meals and swiped at the register.  Munch Money spends like cash at the Cafeteria, Chap Express, Starbucks, and Rhodes Perrin Recreation Center, as well as for concessions at the RIP Griffin Center and Hayes Field. Individual meals may also be purchased from the cashier in the Cafeteria. Requests for carry-out containers or sack lunches, as well as for accommodation of special dietary needs, should be made to the Cafeteria manager.

Munch Money and Block Plan Memberships carry over from the Fall semester to the Spring. The account will be zeroed out if not used by the end of the Spring semester. Please visit the LCU Dining Services for current meal plan membership options, menus, and hours of operation.

Cash, check, and credit cards are accepted at all dining locations on campus.

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Financial Assistance

If a student’s financial aid application is complete, but admission requirements have not been met, then financial aid will not be applied to the student's bill until the admissions process is complete.

If financial aid is complete and a student has a credit on their account, the stipend will be issued by the Student Business Office. Please note the dates on the calendar when excess funds will be available.

Further inquiries about financial aid can be directed to Financial Assistance in the Cardwell Welcome Center.

For questions regarding class drops, withdrawals, class repeats, and financial assistance eligibility, students should refer to the Undergraduate Academic Policies or Graduate Academic Polices in the catalog, or visit the Financial Assistance Office.

Upon enrollment, LCU must provide each student written notice advising them of the penalties for drug violations under The Higher Education Act (Title IV, Section 485 (k)). Suspension of eligibility applies only to state aid and all other aid is subject to LCU policies.

Section 484(r)

  • (1) IN GENERAL—A student who has been convicted of any offense under any Federal or State law involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance shall not be eligible to receive any grant, loan, or work assistance under this title during the period beginning on the date of such conviction and ending after the interval specified in the following table:

If convicted of an offense involving:

  • The possession of a controlled substance: Ineligibility period is:
    • First offense 1 year
    • Second offense 2 years
    • Third offense Indefinite
  • The sale of a controlled substance: Ineligibility period is:
    • First offense 2 years
    • Second offense Indefinite
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LCU ID Cards

The Lubbock Christian University identification card identifies you as a current member of the LCU community. This ID card can be used for printing, chapel attendance, athletic events admission, Rhodes-Perrin Rec Center access, and more.  It can also be used for dining, munch money for retail locations such as Starbucks, Chap Express, and the Caf.

The ID card is the property of the University, should be carried at all times while on campus, and is non-transferable. It may be used for such purposes as the University designates and may be revoked at any time. This card must be presented and/or surrendered upon request by any University official; failure to do so, or lending this card to anyone, is considered misuse. The card is void upon termination or interruption of enrollment and/or employment and must be surrendered at that time.

Lost and stolen cards must be reported promptly to the LCU Chap Desk. This will help prevent unauthorized cardholder services. There is no charge for replacement ID cards that become defective or fails to work. Lost cards can be replaced at a cost of $15.00.

No person shall possess more than one Lubbock Christian University ID card. For security reasons, once a replacement card has been issued an older version card cannot be used or re-activated for any reason. If the old card is found after a new card is issued, the old card should be destroyed.

Student ID cards are issued at LCU Chap Desk located downstairs in the Mabee Student Life Building.

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LCU Ring Tradition

The LCU Ring Tradition exists to provide alumni with a lasting, visual reminder of their time at Lubbock Christian University. 

The ring tells our story. Each ring reminds us of who we are and symbolizes the things that make our connection to LCU so strong.  On the top is a cross, which represents Jesus.  As each graduate leaves and enters the world, the cross represents how you will shine the light of Jesus in your daily activities.  Like the points on a compass, the outer points of the cross represent the different paths and directions each graduate pursues upon graduation.  The center of the cross symbolizes what reunites graduates as well as emphasizes our shared LCU experiences and foundation of faith.

One side of the ring represents the school's transition from Lubbock Christian College to Lubbock Christian University.  The brick pattern in the background symbolizes buildings throughout the campus.  The word Chaps is beneath the letters LCC and LCU to remind us of our mascot.  On the other side, the ring displays a representation of LCU's most prominent building, the Christian Development Center (CDC).  Beneath the CDC is the Chap Scratch.

The ring represents so much more than just the visual symbolism.  It celebrates goal achievement.  It honors the dream that made LCU what it is today.  Finally, it reminds us of the sacrifices of so many to make an LCU education possible. 

At the beginning of each semester, Alumni Relations will host "Ring Days", in which representatives of Balfour, the ring manufacturer, will be available to answer questions about the LCU ring and take orders from qualified students.  Those students who purchase a ring during Ring Days will be invited to participate in the Ring Ceremony. Friends, family, and alumni are encouraged and welcome to attend the ceremony.

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Student Health

The LCU Student Health Office (SHO) is staffed with a fulltime registered nurse Monday through Friday. An Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner (APNP) is available on Tuesdays and Fridays. The clinic is a convenient care clinic with services providing for acute illness and preventative care needs that do not require urgent or emergent care. The office is located on the second floor of the Mabee Student Life Building (SUB).

A sample of some patient needs addressed in the SHO include: allergies, cold / flu, ear infections, strep throat, mononucleosis, minor sprains and strains, urinary tract infections, minor burns and rashes, pink eye, sinus infections, upper respiratory infections, asthma flare, pregnancy test,  and school, camp, and sports physicals.

SHO appointments can be made on the secure LCU Student Portal, lcu.medicatconnect.com. You may also call the SHO at 806.720.7482 to schedule an appointment. The SHO is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.,  and 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. It is closed evenings, weekends, and university holidays. Office hours in the summer are reduced (please call for times of availability). The nurse is not available after posted hours. Students should go to an urgent care clinic or emergency room if immediate medical attention is needed. In the event of an emergency, call 911, then notify LCU Public Safety - 806.928.6803.


Effective January 1, 2012, the meningococcal (meningitis) vaccine is required by state law for ALL enrolled students attending a university in the state of Texas, with limited exceptions. This vaccine must have been administered at least ten days prior to the first day of the semester of the student’s initial enrollment, but no more than 5 years prior to the first day of the semester. Students who have not provided the necessary documentation will not be allowed to attend class. Further details are available.

Texas law also requires that all newly enrolled college students, including transfers and readmits, be provided with information regarding meningococcal disease. Bacterial meningitis is a serious, potentially deadly disease that can progress very quickly. It is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord. The bacteria that cause meningitis can also infect the blood. This disease strikes about 3,000 Americans each year, including 100-125 on college campuses, leading to 5-15 deaths among college students every year.

What are the symptoms?

  • High fever
  • Stiff neck
  • Light sensitivity
  • Confusion/Sleepiness
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Severe headache
  • Rash or purple patches on skin
  • Seizures

The more symptoms, the higher the risk, so if these symptoms appear, seek immediate medical attention.

How is meningitis diagnosed?

  • Diagnosis is made by a medical provider and is usually based on a combination of clinical symptoms and laboratory results from spinal fluid and blood tests.
  • Early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve the likelihood of recovery.

How is meningitis spread?

  • The disease is transmitted when people exchange saliva (such as by kissing, or by sharing drinking containers, utensils, cigarettes, toothbrushes, etc.) or come in contact with respiratory or throat secretions.
  • Coming into close contact with carriers, sharing such items as drinking glasses, and even kissing are ways of spreading and/or becoming infected with the disease.
  • Examples of such carriers would be roommates, close friends, or classmates in a relatively small classroom. Because of these factors, students at institutions of higher education are considered to be at increased risk.

What are the risks of meningitis?

  • Death (in 8 to 24 hours from perfectly healthy to dead)
  • Permanent brain damage
  • Kidney failure
  • Learning disability
  • Hearing loss, blindness
  • Limb damage (fingers, toes, arms, legs) that requires amputation
  • Multiple other medical problems

What can I do?

Antibiotic treatment, if received early, can save lives and increase chances of recovery; however, permanent disability or death can still occur. Meningococcal vaccination is available to help prevent the disease. The vaccine:

  • is effective against four out of the five most common bacterial types that cause 70% of the cases in the U.S. (but does not protect against all types of meningitis).
  • takes 7-10 days to become effective, with protection lasting 3-5 years.
  • is very safe—the most common side effects are redness and minor pain at the injection site for up to two days.
  • is commonly available at many pharmacies and doctors’ offices, and often covered by health insurance plans at little or no cost.

For additional information on meningitis:

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The objective of the policy is to ensure LCU maintains an orderly appearance appropriate to a university campus while providing members of the greater university community with a maximum of publicity outlets. Cooperation is essential to creating an attractive and pleasant environment for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors.

The Student Life Office must authorize all materials before they may be posted on campus. All individuals and organizations must have approval before posting signs, notices, flyers, banners, and announcements, including sidewalk chalk and chap decorations. Postings can be approved in the Student Life Office, which is located on the second floor of the SUB. All material must bear the official LCU stamp before being posted or distributed. The stamp may not be copied or reproduced. Materials must be submitted at least 4 days prior to the desired post date and must be limited to fifteen copies. All material must be in line with the university mission and goals and not violate any aspect of the university policy and procedures. All efforts will be made to ensure individuals are provided an opportunity to promote events and ideas. The Student Life Office retains the right to deny any individual the right to post materials.

All employment flyers must be approved and stamped through Career Services located in the School of Business. Employment postings may be posted on designated employment bulletin boards.
See Career Services for additional information.

Postings are not allowed on glass and painted surfaces on campus, and may not be posted in the McDonald-Moody Auditorium and the CDC. Postings not approved or posted in prohibited areas may be removed without warning. Many campus buildings have designated boards for campus postings.

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Post Office

The campus post office is located in the Chap Store in the SUB. Students will be notified through their LCU email when mail or a package is ready for pick up. Normal hours of operation are 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. on Friday's.  Summer hours are posted. Mail addressed to students from off campus should be addressed in the following manner:

Lubbock Christian University
ATTN: Name of Student
5601 19th Street
Lubbock, TX 79407

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Recreational Life

The Rhodes-Perrin Recreation Center (RPRC) is located on the south end of campus.  All students working towards a degree plan have full access to the RPRC; excludes temporary or dual-credit students.  Nursing partnership students may enroll in a zero (0) credit course to obtain access.  All current, non-contract employees are granted access to the RPRC.  Memberships may be purchased for those non qualifying students.  Participants wishing to enter the facility must present a LCU ID card to gain access. 

The RPRC offers basketball/volleyball courts, handball/racquetball courts, a futsal court, locker rooms, fitness center, group fitness room, intramurals, and a rock wall.  Posted hours are available on the LCU Rec Life website.  LCU does not carry health, accident, or life insurance on its students. Students participate at their own risk and assume full responsibility for any injuries. Local insurance information is available in the Student Life office. For additional information please call 806.720.7860 or email us at LCURecLife@LCU.edu.

Fitness Center/Group Fitness

The Ramona Perrin Fitness Center is equipped with Cybex weight machines, free weights, and Matrix cardio equipment. With state-of-the-art strength and cardio equipment, we offer a separate free weight area, 15-piece selectorized weight circuit, and 25 cardio machines with amenities. 

Group fitness classes are offered throughout the day. Various classes are offered such as spinning, Zumba, and yoga. Classes are first come, first served, no registration required. Posted hours and class schedules are available on the LCU Rec Life website. LCU does not carry health, accident, or life insurance on its students. Students assume full responsibility for any injuries received while participating in such activities, and participation is at the students own risk. Students assume full responsibility to provide their own health, accident, and life insurance. For additional information please call 806.720.7860 or email us at LCURecLife@LCU.edu.

Intramural Sports

Intramurals provide all students the opportunity to participate in a variety of individual and team sports played in the fall and spring semesters. Intramural sports may include 7-on-7 flag football, futsal, volleyball, basketball, softball, outdoor soccer, ultimate Frisbee, dodge ball, badminton, and ping pong. Registration meetings are scheduled prior to each sport.

Students registered for 3+ credit hours, full-time faculty, or full-time staff may participate in intramurals. A current LCU ID card should be presented prior to each game. Students participating in intramurals must be in good academic and chapel standing.

LCU does not carry health, accident, or life insurance on its students. Students assume full responsibility for any injuries received while participating in such activities, and participation is at the students own risk. Students assume full responsibility to provide their own health, accident, and life insurance. For additional information please call 806.720.7860 or email us at LCURecLife@LCU.edu.

Rock Wall

Experience the culture of rock climbing at one of the tallest stand-alone rock walls in the state.  We offer two tier training that will help prepare you for the rock wall experience. Our rock wall holds 3 auto-belays, 16 top-rope anchors and 25 routes of varying difficulty. With fresh routes put up regularly, and specially trained staff there to assist you, the rock wall promises to be an epic adventure for any skill level.

LCU does not carry health, accident, or life insurance on its students. Students assume full responsibility for any injuries received while participating in such activities, and participation is at the students own risk. Students assume full responsibility to provide their own health, accident, and life insurance. For additional information please call 806.720.7860 or email us at LCURecLife@LCU.edu.

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LCU Public Safety

LCU Public Safety operates 24 hours a day. The 24/7 patrol number is 806.928.6803. For emergencies, call 911.

Emergency Assistance

For emergencies, life-threatening, or potential life-threatening situations, call 911.

Non-Emergency Police Assistance

Non-Emergency Police Officer assistance to report a crime may be reached by calling the Lubbock Police Department Dispatch at 806.775.2865. Dispatchers will assist by dispatching a Lubbock Christian University Police Officer or Lubbock Police Officer.

Non-Emergency Campus Assistance

LCU Public Safety may be contacted 24-hours a day by calling 806.928.6803.  


The LCU Public Safety administrative office is located on the second floor of the SUB. The office does not have fixed office hours, but assistance is available by calling 806.928.6803. Administrative services are also available in the Student Life Office during regular LCU business hours.

  • Motorist assist (boosts and air)
  • Escorts to and from locations
  • Crime prevention and awareness
  • Investigation of crimes and incidents that occur on campus
  • Lost and Found

Reporting an Incident or Crime 

The Lubbock Christian University Police Department (LCUPD) encourages accurate and prompt reporting of all criminal offenses.
To report an non-criminal incident or suspicious activities, please call 806.928.6803.

To report a crime, please call Lubbock Police Department Dispatch at 806.775.2865.
Emergencies should always be reported by dialing 911.

When reporting an non-criminal incident that has occurred on campus, contact the LCU Public Safety Department (LCUDPS) at 806.928.6803. The Public Safety Officer on duty will assist the caller with connections to campus services and officials. Additionally, the Public Safety Officer on duty will provide the caller with information regarding resources (on and off campus) that may be helpful to the caller.

All University individuals designated as a Campus Security Authority (CSA) is required to report any crimes or alleged crimes to the Director of Public Safety within 48 business hours.

A CSA is a Clery Act-specific term that encompasses four groups of individuals and organizations associated with an institution. The four groups include the following:

  1. A campus police department or a campus security department of an institution.
  2. Any individual or individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who do not constitute a campus police department or a campus security department (e.g., an individual who is responsible for monitoring the entrance into institutional property). Include individuals such as those who provide security at a campus parking kiosk, monitor access into a campus facility, act as event security, such as for sporting events or large, registered parties, or escort students around campus after dark (including other students).
  3. Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s statement of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses.
  4. An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings (includes student organization and fraternity or sorority advisors and co-advisors).

Lubbock Christian University does not have a policy or practice in place that allows for victims or witnesses to officially report crimes (other than Title IX complaints) on a voluntary, confidential basis. Crimes reported to the counseling center are confidential and not disclosed in the University’s crime statistics or reporting processes.

Sex Offender Registry

The federal Campus Sexual Crimes Prevention Act requires institutions of higher education to issue a statement advising the campus community where law enforcement agency information provided by a state may be obtained concerning registered sex offenders. It also compels sex offenders, already required to register in a state, to provide notice under state law of each institution of higher education in the state at which the person is employed, carries on a vocation or is a student.

The act amends the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 to clarify that nothing in the act may be construed to prohibit an educational institution from disclosing information provided to the institution concerning registered sex offenders and requires the Secretary of Education to take appropriate steps to notify educational institutions that disclosure of this information is permitted.

State law requires persons convicted of or placed on deferred community supervision for certain offenses to register as sex offenders. Offenders who committed “sexually violent” offenses (most contact offenses) must register for the remainder of their life, even after completing probation or parole. Others (some non-contact offenses) may cease registering ten years after completing their term of supervision.

Law enforcement authorities are required to inform the University when registered sex offenders indicate that are living, working, or volunteering services on campus. To learn whether information of this nature has been provided to the University, contact the LCU Police Department at 5601 19th Street, Student Union Building, Room 201 or call 806.720.7521.

You can access the sex offender registration files for free of charge through the Texas Department of Public Safety webpage. - www.dps.texas.gov/section/crime-records-service/texas-sex-offender-registration-program

Limitations on Campus Housing

In 2017, the Texas Legislature added the following section related to sex offender residence in campus housing (Chapter 62 of the Code of Criminal Procedure):

Art. 62.064. PROHIBITED LOCATION OF RESIDENCE. A person subject to registration under this chapter may not reside on the campus of a public or private institution of higher education unless:

  1. the person is assigned a numeric risk level of one based on an assessment conducted using the sex offender screening tool developed or selected under Article 62.007; and
  2. the institution approves the person to reside on the institution's campus.

Registered Sex Offender Notification

In accordance with the "Campus Sex Crime Prevention Act" that provides for the tracking of convicted registered sex offenders enrolled as students at institutions of higher education or working on college campuses, Lubbock Christian University is providing the following website to the college community to search by name or location: Texas Department of Public Safety.

Once your status on campus has been established (accepted as an LCU student), please contact the LCU Chief of Police to establish a time for registry. You may do so by e-mailing PublicSafety@LCU.edu or setting up an appointment within the Student Life Office.

Crime Report

The LCU Department of Public Safety publishes the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (ASR), which includes information about LCU Public Safety & the Lubbock Christian University Police Department (LCUPD), how to report a crime, LCUPD’s crime prevention programs, substance abuse, sensitive crimes, emergency notifications, timely warnings, and other important information about security and LCU Public Safety’s services on campus. In order to comply, LCU must record all crimes occurring on campus on a yearly basis, in consultation with the Lubbock Police Department, Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office, Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, LCU Student Life Office, and other LCU Departments. 

The ASR contains three years of statistics on reported campus or campus-related crimes. A hard copy may be obtained by contacting the LCU Student Life Office during LCU Business hours at 806.720.7501 or by e-mail: PublicSafety@LCU.edu.

The Clery Act also requires Lubbock Christian University to inform all prospective students and employees about the availability of the ASR. To comply with this aspect of the law, all notices have been placed on various LCU websites and in some cases on LCU materials.

The most current crime report statistics and ASR are available at LCU: Clery Reports.

Emergency Management

LCU maintains an Emergency Operations Plan which outlines LCU's approach to emergency operations. It provides general guidance for emergency management, activities, and a general overview of our methods of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. The plan describes our emergency response, organization, and assigns responsibilities for various emergency tasks.

Emergency Notification (LCUAlert)
In the event of an emergency (including weather and safety alerts), LCU will utilize a number of communication tools and strategies to communicate with the campus community. Depending upon the nature of the announcement, any or all of the following methods may be used:

  • SMS, Text-messaging, voice call, and email alert system - email sign up is automatic, but students are encouraged to update their information through the Student Portal as it changes
  • Campus wide phone/intercom messages

LCUAlert will be used for emergency communication only. Students may update their LCUAlert contact information at any time, through the Student Portal. For more information, see the LCU Public Safety Website.

Active Shooter Event
Call 911 as soon as it is safe to do so.
Remember the 3D technique:

  • DISTANCE - yourself or evacuate if there is a safe path.
  • DENY - shooter's access.
  • DEFEND - yourself using any means necessary.

Soft Lockdown

  • Secure exit doors and remain inside
  • Have staff monitor doors
  • Increase awareness and conduct business as usual

Hard Lockdown

  • Lock doors if possible; if not, barricade with tables and chairs
  • Close curtains and blinds
  • Stay away from windows and doors
  • Stay low and quiet
  • Silence all devices
  • Do not open until all is clear

Bomb Threat
If a bomb threat is called in to your area:

  • Remain Calm
  • Listen to the caller’s exact words and instructions
  • Check the caller ID for the number of the caller
  • Keep the caller on the line and discreetly ask someone else to call 911 with the information
  • Remember any unusual or identifying characteristics of the caller

In case of a fire, be prepared by knowing the location of exits and extinguishers.

Minor Fire

  • If the fire is controllable, direct the extinguisher toward the base of the flame and sweep side to side.
  • If there is ANY doubt, pull the fire alarm and call 911.
  • Evacuate the building.

Major Fire

  • Pull the fire alarm.
  • Evacuate the building.
  • Call 911 as soon as it is safe.

Psychological Crisis
A psychological crisis occurs when an individual is threatening harm to himself/herself or to others or is out of touch with reality.

  • Call LCU Public Safety at 806.928.6803 stating you have a potential psychological or mental health crisis.
  • Try to keep the person calm and within your vision until assistance arrives.
  • Maintain your own personal safety if you feel the situation is dangerous.
  • If there are obvious medical complications, call 911, and then LCU Public Safety.

Severe Weather
In the event of a Tornado or Severe Weather emergency, LCU Public Safety will issue an alert through LCUAlert. If on campus you will be directed to take cover.

Tornado Watch

  • Be mindful of the weather.
  • Be aware of options.
  • Be ready to move.

Tornado Warning

  • Go to the ground floor.
  • Go to an interior area (like an office or bathroom free of windows).
  • Go now! Don't wait!

As situations and emergencies often arise in an unpredictable manner, LCU recommends you use caution and judgment regarding your personal safety. 

Lost and Found

The Lost and Found is located in the LCU Public Safety Office in the SUB Room 206. Questions may be referred to the Public Safety Patrol number at 806.928.6803 or by emailing PublicSafety@LCU.edu.

Missing Persons

University missing person procedures apply to students who reside on campus and are deemed missing or absent from LCU for a period of at least 24 hours without a known reason.

In addition to registering a general emergency contact, all students residing in an on-campus student housing facility have the option to annually identify a contact person or person to be notified if the student is determined to be missing by Lubbock Christian University and/or a law enforcement agency.  The contact information will be confidential, accessible only by authorized campus officials and law enforcement and may not be disclosed outside of a missing person investigation.

When a student who resides in an on-campus student housing facility is determined to have been missing for 24-hours, the University will:

  • Notify the person designated by the student to be contacted (if one has been designated) within 24-hours if student is determined to be missing
  • Notify a parent within 24-hours if the student is under 18 years old and is not emancipated
  • Inform the local law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction in the area that the student is missing within 24-hours, unless the local law enforcement agency was the entity that made the determination that the student was missing.  Regardless of whether the student has identified a contact person, is above the age of 18, or is an emancipated minor, notification to the law enforcement agency that has jurisdiction in the area that the student is missing must be made within 24-hours.

These procedures and registration process are communicated when moving into campus housing and at the beginning of each academic year.  A student who wishes to identify a confidential contact can do so through the Missing Person Contact Form and/or at anytime by notifying the Resident Director in charge of that facility.

If a member of the Lubbock Christian University campus community has reason to believe that a student is missing, they should immediately notify Lubbock Christian University Public Safety at 806.928.6803.

Roller Blades, Skateboards, Hoverboards and Bicycles

Roller blades, skateboards, hoverboards, and bicycles are only permitted on sidewalks and are for outside transportation only. Excessive speed, stunts, tricks, or jumps are prohibited on campus property.

Bicyclists, rollerbladers, and skateboarders are also reminded that sidewalks are primarily utilized by pedestrians; however, they must remain on hard pavements. Tricks, stunts, or jumps are not allowed.

Bicycles are not required to be registered; however, when not in use they must be secured to a cycle rack provided on campus. LCU Public Safety encourages the use of a two-lock locking system with the inclusion of a U-shaped Lock with a thick self-locking cable.

LCU Public Safety encourages owners to register their Bicycles with the department. This may be done by providing a name, contact information, serial number, as well as a picture and/or description of the bicycle.

Traffic and Parking Policy

Students are expected to be familiar with and abide by the regulations set forth in this handbook. LCU Public Safety is responsible for establishing and enforcing guidelines for the use of any parking area on university property that could be used for parking even if not specifically designated for parking. Such areas include, but are not limited to, athletic fields, driveways, loading areas, and lawns.

Students using private vehicles on campus consent to search of the vehicle while on campus and agree to obey city, county, state, and federal traffic laws and regulations. The university does not provide insurance for personal vehicles or their contents.

LCU assumes no responsibility for stolen property or damage to any vehicle or its contents while the vehicle is being operated or parked on campus.

Students must register their vehicles with the LCU Public Safety office each academic year. Students can obtain a parking permit at the ChapDesk, and display the current parking decal on their vehicles and park in those areas designated for use by their decal. The decal should be placed on the outside of the back window in the lower left corner. For convertibles, the decal needs to be placed in the front window in the lower right corner. Motorcycles are not required to have a parking permit; however, they need to be registered. Commuters may contact the office to obtain parking permits for additional vehicles. 

Parking Fines

  • $20.00 – No valid parking permit; parking where prohibited by sign; parking in an unauthorized area (red curb, blue curb or striped zone); improperly parked in a slot; obstructing traffic
  • $50.00 – Parking in areas marked for handicap parking

Vehicles parked on LCU property without a permit will be issued a ticket. Tickets will be placed on the student account and must be paid in the Student Business Office.

The person in whose name the permit is issued will be held responsible for that vehicle. A parking ticket is not excused on the plea that another person was driving the vehicle at the time the vehicle was cited.

The university reserves the right to remove and impound vehicles left abandoned, any vehicle without license plates, or any vehicle parked in a way that constitutes a serious hazard to vehicle or pedestrian traffic. The owner of any vehicle that is stalled or disabled on any part of the university campus must notify the LCU Public Safety office immediately.

The owners will be responsible for any fees involving the removing, impounding, and storing of their vehicles.

Parking Permits

Parking permits are required for all students parking on campus. You can obtain a parking permit at ChapDesk. Each permit has a color designation for parking permissions on campus. Students receive a copy of these permissions as well as an outlined map when they receive their permit. Permissions and maps may also be found on the public safety page of LCU.edu.

A color-coded system is used for parking on campus. Please observe the following:

  • Blue Curb: Handicap Parking only (Fines of $500 are regularly issued)
  • Red Curb: Fire Zone – No parking at any time
  • Sidewalks: No parking at any time

Parking Ticket Appeal

Tickets are to be paid in the Student Business Office. If you wish to contest a ticket, you must submit an email (Michael.Smith@LCU.edu) to the Director of Public Safety within 5 business days of receiving the ticket. The written appeal must specify grounds that would justify consideration. General dissatisfaction with the policy or an appeal for mercy is not an appropriate basis for an appeal. 

Prohibited Driving Areas

  • Campus service roads and sidewalks are to be utilized only by emergency and maintenance vehicles.
  • Motorcycles and motorized scooters are not to be operated on sidewalks for any reason.


Campus property cannot be used for commercial or solicitation purposes. This includes online or traditional mail business ventures. Requests for interpretation or consideration is to be handled through Student Life.

Student Involvement

Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of social, professional, and service clubs as well as to become involved in a broad spectrum of intercollegiate and intramural sports at LCU. Visit LCU.edu, the Student Life Office, or email StudentInvolvement@LCU.edu for more information.

Student Liability

Students assume full responsibility to provide their own health, accident, and life insurance. The university is not responsible for any injuries incurred by a student. The university does not assume responsibility for or insure student property that is lost, damaged, or stolen. Students are advised to lock their rooms at all times, leave valuable property at home, and not keep large amounts of cash in their rooms. Lost or stolen keys should be reported immediately to the residence hall supervisor. Students assume responsibility to insure their personal property.

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Use of LCU technology resources is governed by the Acceptable Use of Technology Resources Policy and violations are subject to disciplinary action.  All university technology resource access is subject to termination no later than 180 calendar days of non-enrollment. Student personal business and communications should be conducted through non-LCU accounts.

ChapDesk is the LCU branded technology helpdesk. ChapDesk provides Tier I support for basic troubleshooting and escalates issues as necessary. Support for school resources and students’ personal devices is available free of charge to currently enrolled students.

Text 806.928.7974 or Phone 806.720.7100

Email: Chapdesk@LCU.edu

ChapDesk Offerings Free of Charge 

  • Email and WiFi connections for phones, tablets, laptops
  • Microsoft 365 includes, but is not limited to:
    • Outlook
    • Word
    • Excel
    • PowerPoint
  • General device troubleshooting and upgrade/replacement recommendations
  • Antivirus and anti-malware software
  • Virus and malware removal
  • Transfer of files between devices, e.g. transitioning to a new device
  • Hardware troubleshooting and minor repairs (may incur replacement part costs)
  • LCU required/recommended software installation 

Fall and Spring Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-midnight 
Friday: 8 a.m.-3 p.m. 
Saturday: 1 p.m-6 p.m. 
Sunday: 2 p.m.-midnight  

Note: ChapDesk hours of operation strive to align with LCU Library hours of operation. Summer and holiday hours may vary. Check Campus Announcements for updates.

Username and Password

  • Username: First initial, last name, and the last 4 of your LCU ID# followed by @LCU.edu
    • Ex: jdoe1234@LCU.edu
  • Password: capitalized first initial, lower case last name initial, $, last 4 digits of Social Security Number, and exclamation mark
    • Ex: Jd$5678!
  • You will be prompted to change your password during first login and multifactor authentication setup. Password requirements are as follows:
    • 12-16 characters
    • At least 1 capital letter
    • At least 1 number
    • At least 1 special character (ex. !, @, or $)

Microsoft Authenticator 

  • LCU network credentials require multifactor authentication to protect you and your data. The Microsoft Authenticator app requires a smart device, i.e. iOS or Android, and needs to be configured during your first sign in. Instructions for Microsoft Authenticator installation are provided during first sign-in. Additional assistance can be requested from ChapDesk.


  • The secure academic wireless network is “LCUWifi”. To access this network, select LCUWifi and input your username and password. You may be prompted to Trust the “chapwifi1” or “chapwifi2” certificate. After trusting the certificate(s) you will be connected to LCUWifi
  • The wireless network for on campus housing is “LCU_Residential”. Students living on campus will receive an email from Extreme Networks (no-reply@extremecloudiq.com) with a unique password to join the “LCU_Residential” wireless network. “LCU_Residential” wireless is only available in campus housing, please join “LCUWifi” for wireless access in all other areas on campus.
  • If you experience issues connecting your device to the WiFi networks, you can visit the ChapDesk Self-help site or contact ChapDesk.

Student Portal

The Student Portal will be the Hub of your academic life. Here you will find your class schedule, Grades, Financial Aid resources, Registration, School Information, Links to Student Worker applications, Contact Information for Campus Departments, Announcements, and everything you will need in your day-to-day academic life. To access your Student Portal page:

  • Open a browser and navigate to My.LCU.EDU
  • Select Student Login
  • Enter your LCU username and password


  • Students can access many parts of LCU's resources through ChapLink:
    • Moodle
    • Student Portal
    • Webmail
    • Library
    • ID Card
  • If you still have questions, call 806.720.7100 for help 

LCU E-mail

Print and Copy Services

  • LCU operated computing devices will use your LCU username and password to print from your student account
  • Webprint.lcu.edu can be used to print from your personal devices
  • Your LCU ID badge or username and password are necessary to operate printers and copies on campus
  • Personal printers with wireless functionality are prohibited at LCU
  • Charging Structure:
    • $0.04/page for black and white (single or double-sided)
    • $0.75/page for color (single or double-sided)

Digital Storage 

  • LCU provides 200gb of storage per student via Microsoft 365:
    • Navigate to microsoft365.com
    • Login using LCU username and password
    • Select the OneDrive application

Learning Management System (LMS) and Instructional Technology

Moodle is the LCU learning management system. Contact your instructor for content support. Contact ChapDesk for technical support on Moodle and associated tools. ChapDesk provides Tier I support for basic troubleshooting and escalates issues as necessary for Tier II and Tier III support. When requesting assistance, provide screenshots of the entire screen as applicable.

Tuition Payment

Undergraduate student account balances must be settled by August 17th for fall and January 5th for spring. Graduate student account balances for Fall A and B sessions must be settled by August 17th and C sessions by October 11th. Balances for Spring A and B sessions must be settled by January 5th and C sessions by March 1st. Summer courses must be settled by the first day of class. Students should apply for financial assistance before the payment due date. Students not complying with the above policy will be denied on campus move in, receive a late fee and/or have classes removed. The university does not release student academic records if educational costs are not paid. Students will not be allowed to register for classes if there is a hold on the account.

Tuition and room and board refunds are computed on a declining scale based on when students withdraw from the university or drop a course. Fees are not refundable. Request for withdrawals or drops must be made by completing a withdrawal or drop form which is available from the registrar. Refunds or tuition and room and board will be made according to the following refund schedule. Students must pay drop/add fees when schedule changes occur. Withdrawal from the University does not absolve students responsibility to complete tuition payments, nor does it imply removal of student account balance in its entirety.

Sixteen Week Terms

  • 1st through 7th day of term - 100%
  • 8th through 14th day of term - 50%
  • 15th through final day of term - 0%

Eight Week Sessions

  • 1st through 3rd day of session - 100%
  • 4th through 6th day of session - 50%
  • 7th through final day of session - 0%

Less than Eight Week Sessions

  • 1st day of session - 100%
  • 2nd day of session - 50%
  • 3rd day through final day of session - 0%

Tuition Refund Insurance - GradGuard

Tuition refund insurance is available through GradGuard to protect educational investments. The insurance refunds tuition, fees, and room and board charges up to the annual policy limit of $10,000, if the policy holder is unable to complete the semester due to a covered medical reason. Premium payments are due to GradGuard for students who select this insurance, prior to the first day of classes. For more information, visit GradGuard.com.

Federal Refund Formula

The federal refund formula requires federal student aid to be refunded at a pro rata basis if a complete withdrawal from the institution occurs before 60 percent of the semester has been completed. Any amounts in excess of this pro rata calculation that have already been refunded to the student are subject to immediate repayment.

For more information, please contact the Student Accounts Advisor in the Student Business Office at 806.720.7302.

Statement and Payment Options

LCU Statements

It is important to keep up with your LCU emails. LCU uses student email as its official form of communication. The Student Business Office will email when semester billing occurs. LCU statements are also available in the student portal at all times. Paper statements are made available upon request only. Please note all email communication is sent to the student and not parents or FERPA contacts. Accounts are in students name and students are responsible for payment on account. 

Payment Methods

Making payments online is quick and easy.

  • View Account Summary and activity data 24/7 - with real time updates, including financial aid.
  • There is a $62 (non-refundable) enrollment fee for all students.
  • View available payment options - including enrolling in a payment plan or making one-time payments via the gateway.
  • E-Check - this payment option is free of charge using your bank account and routing numbers from the bottom of your check.
  • Credit or Debit cards - Visa, MasterCard, and Discover are accepted online.  Service fees may vary based on the card presented for payment.
  • International payments are accepted from www.pay.flywire.com
  • Ability to Share Account Access - "Manage Account Access" and share with family members.  Activation instructions will be sent to the invited participant.

*FERPA - parents must be authorized by their student in the Registrar's Office or on the Student Portal in the "My Profile" section to discuss student account information.  

Login to the Student Portal in order to set up a payment plan, make a payment, or view the student account. For questions, call the Student Business Office at 806.720.7302.

Student Stipends/Refunds

The Student Business Office will process student stipends twice a week (once a week in the summer). Hank Payments is the vendor who processes stipends/refunds. Once a credit has been applied to a students account, the Student Business office with work with Hank Payments to distribute the funds to students. Applicable students will receive email and text communications once funds are ready to be redeemed. The email with include instructions for students to enter in their bank account information to receive the funds quickly.

Billing Questions and Disputes

Students with questions or disputes concerning account balances should first contact the Student Accounts Coordinator in the Student Business Office (806.720.7302). If a resolution cannot be made, students may appeal in writing to the Director of Student Accounts. Please email Jessica Snead at Jessica.Snead@LCU.edu.

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University Communication

The university provides all students an email account and all campus residents a post office box. All campus business between offices and students is transacted through the university mail system and email.

Lubbock Christian University’s official means of communication is through the LCU email account that is provided to students. All students should check their LCU email on a daily basis. Failure to do so does not nullify the information contained in the email.

All university email, file storage, and logon credentials are subject to termination after 180 days of non-enrollment. Students are encouraged to transition all necessary electronic files to a personal account.

For more information about the LCU email account, please contact the LCU ChapDesk at 806.720.7100. For information about campus post office boxes, contact the Post Office that is located on the first floor of the SUB.

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Veteran's Benefits

VA Certification Officer is located in the Office of the Registrar in the Cardwell Welcome Center. Additional information on Veteran's benefits is also available on Student Right to Know.

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Work Study

Students who qualify for the Federal Work Study Program will need to market themselves in order to find a job. They must build a resume', determine available hours, dress nicely, and apply to each office on campus. A list of work study job opportunities is available online through Chaplink under Resources, Work Study. Questions or additional information about work study can be directed to Financial Assistance in the Cardwell Welcome Center.

For those who do not qualify for the Federal Work Study Program, the Career Center, located in the Cardwell Welcome Center, compiles lists of jobs available in the area. Local employment agencies are also a good resource to utilize.  In addition, there are several departments on campus that hire students who are not work study eligible (cafeteria, tutoring, etc.). Work Study checks are available for direct deposit or pickup in the Student Business Office.

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Lubbock Christian University is committed to building a community that is conducive to spiritual, personal, and academic growth. The values that guide LCU are based on our belief in God and allegiance to scripture. We believe these values are essential in maintaining an environment in which the needs of each individual are important. As a part of a community where God is glorified and mutual respect and dignity of others are the norm, each person shares the responsibility to uphold these guidelines.


The mission statement of LCU cites three areas of focus in its goal of changing lives: a spiritual emphasis, a quality education, and reinforcement of values. As a Christ-centered institution of higher education, Lubbock Christian University expects its stakeholders to conduct themselves with honor and integrity in academic pursuits befitting a Christian learning community and in keeping with the university’s mission.

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Academic Integrity

The implications of academic dishonesty are far-reaching in their ability to erode the functions of education and research; it is therefore crucial that academic integrity be preserved at all levels of the educative/research process. Instances of academic dishonesty may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Cheating, which is the use of materials (including papers purchased or acquired from individuals, internet websites, etc.), study aids, Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated artifacts (including writings, images, formulas, media, etc.), and other elements for testing and assignments, that are not authorized by the instructor
  • Plagiarism, which is the presentation of information, content, or wording that originates from another source as one’s own
  • Conspiring in or aiding and abetting of dishonest behavior, such as knowingly providing materials from which another may cheat
  • Falsification or invention of material for academic work
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Pledge of Academic Integrity

All students, by their enrollment, agree to uphold all aspects of academic integrity, as outlined in this policy, in all their academic pursuits.

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Disciplinary Response to Academic Dishonesty

Lubbock Christian University will respond to instances of academic dishonesty with disciplinary action. Consequences range from the lowering of a grade on the assignment in the course to dismissal from the university.

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First Offense of Academic Dishonesty

Once an instance of academic dishonesty has been determined by the instructor, the instructor will, as soon as possible, set up a meeting with the student and department chair. At that meeting, the instructor will confront the student regarding the instance of academic dishonesty, assign the consequences and discuss the appeal process with the student. Consequences for an instance of academic dishonesty may be in the form of:

  • Lowering the grade on the assignment, even down to a grade of 0, or allowing for the “redo” of the assignment or test, as deemed appropriate by the instructor.
  • Removing the student from the course with a grade of F.
  • Working with the Student Life Office to remove the student from university leadership positions, traveling groups that represent the university, or similar situations.

The instructor and department chair will, in writing, inform the Academic Dean, the student’s advisor, the Provost, and the Dean of Students of the instance of academic dishonesty and the course of action decided upon by the instructor.

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Multiple/Subsequent Offenses of Academic Dishonesty

In the case of multiple offenses of academic dishonesty by a single student, whether in a single course or for single offenses in multiple courses, disciplinary action will result in the following:

  • Removing the student from the course with a grade of F
  • Removal of the student from university leadership positions, traveling groups that represent the university, or similar situations
  • Loss of scholarship and/or institutional funds and grants.

The following will apply at the discretion of the Provost:

  • Suspension from the university for no less than one semester
  • Permanent dismissal from the university

The office of the Provost serves as the clearinghouse for information on instances of student academic dishonesty. Documentation of infractions and disciplinary action will be submitted by instructors and kept on file in that office. A copy of this documentation will also be kept on file with the office of the Dean of Students.

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Appeal Process

A student who wishes to appeal a sanction(s) taken by an instructor for instances of academic dishonesty may appeal to the Academic Integrity Committee. If an appeal is made to this last level, the student may choose to be assigned a faculty member to act as mentor/advisor in preparing for this process. That assignment will be made by the appropriate dean. Students wishing to pursue this appeal process must, within three business days of the delivery of the sanction(s), submit a letter of intent to appeal to the Provost. In that letter, the student must provide background of the alleged instance of academic dishonesty, explain the nature of the sanction, and formally request a meeting with the committee. Upon receipt of this letter, and within ten (10) business days of its delivery, the Dean of Students and Provost will convene with the committee to hear the student’s appeal. The student may not bring outside witness or counsel to these academic meetings. The student may remain in the course in question until the appeals process is exhausted. The student will be notified of the committee’s decision within 48 hours.  If the occurrence of academic dishonesty is within a short course (i.e., during the summer), the timetable in this section is expedited, with five business days equaling one week.

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Academic Integrity Committee

The Academic Integrity Committee is comprised of the following individuals:

  • Dean of Students
  • Provost
  • Academic Dean from outside the college in question
  • Faculty member from within the academic area, appointed by the Academic Dean of the college in question*
  • Two students appointed by the Student Senate

The student and instructor will present their cases to the Academic Integrity Committee. Decisions of the committee are final. If no violations are found, any assigned sanctions for academic dishonesty will be lifted for this infraction, and a letter recording this result will be placed in the student’s file. If a violation of the academic integrity policy is delivered, then a notation recording the instance of academic dishonesty may be placed on the student’s academic transcript.

*This faculty member may not be the instructor of the course in question or the department chair to whom the student appealed.

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Students enrolling in the university agree to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with our identity as a Christian educational institution. The Code of Community Standards extends to off-campus student conduct when that conduct is likely to have an adverse effect on students, the university, or the educational process.

Students who are accused of violating university policies or rules will be assured certain procedures are followed unless those rights are temporarily suspended for the immediate protection and safety of the university community. The Dean and/or Associate Dean of Students will seek information concerning the violation from witnesses, allow the student to be heard concerning the violation, and if a preponderance of evidence indicates a violation has occurred, determine the appropriate sanction. The Vice President for Student Life or his/her designee may also investigate and determine appropriate sanctions.

Students who are concerned about destructive or at risk behaviors from friends or fellow students should share their concerns with the Student Life Office.

Community Alcohol and Drug Policy

Lubbock Christian University has enacted the following alcohol and drug policy to apply to all students of the LCU community, whether on or off-campus as a standard of living to be upheld at all times. In addition to these specific policies, it will be a violation of the Community Alcohol and Drug Policy if a student is in violation of a local, state or federal law concerning alcohol or drugs or controlled substances. The use of marijuana in any form or derivative that contains THC while enrolled as a student at LCU is considered a violation, regardless of the state in which it is used (or consumed).

  1. Alcohol
    1. Lubbock Christian University is an alcohol-free campus. The consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages or beverage containers is strictly prohibited when:
      1. on LCU property or,
      2. in attendance of an LCU sponsored event or,
      3. in attendance of a function or event that is associated with LCU.
    2. A student under the legal drinking age who is consuming alcoholic beverages or is in the possession of alcoholic containers or paraphernalia will be in violation of the alcohol policy.
    3. Students who post pictures of themselves or other students on social media or networking sites that imply student violation of the LCU alcohol and/or drug policy may be subject to immediate sanctioning.
    4. Drunkenness, on or off campus, is not consistent with the mission of LCU and will not be tolerated in any form or fashion. Drunkenness is defined as any offensive, disruptive, destructive, hazardous, vulgar, or uncontrolled behavior during or following the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Documented proof of drunkenness is not required by the university to impose sanction for violations of the Alcohol Policy. The university will base decisions on a preponderance of the evidence (more likely than not) that drunkenness occurred. The university strongly recommends that LCU students remove themselves from any hint of alcohol-related violations so as to avoid the appearance of impropriety.
    5. Misrepresentation of one’s age for the purpose of purchasing or consuming alcohol is strictly prohibited. This includes the manufacture, sale, distribution, possession, or attempt to obtain a fake ID.
    6. Operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance is of such a disdainful nature that any verified offenses, whether legally prosecuted or not, may result in immediate suspension, dismissal, or expulsion.
    7. Hosting or attending an event or private party (or otherwise allowing such an occasion to occur) at a student’s residence, whether an apartment, house, or other facility, or at another location, public or private, at which
      1. LCU students under the legal drinking age are in violation of Alcohol Policy,
      2. any LCU student is in violation of the university drug policy may result in immediate suspension, dismissal, or expulsion.
  2. Drugs
    1. Possession, use, the attempt to obtain, or distribution of any potentially harmful or illegal substance (including, but not limited to, any substance that is not legally obtainable or any substance that is legally obtainable but has been illegally acquired or is being sold or distributed unlawfully) or drug-related paraphernalia, on or off campus, is strictly prohibited. For the purposes of this policy, presence will be considered possession. Note: smoke, residue, odor, or other paraphernalia constitutes presence.
    2. Offenses involving on-campus possession, use, or distribution of illegal or controlled substances may be referred to the Lubbock Christian University Police Department or other law enforcement agencies, in addition to any university sanctions that may apply.
    3. Anyone suspected of or reported to have been involved in the use of illegal drugs or controlled substances may be required to submit to drug testing. Refusal to submit to immediate drug testing, attempts to evade testing, or actions calculated or intended to skew, alter, or falsify the results of a drug test administered under this policy will result in disciplinary action. All costs of a positive test are the responsibility of the student. Students testing positive for any illegal drug or controlled substance, or in violation of testing requirements within this policy, or found in violation of T3-01 may be subject to immediate dismissal.

A student who voluntarily discloses information about an off-campus alcohol or drug use violation may potentially be eligible to remain a student at LCU. In any such case, the Dean of Students will view all academic records, student conduct files, and take into consideration the student’s conduct through the investigation to determine if the student is performing and achieving academic, social, and character-driven goals in concert with the mission of the university. In such cases that the Dean of Students deems appropriate, minimum rehabilitative sanctions will include counseling, extended probationary sanctions, and community service, which may be imposed on an offending student in lieu of automatic dismissal. The student is responsible for all costs involved with counseling, drug testing, and any other rehabilitation services that may be required. A second offense may result in automatic dismissal.

Alcohol abuse among college students, both traditional and non-traditional, is one of the most pressing issues facing institutions of higher education across the country. The above policies regarding alcohol use are not intended to place judgment, add moral weight, or otherwise condemn those who legally consume alcohol. Instead, LCU’s goal is to provide a framework which affords all students the best possible opportunities for success in their pursuit of higher education.

LCU strongly believes in community accountability and has resources such as medical services, student counseling, advice, and help in matters of life, including the potentially serious matters listed above. In some cases, student needs may exceed LCU’s capacity to aid or help, and in such cases, the campus community may refer the student to off-campus help that will better assist the student.

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Good Samaritan Clause

As a community, the university encourages students to assist other students who may be in need, on or off campus. The university recognizes disciplinary sanctions may serve as a barrier to students seeking medical/crisis assistance for themselves or others in alcohol and drug related emergencies. In these incidents, the primary concern is the well-being, health, and safety of all involved.

When a student seeks medical or crisis assistance for another student who is in violation of school policy, both parties may be exempt from disciplinary sanctions as they pertain to the safety of the individuals.

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Community Disruption Policy

As a part of a community where the Christian faith guides every dimension of community life, and mutual respect and dignity of others is the norm, each person shares the responsibility to uphold the values of the university community. With community at the heart of Lubbock Christian University, there may be circumstances in which the needs of the individual exceed the abilities or wellbeing of the community at large. University staff members are committed to utilize resources reasonably available to the student, However, if the needs of the student exceed the university's so he or she can receive the necessary care.

Certain actions or special regulations may be required if deemed to be in the best interest of the student's personal health. In some instances, a student's behavior or circumstance may be of such extreme nature that it causes disruptions in the residence halls or in the community at large. In these cases, the Behavioral Intervention Team (Chap Track) may determine that it is best for the student to be removed or restricted from the university at large until approved to return to campus and/or the original living arrangement. If a student does not accept the decision of the Behavioral Intervention Team voluntarily, disciplinary action may be taken.

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Dress Code

As a Christ-centered, academic community of learners, outward appearances should reflect the pursuit of lives of purpose and service.  As a part of that outward appearance, clothing and how it is worn can contribute to or distract from a student's spiritual, mental, and physical success on campus and beyond.  The university's goal is to provide an environment where students are mentored in every facet of their lives, including preparing them to recognize the importance of dressing appropriately as they prepare for future endeavors. 

Detailed guidelines on dress are difficult to craft and enforce, in part because styles and brands change so quickly and fluidly through time.  However, there are some obvious violations that will be considered inappropriate and will be dealt with in a professional manner.  The following list is intended to provide members of our community some clarity on what is and is not permitted to be worn on campus or at university-sponsored events. This list is not exhaustive, and appropriate university personnel are given discretion in providing further direction.

  • All clothing must be modest in style and coverage.
  • Shirts must cover the entire upper torso at all times.  See-through clothing is inappropriate.
  • Apparel or tattoos with provocative/suggestive language, images, or advertising that is inconsistent with the mission of the university must not be displayed. 

Individual departments may adopt additional standards for dress or appearance, particularly when students are representing the university in internship opportunities or university-affiliated field trips. 

Refusal to comply with specific reasonable requests will be grounds for university disciplinary action under the student code of conduct.

Dress in Residence Halls

Students should be properly clothed before entering the hallway or any common area in residence halls. 

Special care should be given to this matter on the first floor, where visitors or facilities personnel are more likely to be present at any time.

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Fire Policy

LCU considers fire safety extremely important, and students have an obligation to adhere to university regulations as well as city and state statutes.

Misuse of Fire Safety Equipment

Any individual who misuses or tampers with fire safety equipment (signs, extinguishers, exits, smoke detectors, pull stations) will be subject to disciplinary action and will be charged a fine of $250 plus the cost of repair or replacement of misused or damaged equipment, cleaning of the facility, and damage to other property.

Setting Fire

Any individual who intentionally, negligently, and/or recklessly sets a fire in or near a university building is subject to immediate dismissal from the university, may be charged a fine of $250 minimum, and will be charged for repairing any damage caused by the fire.

In addition to being subject to university penalties, any student who starts a fire, damages or tampers with evacuation alarms, or misuses fire safety equipment also may be subject to prosecution in criminal court by the proper federal, state, county, or city authorities, and/or the Lubbock Fire Department in accordance with the Lubbock Fire Code and all statutes, laws, rules, and regulations. Special events such as BBQ’s must be approved through the Student Life Office.

Please see the Residential Life guide on the LCU website for further information. The Residential Life Office is located on the second floor of the SUB and can be reached by calling 806.720.7507.

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Hazing Policy

Students are advised “hazing” is a crime in the State of Texas. The university does not condone or allow hazing and will sanction students allowing, condoning, or participating in hazing or other dangerous acts. Students are responsible to know and comply with the law against hazing in its entirety. (This section has been directly copied from the Texas Education Code. Chapter 51 Section 51.936 & Chapter 37.151 through 37.157.

51.936. Hazing

  1. Sub chapter F, Chapter 37, applies to hazing at an educational institution under this section.
  2. For purposes of this section, in Sub chapter F, Chapter 37, “educational institution” means an institution of higher education.
  3. Each post secondary educational institution shall distribute to each student during the first three weeks of each semester:
    1. A summary of the provisions of Sub chapter F, Chapter 37
    2. A list of organizations that have been disciplined for hazing or convicted for hazing on or off the campus of the institution during the preceding three years
  4. If the institution publishes a general catalogue, student handbook, or similar publication, it shall publish summary of the provisions of Sub chapter F, Chapter 37, in each edition of the publication.

Sub Chapter F Hazing—37.151 definitions

In this Sub chapter:

  1. “Educational institution” includes public or private school
  2. “Pledge” means any person who has been accepted by, is considering an offer of membership from, or is in the process of qualifying for membership in an organization. At Lubbock Christian University, the term "New Member" is used in place of the term "pledge".
  3. “Pledging” means any action or activity related to becoming a member of an organization
  4. “Student” means any person who:
    1. is registered in or in attendance at an educational institution
    2. has been accepted for admission at the educational institution where the hazing incident occurs; or
    3. intends to attend an educational institution during any of its regular sessions after a period of scheduled vacation
  5. “Organization” means a fraternity, sorority, association, corporation, order, society, corps, club, or student government, a band or musical group or an academic, athletic, cheerleading, or dance team, including any group or team that participates in National Collegiate Athletic Association competition, or a service, social, or similar group, whose members are primarily students.
  6. “Hazing” means any intentional, knowing, or reckless act, occurring on or off campus of an education institution, by one person alone or acting with others, directed against a student, for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in an organization.

The term includes:

  1. any type of physical brutality, such as whipping, beating, striking, branding, electronic shocking, placing of a harmful substance on the body, or similar activity;
  2. any type of physical activity, such as sleep deprivation, exposure to the elements, confinement in a small space, calisthenics, or other activity that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student;
  3. any activity involving consumption of food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, liquor, drug, or other substance that subject the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student.
  4. any activity that induces, causes, or requires the student to perform a duty or task that involves a violation of the Penal Code; or
  5. involves coercing, as defined by Section 1.07, Penal Code, the student to consume:
    i.  a drug; or
    ii. an alcoholic beverage or liquor in an amount that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the student is intoxicated, as defined by Section 49.01, Penal Code.

37.152 Personal Hazing Offense

  1. A person commits an offense if the person:
    1. Engages in hazing;
    2. Solicits, encourages, directs, aids, or attempts to aid another in engaging in hazing;
    3. Recklessly permits hazing to occur; or
    4. Has firsthand knowledge of the planning of a specific hazing incident involving a student in an educational institution, or has firsthand knowledge that a specific hazing incident has occurred, and knowingly fails to report that knowledge in writing to the Dean of Students or other appropriate official of the institution.
  2. The offense of failing to report is a Class B misdemeanor.
  3. Any other offense under this section that does not cause serious bodily injury to another is a Class B misdemeanor.
  4. Any other offense under this section that causes serious bodily injury to another is a Class A misdemeanor.
  5. Any other offense under this section that causes the death of another is a state jail felony.
  6. Except if an offense causes the death of a student, in sentencing a person convicted of an offense under this section, the court may require the person to perform community service, subject to the same conditions imposed on a person placed on community supervision under Section 11, Article 42.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, for an appropriate period of time in lieu of confinement in county jail or in lieu of a part of the time the person is sentenced to confinement in county jail.

37.153. Organization Hazing Offense

  1. An organization commits an offense if the organization condones or encourages hazing or if an officer or any combination of members, pledges, or alumni of the organization commits or assists in the commission of hazing.
  2. An offense under this section is a misdemeanor punishable by
    1. a fine of not less than $5,000 nor more than $10,000; or
    2. if the court finds that the offense caused personal injury, property damage, or other loss, a fine of not less than $5,000 nor more than double the amount lost or expenses incurred because of the injury, damage, or loss.

37.155. Immunity from Prosecution of Civil Liability

  1. In the prosecution of an offense under this subchapter, the court may grant immunity from prosecution for the offense to each person who is subpoenaed to testify for the prosecution and who does testify for the prosecution.
  2. Any person who voluntarily reports a specific hazing incident involving a student in an educational institution to the dean of students or other appropriate official of the institution is immune from civil or criminal liability that might otherwise be incurred or imposed as a result of the reported hazing incident if the person:
    1. reports the incident before being contacted by the institution concerning the incident or otherwise being included in the institution's investigation of the incident; and
    2. as determined by the dean of students or other appropriate official of the institution designated by the institution, cooperates in good faith throughout any institutional process regarding the incident.
  3. Immunity under Subsection (b) extends to participation in any judicial proceeding resulting from the report.
  4. A person is not immune under Subsection (b) if the person:
    1. reports the person's own act of hazing; or
    2. reports an incident of hazing in bad faith or with malice.
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Notification of Parents

Whenever a dependent student is placed on probation, suspension, or is dismissed due to non-compliance with the code of community standards, parents of the dependent student may be notified by mail or phone. Furthermore, parents of any student under the age of 21 may be notified should their student be placed on probation for violating the LCU Alcohol and Drug policies. A copy of the sanctions may be sent with a letter of explanation. The university also reserves the right to contact parents when the administration believes that parental contact is in the best interest of the student and/or the university.

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All materials of a pornographic nature including, but not specifically limited to, items, portrayals, and images, electric and print, found in magazines, videos, and the internet are considered immoral and not conducive to the mission of LCU. Use of pornography is prohibited. Students who struggle with addictions to pornography should seek confidential counseling from the Counseling Center.

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Policies and Procedures Concerning Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment and Stalking

I. Introductory Statement

LCU affirms that all members of our community are created in the image of God and therefore should be treated with dignity and respect. The university does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of any status or condition protected by applicable federal or state law, including race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability. LCU respects the inherent worth of each member of the community and does not tolerate any form of harassment. The university follows the profound truth that is found in the Golden Rule, "In everything do to others as you would have them do to you" (Matthew 7:12). Because of the university's commitment to honoring the dignity and respect of every individual, unlawful discrimination and harassment (and any related retaliation) is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal or separation from the University. LCU affirms its commitment to protecting the right of each person to raise concerns about alleged discrimination free of fear of retaliation.

Therefore, because the university stands against harassing and violent behaviors, the university will take prompt, decisive action to: investigate allegations of violence, harassment, and stalking; initiate the disciplinary process if appropriate; issue appropriate sanctions against any student or employee found responsible for acts of violence whether the behavior occurred on campus or off campus; take steps designed to prevent recurrence; and protect against retaliation.

Students or employees are encouraged to report any incidents related to this policy and pursue the matter through the state's civil and/or criminal systems as well as through the university. A student who in good faith reports being the victim of, or a witness to an incident of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, or stalking may not be subject to disciplinary action for violation(s) of the Code of Community Standards occurring at or near the time of the incident.

Pursuant to Title IX, LCU does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs and activities. Reports of sexual misconduct may be made to the Interim Title IX Coordinator, Kaili Hutchinson at 806.720.7503 or any of the other campus resources listed in paragraph III of this policy.

Note: This sexual misconduct policy shall not be used to bring frivolous or malicious complaints against students, faculty and employees. If a complaint has been made in bad faith, as demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence, disciplinary action may be taken against the person bringing the complaint.

II. Definitions

A. Sexual Misconduct: A broad, non-legal term encompassing a range of non-consensual sexual activity or unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature. This term includes, but is not limited to, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual intimidation, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Sexual misconduct can be committed by men or women, strangers or acquaintances, and can occur between or among people of the same or opposite sex. Using this term serves to differentiate campus processes, which are administrative and educational, from the criminal justice system, in which people are charged with crimes that carry criminal penalty.

B. Sexual harassment as defined by 34 C.F.R.106.30,  subd. (a), means conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:

  1. An employee of the recipient conditioning the provision of an aid, benefit, or service of the recipient on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct;
  2. Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the recipient’s education program or activity; or
  3. “Sexual assault” as defined in 20 U.S.C. 1092(f)(6)(A)(v), “dating violence” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(10), “domestic violence” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(8), or “stalking” as defined in 34 U.S.C. 12291(a)(30).

C. Sexual Violence: Physical sexual acts perpetuated against a person's will or where a person is incapable of giving consent. The term includes, but is not limited to, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual coercion, sexual abuse, indecency with a child, and/or aggravated assault.

D. Sexual Assault: An offense that meets the definition of rape, fondling, incest, or statutory rape as used in the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program. Any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by federal or state law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent.

  1. Rape: the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.
  2. Fondling: The touching of the private body part of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her age of his/her temporary or permanent mental incapacity.
  3. Incest: Sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
  4. Statutory Rape: Sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.

Sexual Assault in Texas is jurisdictionally defined in Section 22.011 of the Texas Penal Code.

E. Sexual Exploitation: Occurs when an individual takes non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of another to benefit anyone other than the one being exploited. Examples of exploitation include, but are not limited to: engaging in voyeurism; forwarding of pornographic or other sexually inappropriate material by email, text, or other channels to non-consenting students/groups; and any activity that goes beyond the boundaries of consent, such as recording of sexual activity, allowing others to watch activity or situations of sexual nature without the other person's consent, or engaging in sexual activity while knowingly infected with an STI of HIV without informing the other person of the infection.

F. Coercion: The use of expressed or implied threat or intimidation which places an individual in reasonable fear of immediate harm or physical injury.

G. Consent: An informed, voluntary, and mutually understandable agreement that indicates a clear willingness to engage in each instance of sexual activity. Consent to engage in sexual activity with one person does not imply consent to engage in sexual activity with another. A current or previous dating relationship or sexual relationship by itself is not sufficient to constitute consent. Consent may not be implied by silence or mere passivity and can be withdrawn at any time. Consent is not valid if acquired through means of physical force, threat of physical force, intimidation, coercion, intoxication, incapacitation, or any other fact that would eliminate an individual's ability to exercise his or her own free will to choose whether or not to participate in a sexual activity.

Consent in Texas is jurisdictionally defined in Section 1.07 and outlined in Section 22.011 of the Texas Penal Code.

H. Incapacitation: The inability, temporarily or permanently, to give consent because the individual is mentally and/or physically helpless, either voluntarily or involuntarily, or the individual is unconscious, asleep, or otherwise unaware that the sexual activity is occurring. A person is mentally incapacitated when that person lacks the ability to make informed decisions about whether or not to engage in sexual activity. A person may be incapacitated as a result of the consumption of alcohol and/or other drugs, or due to a temporary or permanent physical or mental health condition. When alcohol or other drug use is involved, incapacitation is a state beyond intoxication, impairment, or being under the influence. Alcohol and other drugs impact each individual differently and determining whether an individual is incapacitated requires an individualized determination. Although every individual may manifest the impacts of alcohol or other drugs differently, typical signs include slurred or incomprehensible speech, unsteady gait, combativeness, emotional volatility, vomiting, or incontinence.

I. Domestic Violence: A felony or misdemeanor crime of violence committed by

  1. A current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim; or
  2. A person with whom the victim shares a child in common; or
  3. A person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner; or
  4. Any other person against a victim who is protected from that person's acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the State of Texas

Domestic violence in Texas is termed "Family Violence."

J. Dating Violence: Violence committed by a person

  1. Who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim
  2. Where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors:
    1. The length of the relationship; or
    2. The type of relationship; or
    3. The frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship

I. Stalking: Engaging in a course of conduct, constituted by two or more acts directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to

  1. Fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or
  2. Suffer substantial emotional stress; or
  3. Feel harassed, alarmed, abused, or tormented

J. Hostile Environment: When sex-based harassment or violence is directed toward an individual and/or has the purpose or effect of

  1. Creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive academic environment; or
  2. Unreasonably interferes with another's work or academic performance

To determine whether a hostile environment exists for an individual or individuals, the University will consider a variety of factors related to the severity, persistence, or pervasiveness of the sex-based harassment, including:

  1. The type, frequency, and duration of the conduct
  2. The identity and relationships of the persons involved
  3. The number of individuals involved
  4. The locations of the conduct and the context in which it occurred
  5. The degree to which the conduct affected an individual's education or employment

The more severe the sex-based harassment, the less need there is to show a repetitive series of incidents to create a hostile environment. A single instance of violence may be sufficient to create a hostile environment.

K. Retaliation: Retaliation against persons who report or provide information about sexual misconduct is strictly prohibited. Any acts of reprisal, including internal interference, coercion, or restraint by a student, a university employee, or one acting on behalf of the university, violates this policy and will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

III. Reporting Harassment/Violence/Stalking

The university encourages the reporting of all incidents involving sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. If the university knows or reasonably should know about an incident of sexual harassment or sexual violence that creates a hostile environment, the university will take immediate action to eliminate the harassment, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects. To be proactive, the university publishes a notice of nondiscrimination and has adopted and published grievance procedures. In cases involving potential criminal conduct, the Title IX Coordinator or designee will determine, consistent with state and local law, whether appropriate law enforcement or other authorities should be notified. Reports may be made in person or confidentially online through the LCU Title IX webpage and at the bottom of the LCU homepage.

Reporting Definitions

Actual knowledge: Notice of sexual harassment or allegations of sexual harassment to a recipient’s Title IX Coordinator or any official of the recipient who has authority to institute corrective measures on behalf of the recipient. This standard is not met when the only official of the recipient with actual knowledge is the respondent.

Complainant: An individual who is alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment.

Respondent: An individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment.

Responsible Employees: Refers to all employees unless otherwise designated by the university.

Responsible Employees will receive the report and notify appropriate campus officials:

  1. Appropriate reporting campus officials
  2. Title IX Coordinator
  3. Dean of Students
  4. Residential Life Staff
  5. Athletic Senior Women Administrator

When an individual tells a Responsible Employee about an incident of sexual misconduct, that individual has the right to expect the university to take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate what happened and to resolve the matter promptly and equitably, and assist in reporting to law enforcement if the complainant so chooses.

Even if no action is requested by the complainant or they are unsure about what they want to do, such reporting to the Title IX Coordinator is necessary for various reasons, including to ensure that persons possibly subjected to such conduct receive appropriate services and information; that LCU can track incidents and identify patterns; and that, where appropriate, LCU can take steps to protect the university community. Reported allegations will be reviewed by the Title IX Coordinator, who will assess the report and consult with the complainant. Responsible employees who knew about but did not report allegations of sexual misconduct will be subject to disciplinary action.

Confidential Employee: In their professional capacity, LCU Counseling Center and the Student Health Office staff are considered confidential reporting resources and are not required to report according to university policy. Information disclosed in the clinical setting will be considered confidential.

However, Confidential Employees may encourage clients to report to local and/or campus authorities. This policy does not infer Counseling and/or Medical Personnel are exempt from any mandatory reporting requirements placed on them by federal or state law.

Note: Faculty, staff and other employees who are otherwise involved in pastoral or ministry work, are licensed mental health workers, or are licensed medical workers, but who are not working in that capacity for LCU, are not Confidential Employees.

If LCU officials determine that a serious incident may pose an on-going threat to members of the university community, a Timely Warning Notice will be issued to all students and employees. The intent of the Timely Warning is to prevent additional crimes and allow students and employees to take protective and precautionary measures.

LCU faculty and staff members are able to help students report issues of harassment, violence or stalking, however students may report directly to any of the following areas for immediate access to resources:

Title IX Coordinator

Kaili Hutchinson
Student Life Building SUB 212 (C)

Student Life

Dean of Students
Student Life Building SUB 212 (B)

Residential Life

Director of Residential Life
Student Life Building SUB 212 (A)

Johnson Hall Residence Director
Johnson Hall Office JH 108

Katie Rogers/Courtyard Hall Residence Director
Katie Rogers Office KR 151

Mabee Hall Residence Director
Mabee Hall Office MH 118

Public Safety

Public Safety Office
Student Life Building SUB 206

Public Safety Patrol
Student Life Building SUB 206


Senior Woman Administrator
Rip Griffin Center RGC 108

IV. Procedures

A. Initial Response        

  1. Safety: The first priority of a victim of sexual assault or domestic violence is to get to a place of safety.

    Call 911 for medical or safety emergency.

    Medical Assistance: Seeking medical attention is highly encouraged as soon as possible. Local emergency rooms have procedures to provide medical assistance, establish ongoing support, and preserve evidence.
    • Covenant Medical Center
      3615 19th Street
    • University Medical Center
      602 Indiana Avenue
  2. Reporting: Lubbock Christian University strongly advocates that a victim of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking report the incident to one of the following law enforcement agencies.
    • Lubbock Police Department
    • Lubbock County Sheriff's Department
    • Lubbock Christian University Public Safety

Although Lubbock Christian University encourages timely law enforcement reporting, it is the victim's choice to make such a report or to decline involvement with law enforcement. LCU will assist Complainants in reporting to local law enforcement if desired.

The Complainant may choose for the investigation to be pursued through the criminal justice system and the LCU Title IX process or only the latter. The Title IX Coordinator will guide the Complainant through the reporting process.

LCU encourages contact with the LCU Student Health Office or LCU Counseling Center for confidential resources and support. At the very minimum, reports may be made anonymously online through the LCU Title IX webpage or through the bottom of the LCU homepage.

As time passes, evidence may dissipate or become lost or unavailable, thereby making investigation, possible prosecution, disciplinary proceedings, or obtaining orders of protection related to the incident more difficult. If a victim chooses not to make a complaint regarding an incident, he or she nevertheless should consider speaking with LPD or other law enforcement agency to preserve evidence in the event that the victim changes his or her mind at a later date.

A Complainant may choose to report at any time, as long as the Complainant or the Respondent remain enrolled or employed by the university.

Certain forms of sexual misconduct, domestic violence (family violence), dating violence, and stalking may be a violation of the statutes of the State of Texas. Complainants, therefore, may have certain legal rights with regard to criminal and civil action.

B. Evidence Preservation

Evidence of a sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking should be preserved as soon as possible, even if you are unsure about reporting to the University or filing criminal charges. Preservation of evidence is essential for both law enforcement and campus disciplinary investigations.

Write down, or have a friend write down everything you can remember about the incident, including a physical description of the assailant. You should attempt to do this even if you are unsure about reporting the incident in the future.

  1. Forensic Evidence
    If you choose to report the assault and pursue legal options, a prompt forensic examination can be crucial.
    Steps to preserve Forensic Evidence
    • Avoid drinking, bathing, showering, brushing your teeth, using mouthwash, or combing your hair.
    • Do not change clothes. If you have already changed your clothes, place your clothing and other items (sheets, blankets) in a brown paper bag (a plastic bag may destroy evidence)
    • Go to a hospital emergency department listed above, which has the capability to provide a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE or "rape kit") and medical care for victims of sexual assault, dating violence, and family violence. A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), a healthcare provider trained to provide comprehensive care for a victim, can collect forensic evidence.
    • A SAFE (rape kit) can only be completed within 5 days of the assault. You have the right to refuse the entire exam or any part of it at any time
    • You may also decide to complete a forensic exam anonymously.
    • If you suspect that you are the victim of a drug-facilitated sexual assault, ask the hospital or clinic where you receive medical care to take a urine sample. Drugs, such as Rohypnol and GHB, are more likely to be detected in urine than in blood. Rohypnol stays in the body for several hours and can be detected in the urine up to 72 hours after taking it. GHB leaves the body in 12 hours
    • Consider bringing someone to the hospital with you for support.
    • The hospital automatically calls an advocate to be available any time someone comes in for a SAFE. You can decide whether or not you want to speak with the advocate. The advocate is a confidential resource who is not affiliated with LCU. They can provide you with confidential support and talk with you about your options.
  2. Physical Evidence
    Physical evidence should be preserved even if you choose not to go to the hospital for a forensic exam. Save all of the clothing you were wearing at the time of the assault. Put each item in a separate paper bag (do not use plastic bags). Save all bedding (blankets, sheets) and put each in a separate paper bag. Take photographs of any visible physical injuries (bruising, scratches) for use as evidence. If you report to law enforcement, they may want to take their own photos as evidence.
  3. Electronic Evidence
    Evidence such as texts, emails, social media posts, chats, pictures, videos or other forms of electronic communication can be helpful in a university or criminal investigation. Download, save to a .pdf, take screen shots, or use other methods to preserve electronic evidence.
  4. Follow-up Procedures
    1. Medical Assistance: It may be necessary for subsequent medical services through LCU Student Health Office, an emergency room, and/or private physician.
    2. Counseling Services: The LCU Counseling Center is equipped to assist with on-going counseling needs. Contact information for off-campus counseling resources will be provided.

C. Supportive Measures

Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as appropriate, reasonably available, and without fee or charge to both parties before or after a formal complaint has been filed or where no formal complaint has been filed. Supportive measures are intended to preserve equal access, safety of the educational environment, and deter sexual harassment without burdening either party.

These supportive measures may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Counseling
  • Extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments
  • Modifications of work or class schedules
  • Campus escort services
  • Mutual restrictions on contact between parties
  • Changes in work or housing locations
  • Leaves of absence
  • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus

V. Grievance Process

A. Formal Complaint

A complainant may file a formal complaint with the Title IX Coordinator in person, by mail or by electronic mail. The document must be signed by the complainant and serves as a request that the university investigate the allegation of sexual harassment. The Title IX Coordinator may sign the formal complaint if it is determined that failure to investigate the claim may be negligent or compromise community safety. The Title IX Coordinator may not serve as the complainant.

A formal complaint may be dismissed if the alleged conduct would not constitute sexual harassment. per the 34 C.F.R.106.30, subd. (a). The complaint may be investigated under other policies of the code of conduct.

B. Emergency Removal/Administrative Leave

The university reserves the right to remove a respondent from an educational program or activity after an individualized safety and risk assessment. The assessment must determine that an immediate threat exists to the physical health or safety of any student or individual. The respondent will be notified of the removal and given an opportunity to immediately challenge the removal.

C. Notice of allegations

A notice of allegation will be provided to all parties that are known once a formal complaint has been filed. The notice of allegations will include the following: the grievance process, details of the alleged sexual harassment, a statement that the respondent is presumed not responsible for the alleged conduct and that a determination is made at the conclusion of the grievance process, the ability to use an advisor of their choice, and prohibits knowingly making false claims or submitting false information during the grievance process.

D. Advisors

The complainant and respondent are permitted to select an advisor to be present during intake, interviews, meetings, and/or proceedings. An advisor can be any person that agrees to serve in that role other than Title IX staff members. If one party selects an attorney as an advisor, the party must notify the Title IX Coordinator three business days prior to any meeting or interview they will attend. The advisor’s role is to provide support and advice. They are not permitted to speak on behalf of the parties or disrupt, delay or interfere with any meeting. Advisors may be asked to meet with the Title IX Coordinator or administrator to discuss the role and responsibilities prior to their participation. 

E. Formal Resolution

A formal resolution includes an investigation, report review, live hearing, and outcome.

*The live hearing component applies exclusively to complaints that fall under Title IX.

  1. Investigation Process

    The Title IX Coordinator will designate a trained and objective investigator, decision maker, and appeals officer. If either the complainant or respondent believes a conflict of interest exists, they are encouraged to contact the Title IX Coordinator, in writing, within three (3) business days. The burden of proof and the burden of gathering evidence to reach a determination regarding responsibility falls on the university. Therefore, the investigator will conduct a prompt, reliable, and impartial investigation that may include interviews and collection of relevant evidence. During the investigation, both parties will have an equal opportunity to present witnesses and other relevant evidence. The investigator will notify any party of the date, time, location, and purpose of the interview with sufficient time for the party to prepare. Note: The formal resolution process will proceed in the event the responding party withdraws from the university.
    • Preliminary Report: Upon the completion of the investigation, the investigator will write a preliminary report of all the facts for the Title IX Coordinator to review. If any additional information needs to be obtained, the investigator may conduct additional interviews.
    • Response: The preliminary report and any evidence will then be accessible to both the complainant and respondent and their advisors. Each party will have ten (10) business days to provide a written response. If additional information is given by either party, the other party will receive the new information and have an opportunity to respond. The investigator will provide an adequate and reasonable time frame in order for all information to be collected while maintaining a prompt and equitable process.
    • Investigative report: At the conclusion of the response period, the investigator will add any relevant information to the final investigative report that will be submitted to the Title IX Coordinator. The report will fairly summarize all relevant evidence and will sent to each party and the party’s advisor ten (10) days prior to the live hearing. Both parties are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement upon the receipt of the investigative report.
  2. Live hearing

    Decision Maker- The decision maker will oversee the live hearing and allow each party’s advisor to ask the other party and any witnesses all relevant questions and follow-up questions, including those challenging credibility. The decision maker will determine whether the question is relevant and explain any decision to exclude a question as not relevant.

    Questions and evidence about the complainant’s sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior are not relevant, unless such questions and evidence about the complainant’s prior sexual behavior are offered to prove that someone other than the respondent committed the conduct alleged by the complainant, or if the questions and evidence concern specific incidents of the complainant’s prior sexual behavior with respect to the respondent and are offered to prove consent.

    Parties are required to attend the live hearing in person or by utilizing approved technology platforms. If parties do not have an advisor, the university will provide one.

    All live hearings will be recorded and made available to the parties for inspection and review.

  3. Outcome

    At the conclusion of the hearing, the decision maker will determine whether the reported violation is more likely than not to have occurred. This standard of evidence may also be referred to as preponderance of the evidence. 

    If the complaint does not fall under Title IX, The Title IX Coordinator will designate a trained decision maker who will receive the final investigative report. After reviewing the report, a determination will be made as to whether the reported violation is more likely than not to have occurred.

    An outcome letter will be provided to both the respondent and complainant at the same time which outlines the investigation findings and appeal process. The determination regarding responsibility becomes final on the date the outcome letter is sent to both parties if an appeal is filed. If an appeal is not filed, the determination is final three business days after the written determination has been sent to both parties.

  4. Appeal

    Either the Complainant or the Respondent may appeal the decision made by the decision maker by notifying the Title IX Coordinator in writing within three (3) business days of the date of the decision. The other party will be notified if an appeal is filed. The only grounds for appeal are as follows:

    All appeals will be reviewed by a trained appeals officer and shall be based solely on the records provided from the investigation and live hearing unless new evidence is grounds for the appeal. Both parties will receive a written decision, simultaneously, describing the result of the appeal and the rationale for the result. The decision of the appeals officer is final.
    • Significant procedural irregularity that adversely impacted the outcome of the investigation
    • The consideration of significant new evidence that was not available during the investigation. A summary of the new evidence must be included in the appeal.
  5. Sanctions

    If it is determined that the reported violation occurred, and the appeals process has been exhausted, appropriate sanction(s) will be issued in accordance with the LCU Student Handbook. Sanction(s) may include the entire range available under LCU policy. Sanction appeals will be heard by the Conduct Review Board as outlined in the Student Conduct Appeal Process. Sanctions that result in ineligibility to re-enroll will result in a transcript notation. Transcript notations may be removed based on request, timing, and good cause.
  6. Retaliation

    No person may intimidate, threaten, coerce, or discriminate against any individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by Title IX or because the individual has made a report or complaint, testified, assisted, or participated or refused to participate in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing. Such conduct will be addresses under the student code of conduct.

F. Voluntary Informal Resolution

Voluntary Informal Resolution is an internal grievance process that may be available to resolve a report after a formal complaint has been filed/received. Voluntary Informal Resolution is available to both students and employees. However, it is not appropriate in all cases. Voluntary Informal Resolution is a voluntary, remedies-based resolution process that requires participation by both parties. It does not involve an investigation and may not involve taking disciplinary action against a respondent. Voluntary Informal Resolution is intended to eliminate the conduct at issue, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects. It is not necessary to pursue Voluntary Informal Resolution before pursuing an investigation and formal resolution. Request to use Voluntary Informal Resolution following receipt of a report and as part of or following the initial inquiry, the Title IX Coordinator will determine how to proceed. The decision of how to proceed will be made as part of or following the initial inquiry when LCU has sufficient information about the nature and scope of the reported misconduct. If the Title IX Coordinator determines Voluntary Informal Resolution is appropriate, the parties will be notified of the nature of the complaint, reminded that retaliatory behavior will not be tolerated, and advised of any confidentiality issues. Both the complainant and respondent will be given a copy of the policy, the applicable procedures, an explanation of the Voluntary Informal Resolution process, and asked about their preferred process for resolution. If either a complainant or respondent indicates a preference for Voluntary Informal Resolution to resolve a report, the Title IX Coordinator will determine if both parties voluntarily agree to participate to resolve the report using this internal grievance process.

A complainant or respondent may request that the Voluntary Informal Resolution process be attempted to resolve a report at any time. For example, a complainant who previously requested to go through the internal grievance process of investigation and formal resolution can request to end that process and attempt Voluntary Informal Resolution. The Title IX Coordinator will consider the request if the other party is in agreement. Either party participating in Voluntary Informal Resolution can end the process at any time and request a shift to the investigation and formal resolution process. If the Voluntary Informal Resolution process is unsuccessful or fails to address the reported conduct, at the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator, a complainant may be able to subsequently pursue a resolution through investigation and formal resolution.

VI. Prevention and Awareness Programs

As a community, we share the responsibility to prevent sexual misconduct through education, bystander intervention, and mutual respect for one another. As part of our commitment to the prevention of sexual misconduct, Lubbock Christian University offers education and awareness programs. Incoming students and employees will have access to prevention and awareness education, including training on recognizing and reporting sexual misconduct. All students, faculty, and staff have access to ongoing training and related programs.

Students will be provided with information regarding sexual misconduct prevention and reporting during new student orientation, the university's "UNI 1170" class, and other LCU Student Life programming through the Student Life Office, Residential Life, the LCU Counseling Center, and LCU Public Safety.

The Title IX Council exists to serve the campus with a diverse group of faculty and staff that receive additional Title IX training. The council provides an opportunity for various departments on campus to communicate and be proactive in educating faculty, staff, and students in how to provide and maintain a safe campus.

Note: Title IX reports will be reviewed by the President and Board of Trustees in an effort to maintain a safe campus free from discrimination, violence, harassment, and stalking.

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Public Health

Public health situations may arise for which federal, state, or local health authorities determine institutional action may be warranted. In such cases, the university will evaluate and implement applicable guidance provided by health authorities when feasible and consistent with the mission and values of LCU. For up to date policies regarding public health and safety, go to the Covid-19 page https://lcu.edu/resources/health-and-safety/medical-clinic/coronavirus/fall-2020-face2face-initiative/

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Statement on Harassment and Intimidation

Spiritual and intellectual development is dependent upon an environment in which a person is comfortable to easily focus. It is imperative that LCU foster a culture free from intimidation or harassment.

Any reports of harassment or intimidation in any form, directly or indirectly, either by threat or action, physical or emotional, in person or in writing, on campus or off campus, or through the use of technology will be investigated. If this conduct has led to or may potentially lead the victim(s) to reasonably fear for his/her, or others' safety, to suffer from emotional stress, or has unduly interfered with student life, the respondent may be subject to sanctions under the Code of Community Standards.

Furthermore, these actions may violate other university policies, civil and/or criminal law.

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Statement on Human Sexuality

Consistent with scripture and the breadth of the Christian tradition, LCU affirms that human sexuality is a gift from the creator God, designed for human flourishing and that the purposes of this gift include (1) the uniting and strengthening of the marital bond in sacrificial love, and (2) the procreation of human life. These purposes are to be achieved exclusively within the context of marriage between husband and wife. Sexual intimacy outside of a marriage is inconsistent with the teaching of scripture. Therefore, as a matter of faith and moral witness, students, faculty, and staff are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with this statement and to respect this understanding of human sexuality.

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Tobacco and Alternative Smoking Products

Students should be aware of the many physical dangers associated with the use of tobacco and nicotine products. To maintain a healthy environment and to encourage healthy lifestyles for all students, staff, and faculty, use of all tobacco products (including smokeless tobacco and any vapor products) is strictly prohibited on the LCU campus. The safety of all residents requires students and their guests respect this policy. Students should be aware they will be held responsible for the actions of any of their visitors or guests.

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Weapons Policy


Lubbock Christian University places a high priority on safety, seeking to create a safe and secure environment on its campus for students, faculty, staff, and guests.

General Policy

Consequently, pursuant to section 30.06 of the Texas Penal Code, no person may enter onto Lubbock Christian University property with a handgun (concealed or open carry) at any time. Property of Lubbock Christian University includes:

a) All land and buildings owned or leased by Lubbock Christian University;

b) Grounds where an activity or event sponsored by Lubbock Christian University is being conducted;

c) Passenger transportation vehicles owned by Lubbock Christian University.

In addition, carrying or possessing a weapon of any kind is prohibited on campus and at school-sponsored events. Any LCU student, faculty member, staff member, or contractor violating this policy is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion, dismissal, or termination of employment. While LCU has opted to prohibit the concealed carry of a handgun, the university reserves the right to grant approved employees, who hold a License to Carry, to do so as deemed appropriate and necessary.

This prohibition against weapons possession is in effect to the fullest extent allowed under Texas laws, including laws pertaining to weapons generally (Texas Penal Code 46.03) and to those with a license to carry (Texas Penal Code 46.035). When appropriate, anyone violating this policy may also be subject to prohibition from the campus and/or criminal prosecution. 


As used in this policy, the term "weapon" encompasses any object or substance designed to inflict a wound, incapacitate, or cause injury, and includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • firearms, including, without limitation, rifles, shotguns, handguns, BB or pellet guns, compressed-air guns, paintball or airsoft guns;
  • ammunition, including materials for making ammunition;
  • explosive material, including bombs, grenades, rockets and fireworks, or items for making explosive materials;
  • daggers, swords, spears, knives with blades longer than 5.5 inches, switchblades, butterfly knives, and other bladed weapons (including those intended for ceremonial or decorative uses);
  • slingshots, bows and arrows, clubs, blackjacks, nightsticks, hunting, or martial arts weapons;
  • weapons prohibited by Texas Penal Code Chapter 46 (which includes a variety of firearms, handguns, zip guns, clubs, knives, fake bombs, explosive weapons, and components of explosives that are possessed with the intent to create an explosive weapon);
  • other dangerous weapons, especially those intended for warfare, combat, or hunting; and
  • replicas or other objects that are made to look like actual weapons and could reasonably be mistaken by community members or police officers as actual weapons (including toy, fake, or facsimile weapons).

Note: Authorized campus officials may confiscate weapons and/or other items that do not violate the law, but constitute violations of LCU policies.

Violations of the Weapons Policy will not be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with the LCU Code of Community Standards, as well as criminal justice system.

Exceptions to the Policy

The only exceptions to this weapons prohibition are those authorized in writing by the Lubbock Christian University Police Department (LCUPD) Chief of Police and the exceptions below, which include exceptions mandated by law:

  • State law (Texas Labor Code 52.061) permits employees (including LCU employees) who hold a license to carry and lawfully possess a firearm or ammunition, to store or transport the firearm or ammunition in a locked, privately owned vehicle in a parking lot, garage, or other parking area that the employer provides to the employee. This permission extends only to employees and not to visitors or contractors; it pertains only to locked, privately owned vehicles in LCU parking facilities and does not extend to LCU owned vehicles.
  • State law (Texas Government Code 411.2032) permits persons who hold a license to carry (including enrolled LCU students) to store or transport firearms or ammunition in a locked, privately owned or leased vehicle located in LCU parking facilities or on campus streets and driveways.
  • Peace Officers or special investigators under Article 2.1222, Code of Criminal Procedures are permitted to carry handguns at all times on campus regardless of whether the peace officer or special investigator is engaged in the actual discharge of the officer's or investigator's duties while carrying the handgun.
  • Approved university experiments, educational forums, or projects, if written permission has been first obtained in writing from LCU's Chief of Police.
  • Any other exceptions must be approved in writing by LCU's Chief of Police.

LCU expects all members of the campus community to help safeguard the community by reporting promptly to LCUPD any weapons discovered to be present on campus. Persons should report any concerns about violations of this policy to the Chief of Police, Vice President for Student Life, Dean of Students, or a supervisor. Any person concerned about an imminent threat of violence on university property or at a university-sponsored event should report the concern immediately to LCU Public Safety at 806.928.6803 or call 9-1-1.

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Non-Disciplinary Process

In keeping with the redemptive nature of LCU’s disciplinary philosophy, students who come forward voluntarily confessing a violation of university policy or an addictive lifestyle including illegal drugs and controlled substances, steroids, alcohol, sexual immorality, pornography, and internet abuse may be afforded an opportunity to submit to a range of possibilities outside the disciplinary process. The following conditions must be met in order for students to take advantage of this non-disciplinary policy:

  • The student must take the first step by discussing his or her situation with the Dean of Students in order to negotiate an appropriate response. Once a violation is identified or reported, the normal disciplinary process will ensue, and the student will no longer have the option of a non-disciplinary response.
  • The student must be willing to submit to any intervention deemed appropriate by the Dean of Students.
  • The student must understand that in cases where the behavior is repetitive, self-destructive, endangering to others, or involves legal issues, the university has the responsibility to take appropriate action, including suspension or dismissal from the university.

SPECIAL NOTE: The university maintains the right to require the student to enter into professional counseling and/or medical treatment if the behavior in question warrants such a response. The student will assume financial responsibility for these services.

For additional information about the non-disciplinary process, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students in the Student Life Office located on the second floor of the SUB.

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Conduct Tiers and Community Responsibility

Incident reports alleging violations of the Code of Community Standards come in many different forms. Reports of violations of the Code of Community Responsibility or other violations of the Student Handbook will be investigated in a fair and thorough manner by the Dean of Students Office. Incident reports may be forwarded to the Student Life Office from members of the university community, including students, staff, and faculty. Additionally, reports, complaints, or other information involving possible violations of the Student Handbook may come from local, state, and federal agencies or other outside sources. These reports may also be forwarded to the Dean of Students and investigated as warranted. Documentation and any subsequent response by the Dean of Students will become part of the student’s conduct file.

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Conduct Sanctions

Violations of the Code of Community Standards will result in the possible imposition of one or more of the sanctions listed below. Sanctions will take into account the facts and circumstances surrounding each case, intent, the safety of the university community, student conduct history, integrity, and honesty in investigation process, and the sanction that will best benefit both the student and the campus community. Violation of any federal, state, or local law while enrolled as a student of the university, whether or not explicitly listed as a conduct tier, may also result in one or more of the sanctions listed below. The sanctions below appear in alphabetical order. In each case, the student will be provided with written statement(s) outlining the specific conditions of University imposed sanction(s).

Definitions of possible sanctions include:

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Alternative Conduct Sanctions and Probation

The university believes in the growth, rehabilitative nature, and applicability of sanctions in regard to violations of the Code of Community Standards. The Intelligent Decisions Advocacy Program (IDAP) is a program designed to, when applicable, closely relate the violation of the Code of Community Standards committed with an appropriate sanction. Students who violate this code will be enrolled in the IDAP program for a specific amount of time until their obligations have been fulfilled. Such obligations will range from community service on or off the campus of LCU to city-wide service or educational programs. Students enrolled in the IDAP program will be monitored by the Dean of Students.

A status indicates that a student's relationship with the university is tenuous and that specified conditions must be met and behaviors must be modified to continue as a student for the current and/or additional semesters.

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Dismissal is the separation of the student from the university as a result of an official decision to terminate a student’s enrollment for the remainder of the academic semester in which the offense occurred and/or for additional semesters as warranted by circumstances of the offense. Notification of dismissals will be sent to appropriate university officials, including the student’s academic advisor and parent or guardian as allowed by FERPA. Students who are dismissed for conduct reasons may apply for admission after satisfying requirements of the original dismissal agreement, but the university reserves the right to deny or place conditions on admission.

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Dismissal from University Housing

Loss of privilege to live in university housing. Students who lose the privilege to live on campus for conduct reasons will not receive a refund of room and board charges.

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Charges for violation of regulations must be paid in the Student Life Office or the Student Business Office.

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Loss of Institutional Funds

Any monies received from LCU, including, but not limited to, scholarships for academics and athletics or discounts. This sanction may be imposed for the current and/or additional semesters.

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Loss of Privileges

Loss may include eligibility to represent the university officially on athletic teams or performing groups, attendance at school functions, seeking or holding an elected or appointed student office, right to advance register, eating in the Cafeteria, participation in social clubs or intramural sports, and use of specific university facilities, computer systems, equipment, services, or restriction to residence hall or room.

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Written warning that continuation or repetition of misconduct may result in a more severe sanction.

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Requirement to pay for the repair or replacement of damaged property. If restitution is due the university, the charges will be added to the student’s account. Failure to pay appropriate restitution to another student will result in additional sanctions including denial of future enrollment or refusal to release official transcript.

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Temporary separation of the student from the university for a specified amount of time.

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An oral or written warning for conduct unbecoming a Lubbock Christian University student.

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Conduct Tiers
  1. Tier 1 Violations - Violations falling under this category will result in corrective action warnings (either verbal or written). Additional stipulations or secondary conditions may be applied. All university officials, including the Dean of Students, Residence Hall Supervisors, and Residence Assistants may enforce compliance with this section. They include, but are not limited to:

    • T1-01. Minor instances of disorderly conduct during chapel or any other public assembly or class
    • T1-02. Failure to present official LCU ID card upon request of university authorities, including all administrators, deans, members of the faculty, LCU Public Safety personnel, residence hall and university staff
    • T1-03. Exhibiting, displaying, or engaging in lewd, indecent, sexually explicit suggestive material, conduct, actions, or words not congruent with values of LCU, including but not limited to, alcoholic beverage containers, photographs, personal photographs, posters, decorations, displays, clothing, and advertisements
    • T1-04. Violation of LCU campus dress code
    • T1-05. Engaging or threatening to engage in behavior that would cause minor damage to university property or to the personal property of others
    • T1-06. Use of profanity, vulgarity, or obscenity in any form
    • T1-07. Violations of general university policies, or parking/safety regulations
    • T1-08. Violations of general residence life policies including, but not limited to, curfew policies for freshman, overnight curfew policies, cleanliness, burning of candles and/or incense, misuse of university/residence hall furniture and/or equipment
    • T1-09. Failure to accurately list with the university a current place of residence and to promptly inform the university of any subsequent changes in the listing
    • T1-10. Use of tobacco, smokeless tobacco, or vapor products in any form on campus or at any university-sponsored event
    • T1-11. Unauthorized entries into prohibited or restrictive areas

    Note: Dependent on severity of the offense and the student’s conduct history, a violation in Tier 1 could be viewed as a Tier 2 violation or a Tier 3 violation and will be dealt with accordingly.

  2. Tier 2 Violations - Tier 2 violations will result minimally in the enrollment to the Intelligent Decisions Advocacy Program (IDAP). In addition, the Dean of Students may deem suspension, dismissal, additional conditions, or alternative requirements as an appropriate consequence for first or subsequent Tier II offenses. Violations include, but are not limited to:

    • T2-01. Failure to respond in an appropriate and timely manner to a summons to any administrative office or to appear at a university conduct hearing
    • T2-02. Failure to comply with a disciplinary decision, conditions of probation (including terms of student appeals), or the directive of a university official acting in the performance of his/her duties
    • T2-03. Misuse of fire or safety equipment; that is using such equipment for other than its intended purpose. Also includes automatic fines for misuse of fire extinguishers, pulling fire alarms, or making false emergency notifications
    • T2-04. Unauthorized use, duplication, or possession of university keys, as well as the unauthorized entry or use of university buildings, facilities, equipment, supplies, or resources
    • T2-05. Possession of pornographic material in any form (i.e. print, video, electronic), as well as suggestive or otherwise sexually inappropriate material
    • T2-06. Violations of the visitation policies of university residence halls
    • T2-07. Violation of federal, state, or local law or university policy concerning technology use
    • T2-08. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of university documents, forms, records, identification cards, or meal plans
    • T2-09. Violation of Community Alcohol Policy
    • T2-10. Gambling, defined as playing games of chance for money, is prohibited in any form including, but not limited to, wagering, gaming, bookmaking, and on-line gambling
    • T2-11. Possession of stolen property
    • T2-12. Lying to a university authority, including all administrators, deans, members of the faculty, student workers, LCU Public Safety personnel, and residence hall supervisors
    • Note: Any reports of academic dishonesty (plagiarism, cheating, etc.) will be reported to the Dean of Students and will be noted in the student’s permanent conduct file.
    • T2-13. Failure to adhere to university requirements concerning the Spiritual Life Policy.
    • T2-14. Unauthorized use of university identification numbers, personal login information, and access codes.
    • T2-15. Any participation in hazing. See Hazing Policy
    • T2-16. Engaging or threatening to engage in behavior that would cause major damage to university property or to the personal property of others
    • T2-17. Engaging in behavior that poses a threat of harm to the health or safety of self or others, as described in university policy.
    • T2-18. Possession, distribution, or sale of drug paraphernalia
    • T2-19. Violation of Harassment and Intimidation Policy.

    Note: Dependent on severity of the offense and the student’s conduct history, a violation in Tier 2 could be viewed as a Tier 3 violation and will be dealt with accordingly.

  3. Tier 3 Violations: Tier 3 violations may result in dismissal from the university for one or more semesters, including permanent expulsion, on the first occurrence. These offenses include, but are not limited to:
    • T3-01. Violation of community drug policy, including, but not limited to, possession, use, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs, including illegally obtained prescription drugs
    • T3-02. Second, or subsequent, violation[s] of the Community Alcohol and Drug Policy
    • T3-03. Violation of Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment and Stalking Policy
    • T3-04. Arson
    • T3-05. Possession, use, or discharge of any weapon on campus or at a university-sponsored event
    • T3-06. Any intentional interference of university activities or events
    • T3-07. Willful participation in any campus or LCU sponsored activity in which drunkenness, lewd, disorderly, or indecent behavior takes place
    • T3-08. Theft
    • T3-09. Failure to comply with the terms of the Community Disruption Policy

Please Note: Honesty, a spirit of cooperation in the disciplinary process, and consideration of the student’s prior offenses will be evaluated as an integral part of the Office of the Dean of Students investigation process.

Violation of any federal, state, or local law not specifically covered in the above conduct tiers may result in disciplinary action.

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Student Appeal Process

Lubbock Christian University has implemented procedures for student appeals with the intent of assuring fundamental fairness in all areas of the disciplinary process. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Student Life Office within three (3) business days of the sanction. The written appeal must cite the specific grounds that would justify consideration of an appeal. Appeals will not be considered unless submitted in writing and within three (3) business days of the sanction.

Please Note: General dissatisfaction with the sanction or an appeal for mercy is not an appropriate basis for an appeal.

Appropriate grounds for an appeal include:

  • insufficient evidence to support the decision
  • new evidence or facts not known to the student or the Dean of Students Office at the time of the hearing
  • procedural irregularity that undermined the student’s ability to present a defense
  • inappropriateness of the sanction for the violation of the Code of Community Standards (including consideration of the student’s prior offenses, mitigating circumstances, honesty in the investigation process, or (un)willingness to cooperate in the disciplinary process.)
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Conduct Review Board

In the assurance that all students will receive a fair and impartial review of their conduct sanction, the Conduct Review Board (CRB) will hear all student appeals regarding conduct sanctions and chapel offenses. In the instance of chapel offenses, decisions of the CRB are final. The CRB will be comprised of two faculty members, two staff members, two students, and one non-voting chairperson. The chair will vote only in the event of a tie. Representative(s) from the Student Life Office will be present and available to answer questions by the CRB or the student(s) in question. A quorum of one faculty member, one staff member, one student, and the chair is necessary to conduct a hearing.

The board will look at all aspects of the investigation carried out by the Dean of Students. They may choose to meet with the student in question, as well as other individuals involved in the situation, as they see fit. No outside witness or counsel is allowed in these hearings. The CRB will be allowed to review only the information presented during the proceeding and will uphold, amend, or repeal the decision of the Dean of Students. The CRB will communicate its findings and actions in writing and deliver them to the appropriate dean within one (1) business day. Their decision will be communicated to the student within three (3) business days by a representative of the Student Life Office. It is the responsibility of the Student Life Office to contractually bind the student to the terms of any amended sanction. While appealing or awaiting results of an appeal, the student may be granted permission to continue attending classes unless his or her presence on campus presents a reasonable likelihood of a threat to the university community or to any individual. The decision of the Conduct Review Board is final.

Questions or request for additional information about the Code of Community Standards, conduct tiers, or the appeal process can be directed to the Dean of Students in the Student Life Office at 806.720.7501. The Student Life Office is located on the second floor of the SUB.

Note: Lubbock Christian University may refuse the right of any student to attend the university if it is believed to be in the best interest of the student or university community.

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