Alan Rhodes, attorney, business professional, and member of the LCU Board of Trustees has found a way to help local nurses, first responders, and…
Dr. Mark Wilkinson, professor of nursing at Lubbock Christian University, landed in Boston, Massachusetts on April 28, ready to help fight COVID-19 on…
“With the help of my LCU family I can honestly say that my life has been changed forever.” Powerful words from Rita Reyes, a first-generation student…
At the annual Employee Appreciation Dinner, Lubbock Christian University leadership recognized the extensive contributions of nine employees who are…
Meet Dr. Byron Rogers, a beloved professor of Chemistry at Lubbock Christian University since 1986—who also happens to teach and compose music.
Dr. JoAnn Long, Professor of Nursing and Director of Research & Development in her department, has been selected by the Lubbock chapter of the YWCA as…
How did this iteration of the QEP start, and when did you get involved?
CB: SACS decided years ago that there should be a mechanism instituted by the…
As a part of the university's new Quality Enhancement Program (QEP), LCU has implemented a program for strategically-selected faculty and staff…
“We can all encourage one another to be the very best we can be. I’ve been called to encourage people. We talk about changing lives, and I’ve seen…