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Student Life
Small School, Big Experience
Lubbock Christian University may be a small school, but here you'll live large. You'll feel the strong sense of community and the welcoming atmosphere the first time you set foot on campus.
Choose from more than 25 student organizations and more than 13 intramural sports. Keep fit at the Rhodes Perrin Rec Center, our newly-renovated 70,000-square-foot recreation facility. Cheer on the Chaps or Lady Chaps (including our 2008 national champion women's softball team.) Travel the world through study abroad programs. Or take part in a student-led Spring Break campaign offered across the country and around the world.
At LCU, you'll never be bored. You'll participate in fun and exciting activities, explore opportunities on campus and off, and make lifelong friends along the way.
But don't just take it from us. Here's what some of our current students (your future classmates) have said make LCU such an active and energetic place:
- "Singing at Chapel"
- "Feeling immediately welcomed at GO orientation"
- "Just hanging out at the dorms is a blast"
- "Having the girls ask the guys out during TWIRP Week"
- "Getting shaved ice at Bahama Buck's then going bowling"
- "There's so much stuff to do here!"
- "Decorating the Chaparral statue"
- "Performing 'Thriller' at Master Follies"
Areas of Interest
Lubbock is the "Hub City." With a metro area population of 260,000, there's so much to do.
At LCU, you're within 20 miles of:
- 1,779 Retail Stores
- 337 restaurants
- 65 public parks
- 40+ movie screens
- 9 golf courses
- 9 libraries
- Buffalo Springs Lake
- An International Airport