Mercy Seat Wings Art installation in CDC foyer
Youth Ministry
David Fraze Headshot

Welcome to the Youth Ministry page!

If you are here because you are considering a degree in Youth Ministry, welcome to the challenge and adventure. As you explore this program, you will see that we are serious about preparing you for the ministry. Why? We believe you need to be the most prepared, motivated, articulate, and passionate follower of Jesus possible to meet the challenges of ministering to today’s adolescent. We teach our majors the theory and skills necessary to minister to adolescents in the contexts of family, surrounding adult community, church, para-church, and contemporary culture. You will be challenged, but we will walk with you each step of the way.

If you are here because you are a youth ministry professional or volunteer, welcome. We are honored and want to partner with you. We encourage you to visit our camps website and learn more about the events, camps, and services we offer to assist you and your ministry. Do you need an intern? Our students are prepared to be an asset to your ministry and learn from your wisdom and experience.

If you are here because you want to add ministry skills to your current degree program, welcome. Our Minor in Youth Ministry is perfect for those who want to enhance their volunteer ministry to teenagers and/or work as a bi-vocational minister.  

If you would like more answers or help, please reach out to me. I’d love the opportunity to talk with you.

Dr. David W. Fraze
Associate Professor
James A. Buddy Davidson Endowed Chair of Youth Ministry

What will I be prepared to do when I graduate?

Engage Youth

understand the psychological and social needs of youth culture.


Lead Ministry

plan relevant ministry for adolescents and their families.


Foster Spiritual Growth

coach teens and families how to strengthen their walk with God


Communicate Effectively

apply conflict resolution skills to help families and others.


The Desire: Most students intend to keep their faith strong after high school

The Reality: 1 out of 2 students will walk or slowly drift away from faith after high school

The Call: Do you want to be part of the solution?

Alumni Spotlight
Aaron's headshot

Aaron Dawson

Missional Life Minister, Monterey Church of Christ, Lubbock, Texas

LCU’s ministry program planted in me the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God. I emerged a new person.

J.E.'s headshot

J.E. Bundy

Youth Minister, Fairmont Park Church of Christ, Midland, TX

My time in the YFM program gave me the tools, the connections, and the confidence to step into ministry. Any success I have had in my ministry comes first from God, who blesses me beyond my ability, and second from the professors who poured into me as a student, and continue to pour into me as an alumnus. They prepared me for, and continue to walk beside me through, every challenge I have and encounter in my ministry.

Marty's headshot

Marty Baker

Youth Minister, Heritage Church, Fort Worth, TX

Investing in students throughout a community can be a demanding experience. LCU’s Youth/Family Program not only equipped me to meet those demands, but also taught me how to anticipate obstacles in advance and stay ahead of the curve through continued research and personal development. LCU provided a top-notch Bible program that went deeper than I ever anticipated, while also showing me how to use Biblical scholarship to impact the world around me in real ways that make a difference in the lives of everyday people. I am greatly indebted to this program for all it has done and continues to do for me and the families with which I minister.

Megan's headshot

Megan Bundy

Youth Minister, Midland Texas

I have been so blessed by my decision to join LCU’s Youth and Family Ministry department. As one of the first women to major in Youth and Family, I knew at once it was the right place for me. I felt at home. I learned how to walk alongside youth and show them Jesus in a way they could relate to Him. I still hold important lessons that I learned close to my heart. They benefit me not only in my ministry, but also make me a better person every day.

Thinking about pursuing a degree in youth and family ministry?

Visit the University Catalog here to view this and other courses making up Biblical Studies degree plans.